About Author

Cami Murdock Jensen

Cami Murdock Jensen

Cami Murdock Jensen grew up in Spanish Fork, Utah, fostering two passions: science and the fine arts. As a senior in high school, she won the Sterling Scholar in science and cloned DNA to compete on the state level. One year later, she wrote the score for her first children’s musical, "Robin Hood: Tales of Ye Merry Wood", which she later published. She has since dedicated years to teaching, writing, composing, and directing, as well as studying the genetic defect that runs in her family. Cami has six amazing children who have battled leagues of demons and a husband who is a much better hero than any prince.

Cami Murdock Jensen's Books

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First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Series
(17) $0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Seriesby Cami Murdock JensenPublish: Jun 27, 2019Series: The Arch Mage SeriesAction & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
Fourth Earth: A YA Fantasy Adventure to the planet of Mythical Creatures (Arch Mage Series Book 4)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Fourth Earth: A YA Fantasy Adventure to the planet of Mythical Creatures (Arch Mage Series Book 4)by Cami Murdock JensenPublish: Nov 24, 2021Action & Adventure Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Children's
Second Earth: Book Two in the Arch Mage Series
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Second Earth: Book Two in the Arch Mage Seriesby Cami Murdock JensenPublish: Jan 23, 2020Series: The Arch Mage SeriesAction & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
Third Earth: A YA Fantasy Adventure on the Dragon Planet (Arch Mage Series Book 3)
$5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Third Earth: A YA Fantasy Adventure on the Dragon Planet (Arch Mage Series Book 3)by Cami Murdock JensenPublish: Jan 21, 2021Series: The Arch Mage SeriesAction & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult

Cami Murdock Jensen's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Cami Murdock Jensen.
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Cami Murdock Jensen's Awards and Achievements

    Cami Murdock Jensen has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Readers' Favorite 5 Stars

    Third Earth: A YA Fantasy Adventure on the Dragon Planet (Arch Mage Series Book 3)

  • Reader's Favorite 5-star Award

    Second Earth: Book Two in the Arch Mage Series

  • The Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2020 Finalist

    Second Earth: Book Two in the Arch Mage Series

  • Feathered Quill Finalist

    First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Series

  • Reader's Favorite 5-star Award

    First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Series

  • Readers Favorite International Book Awards

    First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Series

  • The Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist

    First Earth: Book One in the Arch Mage Series


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