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Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon

Connie C. Scharon  AKA  C. C. Scharon
  • Genre:

    Thriller Suspense Mystery Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Time Travel Romance
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Writer
  • Born: 17 November
  • Member Since: Aug 2017
  • Profile Views: 30,661
  • Followers: 64
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads,

A fan of dark and dangerous medieval Scotland, Connie C. Scharon published her first Scottish historical romance in June of 2013. The success of that book led to eight other romance novels, but the author wanted to mix things up a little.
Her medical background gave her a desire to create stories that wove her hospital experiences, visits to the morgue, and forensic lab into crime-focused novels.
In 2020, writing as C.C. Scharon, she has transitioned from her romance roots into mystery and suspense with the international thriller Blood Never Washes Out.
Connie is a life-long resident of Maryland. She belongs to multiple professional organizations including Pennwriters, Romance Writers of America, and Maryland Writers Association.

Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon's Books

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Blood Never Washes Out
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Blood Never Washes Outby C. C. ScharonPublish: May 16, 2020Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense
Murder Me Too
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Murder Me Tooby C. C. ScharonPublish: Sep 06, 2020Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense
Protector of the Highlands: Tales of the Isles - 3 (Highland Legends Book 8)
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Protector of the Highlands: Tales of the Isles - 3 (Highland Legends Book 8)by Connie C. ScharonPublish: Mar 15, 2018Series: Highland LegendsHistorical Romance
Pirate of the Highlands (Highland Legends Book 7)
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Pirate of the Highlands (Highland Legends Book 7)by Connie C. ScharonPublish: Jul 21, 2017Series: Highland LegendsHistorical Romance

Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon.
** Also, there might be other book series by Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Highland Legends

    1 Pirate of the Highlands (Highland Legends Book 7) - Published on Jul, 20172 Protector of the Highlands: Tales of the Isles - 3 (Highland Legends Book 8) - Published on Mar, 2018

Connie C. Scharon AKA C. C. Scharon Interview On 30, Jan 2018

"Connie C. Scharon had an idyllic childhood and feels blessed to have many people in her corner cheering her on like her husband, friends and beta readers. Her son remains her greatest source of support and also acts as her cover designer and editor. He is also developing a Young Adult six books Sci/Fi Fantasy series that will be released in 2018. Connie is fascinated with Scotland's history and although her writing process has definitely developed over time, one thing that stayed the same is her passion for the characters and the stories. Currently, Connie is writing the third book of the Tales of the Isles subseries, and is focusing on finishing Protector of the Highlands, and getting one Mystery/Suspense novel ready."
What is the most interesting thing you remember about your childhood and/or hometown?

I had an idyllic childhood with loving parents and lots of friends and relatives. I don’t think I appreciated it fully until I realized this is not the case for many people.

What is the best gift you've ever given someone? The best gift you've ever received?

Not sure about the best gift I have given. That is in the eye of the beholder, but the best gift I received was an all-expense fifteen day trip to the British Isles.

Who is your greatest source or support and motivation?

My son, who also acts as my cover designer and my editor, is my greatest source of support. I am blessed to have many others in my corner cheering me on, my husband, Vickie Fisher, a writer and longtime friend, and Aimee Decanay, one of my Beta readers, just to mention a few.

What is it about Scotland and the Highland legends that so many people find so enticing?

Scotland is a mystical place with a fascinating past. Its centuries-long struggle for independence creates a dramatic backdrop for any story. Once you have traveled to the Highlands, its beauty enchants you into believing all the legends. With its clans and castles, it becomes an ideal setting for romance and intrigue.

When writing a book, you need to create everything from the ground up and know your characters inside out. So, are there moments when you find yourself forgetting that your characters aren't real people?

All my characters become very real to me. Sometimes it feels like they tell me what they want to do. My books are the only place where I can create people, give them whatever traits I choose, control their actions, and then decide their fate.

In your book, "Fire Angel", what are some things your character Skye MacLean would obsess about? If you could describe her in 3 words, what would they be?

