About Author

Clyde Hoch

Clyde Hoch
  • Genre:

    Biographies & Memoirs History
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: retired
  • Born: 12 September
  • Member Since: Jan 2021
  • Profile Views: 9,456
  • Followers: 46
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube,

Clyde Hoch started writing by accident. Clyde served as a tank commander in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969, the years of the heaviest fighting of the war. Clyde writes to educate, inspire, motivate and preserve history. All his books are motivational except for one fiction. Clyde started the Veterans Brotherhood to help prevent veteran suicides and does whatever he can to help veterans.

Clyde Hoch's Books

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I AM A Miracle
$14.95 kindleeBook,
I AM A Miracleby Clyde HochPublish: Oct 01, 2020Biographies & Memoirs
I AM A Miracle (Great educational and military books)
$3.95 kindleeBook,
Tracks Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran
Tracks Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteranby Clyde D. HochBiographies & Memoirs

Clyde Hoch's Awards and Achievements

    Clyde Hoch has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Readers Favorite
    2016 award
  • 50 great writers you should be reading
    2012 award
  • One of the fifty great writers you should be reading

    Tracks Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran


Clyde Hoch Interview On 09, Jun 2021

"Clyde Hoch was born in the same home he lives in today. His writing started by accident. His stories are about people who should inspire you. His novel, I AM A Miracle is a powerful and inspirational story about a man’s triumph over poverty and adversary. He loves painting, reading while listening to Mozart, and having wine."
Where did you grow up and what was your childhood like?

I grew up in the same home I was born in. My great-great grandfather purchased the property in 1869. I had what I feel a terrible childhood. I wrote my last book about it in hopes that others with a not-so-great upbringing may benefit from it. (I Am A Miracle)

What was your favorite genre to read as a child?

I liked to read about Native Americans and the military.

How did you start writing by accident?

The last thing that ever entered my mind was to write a book. I was a very poor student in school. One day an elderly man came by, and we sat and talked. When he left, I thought what a great story he just told me. It is such a shame when he is gone his story will be gone. I thought well everyone has a story. I decided to put my military experience down on the computer in chapter form. I felt I would maybe send a chapter to a military magazine once in a while. As I finished each chapter, I sent them to my daughter to proofread for me. She said, “You have to make this into a book.” That was book number one. For that book I was selected as one of the fifty great writers you should be reading by the Author Show.

Does your family enjoy reading your books? Which is their favorite?

My family doesn’t show much interest in my books.

How was your experience serving as a tank commander in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969?

As soon as I arrived in Vietnam, I was made a tank commander. This was the time period of the heaviest fighting of the whole war. Things went as well as could be expected until the tank I commanded struck a very large anti-tank mine. I was riding on top of the same side as the mine. I was knocked unconscious. I have no idea for how long. Because of this I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. My life was never the same after that. I was diagnosed with it about six years ago. I used to hide it from others until I was diagnosed with it. Now I speak about it to help others through troubled times. It is because of this I started the Veterans Brotherhood.

In what ways do you think your books will help to educate, inspire, motivate and preserve history?

I do not write for any kind of monetary return. I do it because my stories are about people who should inspire you. Each person in each of my books is a special person we could all learn much from. Many struggled through life to finally lead a successful and happy life. There are many myths about Vietnam and “The Biography of Linda, that should set the records straight. My whole reason for writing is to help people have a better life for themselves. The life’s effort of these people will live on for future generations to read about.

What challenges did you face while writing a fiction novel?

My only motivation in writing a fiction was to make people think. Not everything we are taught is totally perfectly wright.

How did you come up with the title of your memoir, I AM A Miracle?

I chose that title because I feel it is a miracle that all the things that happened to me in my life and I still came out ok. Like so many times I thought that day was my last on earth.

What are your hobbies apart from writing?

My hobbies are painting, A Japanese garden, helping veterans and preserving my house. My home was built in 1750. Reading while listening to Mozart and having a wine.

What is the best thing about being a writer?

The best thing about being a writer is to preserve the people’s lives in writing for future generations and it is to meet some great people.

What is the sweetest fan-mail/compliment that you have received for your writing?

The best fan mail I ever received was in person. A man walked up to me and shook my hand. He said I read your book, God Help Me, He said, “my daughter suffers from traumatic brain injury from a car accident. Your book helped me to understand what she is going through. After I read it, I gave it to her, and it helped her to understand you can live with this problem and there are many others out there who suffer with it and live normal lives.

How would you define your ideal setting to write?

My ideal setting to write is a long drive in the car. I think about what I want to write about and when I get home, I put it down on the computer. I have a nice quiet part of the house as my office.

Would you rather be a character in an action-packed thriller or a romantic comedy?

Would you rather be a character in a thriller or comedy. By my nature a thriller would be best for me. A character in a romance would work for me not a comedy. There is nothing on this earth near as beautiful as a woman and every woman is unique. I think I could become an actor. Acting is merely accentuating your actions in life, except you are doing other peoples.

Which is the next book that you are working on? What is it about?

I am working on a book about the town I live in. It is a small town but very few people know anything about its history.

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