Born in Luton, Bedfordshire, which is your most cherished childhood memory?
I don’t have anything, as told in the book, I can’t remember my childhood that well.
Which of your childhood dreams was the first to die?
I don’t remember having any dreams.
At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?
Age 43 and about a young boy who had Developmental Language Disorder and growing up to become a Vice President of Afasic and his name was Damian Quinn.
Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?
My ex-wife
What inspired you to write your book, 'Finding a Voice'?
To spread awareness of my disability.
What major challenges did you face while writing your first book?
Having to remember some of my life, especially childhood as I have memory blocks on it.
In what ways do you aim to help your readers through your website?
For more information, and to buy the book.
How much did you research about Developmental Language Disorder when you first found about it?
Not really, I have it and I live it.
Are you friends with other authors? If so, how have they helped you in your journey as a writer?
Are you a "re-reader" or are you a "read-it-once-and-I'm done" person?
Haven’t got a clue.
What are your favorite Xbox 360 games?
Microsoft Flight Simulator
What do you enjoy the most about going to the cinema?
Sitting down to having a 4-course meal, and lots of wine! Seriously? Watching films, mostly comedies!
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers?
#BeKind that is all. If you meet someone with DLD, don’t laugh at them, or interrupt them, just be patient as they will get to say what they want in due course. It may take a while, but eventually, we will get there. We are not slow, but it is harder for us to speak to strangers
What do you think of AllAuthor? Has this website been helpful to you?
It has seemed to done some wonders to my book.