C.M. Huddleston Book List

Caintuck LIes Within My Soul
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Caintuck LIes Within My Soulby C.M. HuddlestonPublish: Feb 04, 2020Historical Fiction
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Estherby C. M. HuddlestonPublish: Oct 01, 2023Historical Fiction
Greg's Fifth Adventure in Time (Adventures in Time Book 5)
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Divided Only by Distance & Allegiance: The BullochRoosevelt Letters 1861-1865 (The Bulloch Letters Book 3)
$5.99 kindleeBook,
Between the Wedding & the War: The BullochRoosevelt Letters 1854-1860, letters of the Theodore Roosevelt and Bulloch families in the nineteenth century (The Bulloch Letters Book 2)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Mittie & Thee: An 1853 Roosevelt Romance from letters written by the Bulloch and Roosevelt families in 1853 (The Bulloch Letters Book 1)
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Winter Wonder: A Collection of Stories for Children & Young Adults
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Greg's Fourth Adventure in Time
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Greg's Fourth Adventure in Timeby C.M. HuddlestonPublish: Oct 16, 2018Series: Adventures in TimeChildren's
Leah's Story
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Leah's Storyby C.M. HuddlestonPublish: Jan 18, 2018Historical Fiction
Greg's First Adventure in Time: A Time Travel Adventure Into Prehistoric America (Adventures in Time Book 1)
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Greg's First Adventure in Time: A Time Travel Adventure Into Prehistoric America (Adventures in Time Book 1)by C. M. HuddlestonPublish: Nov 24, 2014Series: Adventures in TimeAction & Adventure Teen & Young Adult Children's
Greg's Second Adventure in Time: Time Travel Adventure book for Middle Grade Readers (Adventures in Time 2)
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Greg's Second Adventure in Time: Time Travel Adventure book for Middle Grade Readers (Adventures in Time 2)by C.M. HuddlestonPublish: Dec 01, 2015Series: Adventures in TimeAction & Adventure Teen & Young Adult Children's
Greg's Third Adventure in Time: A Time Travel Adventure for Children Where Greg encounters Native Americans, the Revolutionary War, and Theodore Roosevelt (Adventures in Time Book 3)
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