Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?
I was born in Seoul, Korea. My father is an Italian American and my mother is Korean. Life as an army brat was interesting. I was able to see different parts of the world and meet very interesting people.
When and how did you decide that you wanted to write?
As a kid, I always loved writing poetry, and that developed into writing stories. From that point on, life shifted and several years later, with encouragement from my husband, I started writing again.
How did you learn to write a novel? How did you get started? Was there a format or a set of rules and procedures you followed?
I just sat down and starting writing what was in my head. I had no clue about formating or rules at the time. But I learned--and keep learning about this publishing world.
How much time did it take to write your first novel (from start to finish)?
OMG! lol about three years. I totally procrastinated, but my hubby gave me an encouraging push to finish.
How did you come up with the title of your novel, "Forgetting Jane"?
The title came to me right away. Just popped into my head and I knew immediately that was the title for the book.
How many books do you plan to write in the Landry Brothers Duet series?
There's only two in the duet. So no more books in this series.
What sparked the idea for your novel, Mirror Image?
I love the concept of Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. So I put that idea to identical twins. One evil and one good.
How early should a supernatural element be shown in a novel?
I think it depends on the story. Some should show right away in the first paragraph, and some later in the first chapter.
Which mistakes should a beginner avoid in writing a novel?
Write the book and not worry about edits until after the first draft is done. Getting into a habit of finishing first helps.
What is something no one tells you about writing a novel?
The business end of it. There's much to learn about that part of the writing.
Is it necessary to read a lot before someone writes a novel?
I guess it depends on the writer, but I think a writer should. It's part of learning what makes a great book.
If you could improve one thing about your writing, what would it be and why?
focus on writing one book at a time. I'm too much ADHD that I have a few going on at the same time.
What are some habits that improved the quality of your life significantly?
Take time away from the desk and enjoy the sunshine. Exercise is important too.
Are you writing a novel? What's it about?
Yes. I'm working on books 2 and 3 of a series, which I'm hoping the first book will come out by the end of this year. It's about a small-town group of men in Tennessee that grew up together loving BMX racing and life. They face head-on what life throws their way. There's romance, some suspense, and a lot of racing.
How has your experience with AllAuthor been?
Since I joined AllAuthor, it's been wonderful how they support authors like me. From promoting books to doing front cover contests. And networking.