Live It, Love It, Write It!
From my first publication in 2012 to now, I’ve put out over 70 titles—every one of them different, unique and with a special purpose. What’s that? As a BDSM lifestyler, I want my readers to be entertained but also trust they will get truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle in my books. My hope is that they not only walk away entertained (and a little horny), but also wanting more.
I don’t think there’s a genre of erotica that I don’t enjoy writing; hence, I’ve developed an extensive collection that ra... nges from Historical Victorian to Science Fiction, Contemporary/Historical Westerns, Humor, Post-Apocalyptic, Fantasy and everything in between. My readers are smart (and a little sadistic) and don’t hesitate to let me know EXACTLY what they want—and I do my best to make them happy. My readers are everything to me and I strive to provide something for everyone. I’ve also published non-fiction pieces that share how I was introduced to the Age-Play lifestyle (The General’s Little Angel and A Little Play Day). In the spirit of paying it forward to my first Dom who not only blistered my tail, but saved my life, the proceeds from The General’s Little Angel have been donated to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
I’m known best for my Age-Play books and my spanking/sex scenes. Each book has different heat levels appropriate for the story and always involve committed relationships, including those with multiple and/or same sex partners, consensual (except in horror/post-apop where the bad guy always gets his in the end—sometimes literally!), and have a strong story line that keeps the reader engaged and invested in the characters.
Warning—most of my readers say that they cry at the end and then spend the rest of the day looking like clowns because they can’t stop smiling.
So what makes me, well, me?
I’m a native Californian gone 'wild', and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and provide realistic plots and relatable characters.
In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.
My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I’ve devoted my ‘spare’ time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.
I was formally ‘dungeon trained’ as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and provides a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also address the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on 'the real deal'.
I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can't find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for
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Book |
Billion Dollar Daddies: Special Edition: Jennie and Sam Book 2by Breanna HaysePublish: Jul 15, 2019Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Humor more» |
The Gentlemen's Club: HADLEY (Billion Dollar Daddies: The Gentlemen's Club Book 1)by Breanna HaysePublish: Nov 23, 2019 |
Northern Lights: Lenaby Breanna HaysePublish: Apr 12, 2019Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction |
The Whip Master (The Maids of Graye Book 1)by Breanna HaysePublish: Aug 17, 2016Series: Maids of GrayeContemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction |
It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Breanna Hayse.
** Also, there might be other book series by Breanna Hayse not listed on AllAuthor.
2018 was a challenge and a time for growth. After three years of fighting kidney disease, I finally ‘gave birth’ to my left kidney and can really live again! With that came a surge of ideas and a promise to continue to deliver a NEW NOVEL (not novella) every month to my incredible fans. They are everything to me and I hope they know how much I appreciate and adore them. My focus is primarily the two new series- Billion Dollar Daddies© and Northern Lights©, and the intertwining of all my characters. BDD is also going to get an offshoot: Royal Connections (the edgier side of Age-Play)
If given a chance, would you add or remove anything from your autobiography, The General’s Little Angel? What would it be about?I was very selective with the things I shared in that book. In fact, (I hope this doesn’t come across as morbid), but I wrote most of it at my first Daddy Dom’s gravesite. I did a lot of crying and soul-searching- wondering if he’d want me to share certain things. I never realiized what a handful I was, either! LOL! But- my general changed my life and gave it meaning, and I hope the books honors his memory as much as it shares my heart. I pray that it gives courage and hope to those who read it and show them that their voice, their life, and their story—matters.
How do you think your first book, "The Game Plan" started the age-play literature phenomena that we see today? Did you expect it to become a huge hit to readers?It touched the unspoken desires that almost every woman has - for that little girl to be loved, accepted and cared for by a loving, devoted, and firm man. When GP made it’s debut, not everyone was accepting because, as I’ve mentioned before, stories with ‘daddy titles’ had been written as taboo/porn. By exposing a secret part of the lifestyle dynamic, it also opened the door for unspoken and hidden desires in so many. Because of the misrepresentation and ignorance of the dynamic, many people had difficulty accepting the reality- but it happened. I certainly never expected it to explode the way it did- and, truth be told, it saddens me that the ‘taboo’ portion (abuse/pedophilic/porn/daddy title with sex) has returned with the sole purpose to make money. In many ways, age-play literature is back to square one because of pieces that confuse daddy role-play with real age-play, and have turned off readers from exploring the sweetness of our lifestyle. It just saddens me as a liifestyler, yanno?
