About Author

C.H. Admirand

C.H. Admirand

In case we have not met yet, here is a little bit about me:

I write Historical & Contemporary Romance featuring: Hardheaded Heroes & Feisty Heroines.

I fell in love at first sight, when I was seventeen, with the man who will hold my heart forever. DJ and I were married for 41 wonderful years until my darling lost his battle with cancer. We have three grown children—one son-in-law, two grandsons, two rescue dogs, and two rescue grand-cats and one grand-dog.

My Hardheaded Heroes and Feisty Heroines rarely listen to me. In fact, I think they enjoy messing with my plans for them. BUT if there is one thing I’ve learned in dealing with my characters for the past 29 years, it is to listen to them! My heroes always have a few of DJ’s best qualities: his honesty, his integrity, his compassion for those in need, and his killer broad shoulders.

I have always used family names in my books and love adding bits and pieces of my ancestors and ancestry in them, too. I write about the things I love most: My Family, my Irish and English Ancestry, Baking and Gardening.

Happy reading!

C.H. Admirand's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by C.H. Admirand not listed on AllAuthor.

The Duke’s Mercenary (The Duke’s Guard Book 9)
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Liberating the Lady of Loughmoe: A Medieval Historical Romance (The Ladies of the Keep Book 1)
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Eight Hunting Lyons: The Lyon's Den Connected World
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Eight Hunting Lyons: The Lyon's Den Connected Worldby Meara PlattPublish: Mar 14, 2024
The Duke's Enforcer (The Duke’s Guard Book 8)
$0.99 kindleeBook,
The Duke's Enforcer (The Duke’s Guard Book 8)by C.H. AdmirandPublish: Mar 22, 2024Series: The Duke's GuardHistorical Romance

C.H. Admirand's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by C.H. Admirand.
** Also, there might be other book series by C.H. Admirand not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Duke's Guard

    1 The Duke's Enforcer (The Duke’s Guard Book 8) - Published on Mar, 2024

C.H. Admirand's Awards and Achievements

    C.H. Admirand has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • The Lories Award 1st Place Best New Author Historical
    2002 award

C.H. Admirand Interview On 17, Jun 2021

"Born in Aiken, South Carolina, C.H. Admirand is the author of Regency Historicals, Irish Western Historicals & Small Town USA Contemporary Romance. She has always included bits and pieces of her ancestors and ancestry - and family names, in her books. She fell in love at first sight when she was seventeen. She believes in fate and destiny and that there is a path chosen for each of us before we are born. Apart from writing, she loves baking and gardening."
Born in Aiken, South Carolina, which is your favorite childhood memory?

I have so many wonderful memories from childhood because when my parents moved back to NJ from SC, we lived next door to my great aunt and uncle just two houses down from my grandparents! Great Uncle Bill used to have this six-note whistle that he used to let my brother, sisters, and I know he was outside and ready for us to come over. I remember waking up and hearing him whistle. No one else was up, so I couldn't ask anyone to help me tie my red plaid sneakers--it was that long ago. So I carefully crept down the stairs--it had to be around 5 am, and I opened the back door (we never locked our doors growing up on Cedar Hill) and Uncle Bill was waiting for me with a big grin on his face. He knelt down; tied my shoes, then took my hand and we walked over to the barn to start our day.

What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?

I loved watching Hullabaloo A-Go-Go, Where the Action is, and Shindig as a kid and really, really wanted to be one of those dancers in the cage wearing those cool white, ankle-high go-go boots. Sadly, I didn't have the chance to take dance lessons, and by the time I was old enough, those TV shows weren't on the air any more.

What makes you believe in love at first sight?

Because it happened to me when I was seventeen! I had tried out for a part in our high school's production of West Side Story, but didn't get it. But, I still wanted to be a part of the production, so I signed up to be one of the usherettes. I had no idea that DJ, one of my brother's friends, was on break from college and helping my brother in the lighting booth. He saw me before I saw him...and when I did, I couldn't catch my breath or speak! I did manage to close my mouth after I realized it had dropped open. He had broad shoulders, was tall and blond with brilliant green eyes and had this crooked smile sigh. He captivated me from that first glance. My brother had a last-minute hot date and asked DJ to take me home. That was 46 years ago. We were a team for 45 of the best years of my life--married for 41--dated for the first four. We just knew we were MFEO (for those of you who've seen Sleepless in Seattle ). A gut deep feeling that just came over me. It was the same for DJ.

