About Author

Bob Price

Bob Price
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Thriller Supernatural Suspense Humor Science Fiction Fantasy Horror
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Indie Author
  • Born: 15 June1950
  • Member Since: Oct 2021
  • Profile Views: 15,949
  • Followers: 254
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Linkedin, BlueSky,

Bob Price is a multi-genre author with a focus on fiction covering the following: action thrillers, crime, mystery, science fiction, political satire, supernatural and westerns. When not writing, he can be found supporting his wife and children directing their activities in the garden.

Bob Price's Books

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Bob Price's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Bob Price.
** Also, there might be other book series by Bob Price not listed on AllAuthor.

  • A Betty Buick mystery

    1 The Satanic Chapel: The Devil does not discriminate. A soul is a soul no matter the colour of skin or religion. A Betty Buick Tale. - Published on Apr, 2022
  • First in a series

    1 The White Coven - Belfast - Published on Jun, 20212 Space Village One - Published on Feb, 2022

Bob Price Interview On 06, May 2022

"Author of political satire and multiple other genres including crime, humor, and paranormal, Bob Price always wanted to write since very young. He was an avid reader initially of comic books and magazines. He aims for adult audiences across all genres he writes. He loves animals, classic cars, old movies, and fish and chips."
What was your dream career when you were a child?


What hobby do you miss most from your childhood? Why?

Stamp collecting

Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?

I was an avid reader initially of comic books and magazines.

How did you get started with writing your first novel?

As a teenager I used to read Mickey Spillane – Mike Hammer detective paperbacks and one day figured I wanted to write something similar.

How much did you research for your book, Space Village One?

Plenty of research although I cannot put a time estimate against any part that required research. I’m not a scientist so it was important to me that I understood the basics about space travel and living in space.

What things do you keep in mind while adding humor to your stories?

For me humour either comes or it doesn’t. I find if I’m working on a conversation between people humour naturally shows itself as it would ordinarily.

What is your book, They're on the Move : Episode Three about?

It is the third in a series of a political satire tales about British Prime Minister Rupert Streaker who in this novel moves Parliament to a new site outside Blackburn. Of course such a move would injure many egos who see any move North of the M25 as a lowering of their status. It is intended to reflect in a humorous way the antics some MPs will go to remain in London.

What are some of the most profound "shower thoughts" you've had?

Gosh! Okay, as I’ve grown older my thoughts tend to play around with ideas about life and death and what we are doing on planet Earth. Also, I find myself dwelling on the artificial society we have built for ourselves and why we have so many poor and so few wealthy.

What developed your love for writing?

I genuinely feel as if I’ve always wanted to write since very young. Apologies to anyone who has heard that before, it’s just how I feel.

What kind of audience do you hope to appeal to with your books?

I aim for adult audiences across all genres I write. Not just that but people who want their imaginations challenged and are willing to be open minded enough to consider totally different perspectives to those we have all grown up following.

How do you come up with good ideas for books?

Because I write several series in different genres I go from one to another giving myself from what I wrote about last. I couldn’t be like for example Lee Child who seems to continually write about one main character Jack Reacher. It’s fantastic to me that he is able to do so.

What was the most challenging part of writing your first book, Betty Buick?

Slowing myself down from wanting it completed. I failed and have had to write a second edition because it was obviously rushed. My bad.

What's one thing you think you can eat forever without ever getting sick of it?

Apples and Cheesy Cheddar crisps.

Can you tell us about your current projects? When can the readers expect your next book in print?

My latest book is out this week. A supernatural/horror. The third in the Betty Buick series titled The Satanic Chapel. It’s a tale about people who believe they can control the Devil and ask for his help to take control of the world. It’s been done before I know, but I would like to think that my approach is unique.

What are your thoughts on AllAuthor? Is this a website you see yourself using for some time even in the future?

I really do appreciate AllAuthor otherwise I wouldn’t be adding to it. It has a friendly and useful community of authors willing to share their thoughts. Also, the site is very user friendly unlike some. Navigation is good and advertising work can get results. I hope to keep using AllAuthor for the foreseeable future.

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