How do you think your blog will help the authors who need/want some extra help? What are the tools of the trade?I open my blog for any author who needs promos because that’s how we should treat each other. Having been on the receiving end of publisher bullying, I vowed to never let anyone feel that way and will do what I can to build my colleagues, not bring them down. Like any industry, ours has both good, and bad, eggs. I’m hoping, through my blog and publishing company- Twisted Hearts Productions- to hatch the good ones and show authors their true potential. As for the tools of the trade- I can summarize that in a single word- Perserverance.
Having the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world, which is your favorite place to be? What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?I actually have two favorite places- the beach and the mountains. Geographically, my favorite warm place was a tiny beach in Okinawa, north island. It was like Hawaii in miniature- a tiny waterfall come down off a small cliff and onto diamond white sand, tiny pineapples and bananas growing wild and as sweet as sugar, and water so clear you’d think you were looking through a window. My favorite cold place is Denali national forest (the birthplace of Billion Dollar Daddies©: Jennie and the age-play town in the Northern Lights© series.) There’s nothing like the scent of snow and spruce, or the sound of the wind whistling through the trees, to bring my muse to life.
My dream, though- is to go to Transylvania (my grandmother was born there!) and travel through the Carpathian Mountains. One of my favorite menage books, Two By Day/Three By Night, is set there- and all the descriptions were from the stories I heard as a child.
Why did you and your husband decide to join forces to work with both submissive and dominants? What did you do to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships?The primary reason was because we witnessed the damage being done on sites like Fetlife and phony blogs where people were getting hurt because there was no mentoring or accountability. This problem grew with the coming out of ‘shaders’ (people claiming to be BDSM experts after reading 50SOG which is, as we all know, NOT a true depiction of our lifestyle). With education, comes acceptance- and we decided to take the risk of exposure and give back to the community in appreciation for what we had gained. We’re both old school- and that meant showing, not telling, people who we are. We were open, honest, and transparent, and shared that BDSM is not about whips and chains, but about love, trust, integrity and accountability. Surprisingly enough, people who found out about me were excited and curious while John (bless his heart- he’s fairly private) received the response of Ah! That explains everything! LOL! Poor guy.
Your stories are interwoven with humor, fantasy and romance. How do you make sure that one does not overpower the other?To start, my beta readers keep me grounded. These ladies are brutal and I love every one of them. They are devoted to the characters and won’t hesitate to tell me if something is off, inconsistent, or unbalanced. I strive to maintain truth and realism in my work as much as possible, particularly in the contemporary pieces. I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’ve taken ALL my contemporary works and placed them under the umbrella of Graye Manor. That means, in a nutshell, that all the characters know someone/are connected with another book/series, and that they all are unified under Dorian in one way or another. It’s actually been a lot of fun because I’m not reinventing the wheel- rather, I’m continuing with sharing the characters lives and how they intertwine with one another. The readers are eating it up, too. They don’t have to lose a beloved character just because the series is done. It’s been a challenge, though! I’ve got (at least) seven series and a few dozen singles to work into the world of Graye Manor- and make the timeline fit all of them!
Calliope's Little Conquest is the first book in the Saddlesore Ranch series. How many more books are planned in the series? How do you intend to take this journey forward?All my books are character driven so, as the series develops, it depends on where the residents and visitors of Saddlesore Ranch want to go. Of course, being connected with Dorian Graye, the journey is unlimited! Except for time—I need another 24 hours in a day and an addition ten days in a week just to catch up on all the stories I want to write!
What inspired the plot for Guardian Domination? Is the character of Celeste Bronston based on the life of any of your clients or friends?The truth? Guardian Domination is an artistic rendition of my own training/life with John, and some of the friends who walked by my side during my transition into submission. All the events in the book have actually happened (with some detail changes to protect the not-so- innocent and add to artistic interest). I have to admit that it cracks me up when I’ll get a review stating the impossibility of living that way! I bet he/she couldn’t last an hour in my shoes (back then). Since the publication of the piece- I don’t get into quite as much mischief or, at least, I’m smart enough not to get caught!