How did it feel when you met your soulmate at the age of seventeen?

LOL, my younger sisters used to tease me that I was in DJ-land from the moment I first met him. Everything changed the moment we met. My heart knew that he was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. It turned out that he spent the rest of his life with me. Our two sons and daughter were with me in the hospital when he lost his hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer in November. I would not trade one moment of our time together and would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

How did you begin writing The Lords of Vice series?

It was actually an email from author Violetta Rand asking if I'd be interested in writing a Regency Romance series for Dragonblade Publishing. I hadn't written a Regency Romance in a few years, but loved the time period. After that first email, we chatted back and forth talking about different series possibilities. We brainstormed and The Lords of Vice series was born.

Who inspired the character of Lady Margaret in "The Lady and The Rake"?

I've always included bits and pieces of my ancestors and ancestry--and family names, in my books. Lady Margaret is a combination of a few generations of the strong women in my family.

How did your friends and family react to your first book?

I think I was more surprised than anyone when I got "the call" from Avalon when I sold my first book. My husband and I were outside working in the yard and our oldest son came outside saying there was some lady on the phone for dad. DJ came outside a few minutes later, smiling and said the call was for me. I'd queried Avalon and sent in my manuscript for The Marshal's Destiny using my initials C.H. Admirand--I thought my full name would be too long for the cover of a book. When they called to offer me a contract, they thought I was a man so they asked for Mr. Admirand!

Does your love for cooking inspire you to write the book, A Taste of Gratitude & Joy: Tried and True Comfort Recipes?

One of my author friends, Amanda McIntyre, and I had talked about writing cookbooks because a number of our characters enjoyed spending time in the kitchen. Last April she reached out to me and asked if I'd be interested in doing a "joint" cookbook featuring recipes that were handed down in our families and those that appeared in some of our books. It was the perfect time because we both felt people needed to find a place of comfort during the pandemic. For Amanda and I, it was in our kitchens. It's the heart of my home and has always been my favorite room in the house. A portion of the proceeds from the sales were donated to Feeding America.

How did you come up with the plot of your novel, the Three Vices: Patience?

I love writing strong female characters and at times growing up have felt "different" because I was more interested in reading and spending time with my family than other kids my age. Thinking about how restrictive it would have been growing up during Regency England, I started thinking outside the box when creating the three heroines (I still need to finish writing books 2 & 3) I decided they would be the complete opposite of their names. Patience was anything but. She was impetuous and impossible, which led her to disguise herself as a man to fight a duel in her best friend's place.

How much time do you spend while writing a historical fiction novel?

It depends on the terms of my contracts. I have written historicals that have taken as long as six months, but the new series i just finished writing has much tighter deadlines, and I've written them in three months. It helps that I am very familiar with the time period and have a number of wonderful research books in my personal library.

What is the role of destiny in life? Can hard work change or substitute destiny? Or can hard work change the direction of destiny?

That's a very interesting question. I believe in fate and destiny and that there is a path chosen for each of us before we are born. There are times when I have ignored my gut feelings, knowing I am tempting fate, but can't seem to help myself. I think those are the times when there are important life lessons that I needed to learn and that Karma, fate and destiny are playing an important part in my decisions.

Are you more lenient with your grandkids than you were with your own kids?

LOL, absolutely! But they are wonderful boys and our daughter and son-in-law are doing an amazing job raising them.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is it about?

Book 4 (the last in The Lord of Vice Series), Redirecting the Baron's Greed, is in my editor's hands. I'm currently writing a Christmas Novella featuring characters from The Lords of Vice Series.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

Two of my author friends highly recommended using AllAuthor. I am so glad that I followed their advice! There are so many different promo options with eye-catching graphics that are very easy to use. Coupled with their tweet scheduler and featured book option, it's a win-win situation!