Skye would love to control her own destiny, but no matter where she is that does not seem to be her fate. Despite her desire for independence, she wants to please her family. Her impulsive nature thwarts her at every turn. When she feels she has shamed her family, she obsesses about how to fix her blunders. In three words, Skye is mercurial, passionate, and loyal.

Is "Enchanted Lover"your first book? How long did it take you to write it? Has your writing process changed much since then?

Enchanted Lover is the first book I published, but not the first book I wrote. I had a few ‘trash can’ books as I slowly learned my craft over years of attending conferences and workshops. I cannot say for sure how long it took to write Enchanted Lover, probably at least two years of fitting it in between a full time job and busy family. Even then it was not done. Each time I pitched it to an agent or a publisher I did more editing so that it evolved over the years. After two near misses with major publishing houses, I knew Enchanted Lover had merit, so in 2013 I decided to self-pub it. My writing process has definitely developed over time. One thing that stayed the same is my passion for the characters and the stories.

Writers, especially fiction writers, usually have a very wild imagination. So, tell me, how would you describe the colour "Yellow"to a blind person?

Yellow is the way sunshine feels on your face.

Is your book "Enchanted Lover"based on any true event or did you make it all up? What do you love most about Old England?

Enchanted Lover was inspired by my first visit to Scotland. The country is so steeped in history that it captured my imagination and made me decide to set my Scottish Historical Romances in the fourteenth century Highlands. That first trip I heard tales of supposed witches being burned at the stake, and I began to think about how a clairvoyant would fare in those times. Thus my heroine, Asilinn Innes, was born. I love the intriguing history of the British Isles. It stimulates your imagination about how life must have been through all the stages that led them to what they are today.

Where do you go for most of the historical research for your books? Have you learnt any interesting facts while poking around history books/websites searching for new ideas?

I have visited Scotland multiple times, and each time it revitalizes me. I am NOT a research nerd much to my editor’s dismay. I only research the particular facts I need to know to tell my stories accurately. Since I continue to write books set in fourteenth century Scotland, I have developed a good working knowledge of what I can do. As far as searching for new ideas, I don’t seem to lack them because the slightest encounter can trigger something. For instance, I went to a vintage fashion show, and one of the models wore a Victorian wedding gown with a stain on the front skirt. In my active imagination, it became a bloodstain, and I turned that into my Time Travel Murder Mystery, Victorian Lace. In addition, many secondary characters in my books have interesting backstories, which lead me to decide they need their own book.

What are some of the underlying themes in your book "Captive Highlander"? Are there any alternate endings that you considered?

I think the main theme in Captive Highlander is a woman taking charge of her destiny against overwhelming odds. Through the process, she learns to accept that she must trust others and work with them in order to get what she wants. This book has one of the darkest villains, so another theme is good triumphing over evil... and, of course, love conquers all. I didn’t have an alternative ending for this one.

Do you plan on adding any more books to the Highland Legends series? Or are you thinking about writing a new series or book?

I am currently writing the third book of the Tales of the Isles subseries, which is book number 8 in the Highland Legends series. I will only keep writing the line if I can give each book a fresh twist. My other great love is Mystery/Suspense novels. All of my Highland Legends books have a lot of intrigue, so it is not too much of a departure for me. I have three Mystery/Suspense novels written, but they need to be totally revamped. These have the potential to be a series with a continuing hero. There is also the possibility of other books for that series. My immediate writing goals are to finish Protector of the Highlands, and get one Mystery/Suspense novel ready to pitch to an agent or editor. In that genre, I think I might be better off using traditional publishing. Time will tell.

Is your husband any good at writing? If you had a child that wanted to be a writer, what is some advice you would offer him/her?

My husband is NOT a writer and does not aspire to be one. My son is developing a Young Adult six books Sci/Fi Fantasy series that will be released in 2018. My advice to him was that writing is a labor of love, and if you’re lucky, you are paid for it. As a writer, I wanted people to read and enjoy my stories. The royalties are just the icing on the cake.

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