All your male characters, be it Dorian Gray from The Whip Master or Greg Carmichael from Mastering Annie, are heroic and tempting. What inspires you to write these characters?My husband, John, is my true inspiration. He’s all facets of each of the heroic dominants in my books and many times I’ll discussed scenarios with him so that my boys stay consistent... They’re also flawed- like in real life- and have experiences that force them to be accountable and grow. Dorian, though, is the ultimate of perfection in that he’s perfectly imperfect- which is something I want the readers to witness. They see him strong and weak, laugh and cry, be arrogant and then humbled, and even chased away by a the manor’s chef and her big, wooden spoon. He’s so complex- the man and the little boy, the knight-in-shining armor who will cry in the arms of his beloved wife. He’s masterful and brilliant- yet wears mismatched socks to annoy Merry, and pulls pranks on his brother-in-law. I love Dorian- he’s the embodiment of what a dominant means to me, and I love seeing his character bloom and grow in the new series, Billion Dollar Daddies. It’s almost as though he’s stepped out of Graye Manor and entered our world. He’s the model of what all the junior Doms aspire to be, and the most generous, loving, and compassionate person they know. You tell me- what girl wouldn’t want a Dorian in her life?
How was your experience of writing the multi-author BWWM Collection of Passion and Desire, "Without Limits?" Which is your favorite story from the collection other than the one you wrote yourself, "The Colors of Love?"Nicole Morgan is an awesome woman, and she made the anthology a load of fun. It was my first experience with writing BWWN and, to be honest, I was a bit nervous because I didn’t want to misrepresent anyone. The thing is that, once I got into the story, I was color- blind! My heart went out to my heroine and her pain and confusion, and I found myself cheering for my hero and his stubborn charm. As for my favorite story—the other authors involved are amazing- so to pick a favorite would require I leave out the rest. No can do! They are all incredible and add a piece to the delicious dinner that is this anthology.
How much have you grown as a writer from your first publication in 2012 to now? Any tips for aspiring writers?OMG! I look back at all the things I’ve gone through and learned over the past 7 years and 71 books later, and shake my head with disbelief. I never would have dreamed that anything I wrote would hit the best-seller list, let every one of my books have- and a large portion even went to #1! That is humbling in itself because those achievements are due to my readers, and I humbling and gratefully thank them for their faithfulness, loyalty, and support.
They’ve also challenged me to grow. My writing style has developed to be more emotional and the readers are so invested in the characters now that they holler at me as though the heroes/heroines are real people (although, in my mind and heart, they are!).
My tips?
* First- write for yourself. If you aren’t madly in love and emotionally invested in your work, your readers won’t be either.
* Second- believe in yourself and your art. You don’t need to hook up with a shady group of people who promise you the moon in return for undeserved loyalty or sacrificing your integrity.
* Third- be wise when you publish. There are a lot of sketchy publishers/cliques in this industry- so ask around before you get roped in. Believe you can make it without the necessity of a publisher’s cut- especially if it’s a little, mediocre or unethical publisher. Find supportive, kind, and knowledgeable individuals who will help you without strings attached- that includes going over your contracts. Believe me- I learned the hard way on this one! That’s why I make myself available to host promos on my blog and add books to my newsletter.
* Fourth- be honest with yourself and your readers. Once you think you know everything, you’ll see how little you do know. Penname aside, if you pretend to be something you’re not (i.e into BDSM when you’re vanilla), your fans will not respond well. I’ve seen too many authors fall off the face of the earth because they were busted in lying to their fans.
* Finally- Follow the counsel of those who’ve paved the way before you, and form a strong foundation to stand upon.
Um, if I said I’d go sight-seeing, you KNOW I was lying! Assuming Chris would play along, I can think of numerous activities I’d jump on! Literally. But shh, don’t tell John! He already knows me too well- hell, I write MFM, and tons of poly! I asked him once who he thought I’d chose to have a night with out of all my male celebrity crushes and his response? Duh! ALL of them. Yeah... what can I say?
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?I used to, but not so much anymore. I have way too many books out there to keep track, to start. The good ones tell me if I’m going in the right direction and the negatives ones (outside of the trolls- who make me laugh) give me an idea where I might need to clarify/fix. You can’t make everybody happy and there are always going to be those who find fault. After all- it’s easier to criticize than to write a book yourself, so why not? Also, if it bothered them enough to get ugly- guess what? My story is permanently in your head!!! My disposition is- go ahead and hate it- you bought it anyway, so thank you for your support!
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