Ask C.H. Admirand a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author C.H. Admirand? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • C.H., would you consider reading Asleep (Drifting) Book and giving me an honest review on Amazon? Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I just got married on the 13th of June 2021, congratulations on the 41 years of marriage! Have a great day C.H..
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • Hi Robert. Thanks for thinking of me. Congratulations on your recent marriage! Our 41 years of marriage were wonderful and filled with ups and downs, I wish we could have shared more years together, but the Lord had other plans for my Heavenly Hubby. I would be honored to read Asleep (Drifting) Book and give you an honest review. I'm not as proficient in writing reviews as I am writing novels, but I will do my best to have it make sense. I'm currently on deadline, but am hoping to read your book sometime this weekend. Sincerely, C.H. Admirand
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        • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
        • Bless you C.H., it's very kind of you - that means a lot. If there's anything I can do for you, let me know. Sorry to learn about your Hubby's passing.
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          • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
          • Hi Robert:

            I'm so sorry for the delay. I just posted my 5 Star review of your book. I have to be honest it was very difficult for me to read about the horrific abuse you suffered as a child. You truly are an inspiration for others suffering in silence. Here's my review--it could take a few days for it to show up on Amazon:

            Amazon 5 Star Review
            By C.H. Admirand, Author of Historical & Contemporary Romance

            Headline: Robert is courageous in sharing his journey to help others.

            As a mother of three and grandmother of two, I was compelled to keep reading the first book in Robert Paul’s three-part series: Asleep (Drifting) Book One, even though it broke my heart to read of such abuse to a little boy who could not escape it. I cannot fathom the pain of living through such abuse as a child. It is one thing to read a fictional story of abuse, but heart-rending and devastating to read Robert Paul’s account of the abuse he suffered from an early age.

            With the help of his beloved Grandmother and Aunt Betty, Robert learned what a loving environment was despite all that he went through on his journey to adulthood.

            Robert’s courage and belief that he could start over enabled him to become a wonderful father and successful business owner. He beat the odds and kicked his alcohol and drug habits.

            Robert’s healing journey includes his need to reach out to children suffering from abuse and to bring awareness to abuse which needs to be discussed openly—no matter how painful it is—to help those who are suffering. It is far easier to bury those memories and dependencies. I am in awe of what Robert has accomplished in his life. He is an inspiration and will be a light to others who have suffered similar horrific abuse in silence.

            Thank you, Robert for having the courage to change your life and share your journey with others to help them on their journey toward healing.

            C.H. Admirand
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            • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
            • Thank you so much for the review. It means the world to me! Because of the book Asleep (Drifting), it's caused much turmoil within the family. My mother has never taken any ownership with regards to her atrocious acts, and has everyone fooled that she's the "victim," and has always been one. If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know C.H.. Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two, was just released, it's a lighter more comical version of what you've just read. If somewhere down the road, you get a chance to read it... I guarantee you C.H., you won't be disappointed. Be Blessed My Friend.
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              • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
              • Hi Robert:

                You are very welcome. I wish you continued success with Asleep (Drifting) and Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm).

                Thank you for your generous offer of help. I'm in the middle of a double-deadline right now, but after I turn in the books, I'll send you a note if I need anything.

                Have a wonderful rest of the day.

                C.H. Admirand
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • When I received the rights back for my backlist, I tweaked and released a "sweet" version of some of my books. The next series I plan to sweeten is my small town cowboy series: Tyler, Dylan and Jesse sometime in 2022.
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • I check email and post to social media before I start writing for the day. When I'm on deadline (as I am right now), I get started writing before the business part of my job. Switching back and forth is too hectic for me when I'm focusing on finishing a book. Things get crazy when I have a new release and am on deadline. Then interruptions to post to social media and respond in a timely manner to email is essential. Those are the days when I wish I was allowed more than one cup of caffeinated tea.
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • Self-editing. I'd rather write a whole new story than have to roll up my sleeves and edit one. After I finish a book, I do at least three self-edits before it goes to my editor. There are words that I've missed, typos that slipped past me. Run-on sentences! Guilty there. Sometimes I need to go deeper into a character's thoughts. It helps to have a trusted second set of eyes read my final edit before turning my books in.
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • I always loved writing assignments in school. Poems and short stories combined with art were some of my favorites. But it was my seventh grade English teacher who encouraged me to write. I've been writing with an eye toward publication for the last 25 years. I published my first short story 21 years ago and my first novel 20 years ago.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • C.H. Admirand C.H. Admirand 3 years ago
      • Don't let your creative well go dry. Feed your soul. Celebrate along your journey to publication (if that is your goal.) Did you finish your book? Have that cup of tea with freshly baked scones to celebrate! (chocolate works for me too) Did you submit the manuscript an editor or agent requested? Celebrate! Give yourself the gift of time to accomplish your writing goals and remember not to gauge your success by another author's. Everyone has a different idea of what success means to them. Be true to yourself. Don't give up, you never know how close you are to succeeding if you do.
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