What are the life lessons you feel your children teach you?
How to stay young and keep an open mind. My youngest is especially good at this. She's a true individual.
Is your wife critical of your writing? Does she read your drafts and give suggestions?
She used to read them all, but she's lazy like me. :) She prefers to help me proof the audio books before they're published now. As far as being critical, she has no problem calling me out for using something she considers in appropriate. But it's a rare occasion we disagree on the content.
What is North Virginia famous for? How do you like the place?
Traffic. It's a bustling area, one of the busiest in the country now. And it's a good place to make money. The DC suburbs, where I work, are the worst. But, where I live, on the west side of the Blue Ridge, it's not so bad.
Did you always write? When did you write your first ever piece of creative writing?
I've been writing off and on since the eighth grade. My first creative writing ventures began in high school during my junior year. I didn't publish anything until over twenty years later.
What are the other activities apart from writing that you enjoy doing? How often can you make time for them?
Anything outdoor related: camping, hiking, backpacking, exploring. I make time as often as I can.
How important do you think are e-books and platforms like AllAuthor for self-published authors like yourself?
They're vital. Paperbacks will never go away but ebooks are a huge portion of my income as an indie. AllAuthor and platforms like it are invaluable outlets for promotion.
You call yourself a “Freedom-loving patriot”. How do you reflect that it your stories?
You'll have to read them to find out.
“What’s Left of My World” was your first book and earned great praise for it becoming an Amazon post-apocalyptic and dystopian best seller. How does that make you feel? Does it inspire you to write more?
Of course. Nothing makes a person want more success than finding success in something. I never even saw it coming, but it was an pleasant and welcome surprise. It's inspired me to write not just in the same series but also to branch out into other works as well.
You received some back-lash on the language of “What’s Left of My World.” How did you take the negative reviews and turn them into something positive?
I removed quite a bit of the offensive language in recent versions. But, I also used one of the more potty-mouthed characters and created a scene to poke fun at the situation in Book 3. She "turns over a new leaf," but who's to know if it will remain that way.
Some authors can get away with it, others not. I've read a couple books where the F-word was used repetitively, but no 1-star reviews over it.
When writing a series like “What’s Left of My World”, how do you ensure that when one book ends, it leaves the reader wanting for more?
I try to write the ending when I'm about 50% through. That gives me a way to know when to quit. As far as how I do it...I'm unsure. The first two ended with unfinished stories, and that was enough. Book three ended with a soft cliffhanger, of which I'm still receiving flak over.
The titles of the books in the series- “What’s Left of My World”, “This We Will Defend”, and “We Won’t Go Quietly” tell a story themselves. Was this done intentionally? How long do you take to decide the title of your books?
The original title for book one was just going to be "My World," but I decided it was boring, overused, and didn't really tell potential readers anything. Lauren's world is turned upside down...it's a fraction of what it used to be. That's how the title came about. The others also tell a bit about the story and were titled as such. Once I come up with a plot for the books, the titles aren't hard to come up with. Although, I have created titles first, and aligned the plot to work with the title.
Lauren’s character in the series of “What’s left of My World” develops over time and she comes out as a very strong character. Was a real life person an inspiration behind Lauren’s character?
I wrote Lauren's character based on my youngest daughter, who hasn't ceased to amaze me every day since she's been born. She's strong, intelligent, mouthy, questions everything, and thinks on her own. A leader, not a follower. And she loves her dad for some reason... she's an inspiration to me. She's growing up to be one hell of a young woman, and I'm doing my best to guide her along the way.
What are your expectations from yourself as a writer in the future?
I'm going to keep plugging. I hope to publish at least two books a year from here on out, but the readership is voracious. This year I'm working to get three books out and it's become easier since learning how to dictate and transcribe.
What is the title of the next book you are working on? What is it about?
I'll be releasing Divided We Stand, the fourth in the What's Left of My World Series on Independence Day 2018. It's a continuation of where the story left off in book 3.