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    Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: USA
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Massage, dance/movement, hypno, watsu therapist
  • Born: 11 March
  • Member Since: Feb 2022
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Aza Prem Charu worked as a NYC dance teacher for 25 years. She has had a private practice combining massage therapy, dance/movement therapy, hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy and small dog therapy. She is also a dance/theater performing artist, author, visionary and mother of 3 beautiful children, (including Mahdi who is in Spirit), who were all raised holistically.

Inspired by the death of the body of her eldest son with whom she works in Spirit, she has channeled a vision for the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage where all members commit to their own healing as a pre-requisite for joining. The Unite and Thrive Ecovillage will include the Divine Healing Evolving Enlightened Portal (DHEEP) Healing Arts Center, the Sacred Warriors of the Light (SWOTL) School of Transformation for youth ages 4 to 26, and the Agape Perfoming Arts Center (APAC).

She sees the Sacred Warriors of the Light Healing Movement and the creation of the DHEEP ecovillage, as part of a global movement of creating ecovillages all around the planet to replace the destructive forces that are currently controlling the people of Planet Earth in hurtful ways. She sees that healing our personal, collective and generational wounds as the essential first step to creating a new way forward as we create the New Way Of Being On Earth Together (NWBOET) in this time of the Great Awakening.

She is passionate about creating empowering alternatives to everything in our lives.

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Unite and Thrive: 11 Ascension Tools for the Sacred Warrior
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Aza Prem Charu Interview On 17, Dec 2024

"Aza Prem Charu is a visionary author, dance/theater performing artist, and dedicated healer. Aza envisions the Sacred Warriors of the Light Healing Movement and the creation of ecovillages worldwide as key components of a global shift during the Great Awakening. Committed to empowering others, Aza strives to inspire alternatives that honor and uplift every aspect of life on Earth."
How has the passing of your son, Mahdi, influenced your work and your vision for the ecovillage?

First off, I would like to say that I call the death of my son’s body, a “transition” from the Earth plane to the Spiritual plane. When this occurred, I was so completely shocked and devastated by his transition, that it catapulted me into a deeper connection with the Spirit realm where I began to communicate and still do communicate with him. In this Spirit realm, I strengthened my communication with this unseen place and received many messages and visions. It has always been a vision of mine to create or be a part of an ecovillage and in that way, I know it is part of my Soul’s mission this lifetime. Being more deeply connected to this Spirit realm, made this vision clearer, my son and other benevolent guides and ancestors, guiding me from a place of divine unconditional love light healing energy.

Can you share more about the journey of integrating different therapeutic practices (massage therapy, dance/movement therapy, hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy, and small dog therapy) into your private practice?

We have all been traumatized in different ways as a result of the D.O.O.B.E.E.B.’s.

(Dark Out Of Balance Evil Energy Beings) enslavement of humanity for thousands of years. Each one of us must confront our dark night of our Souls…the place of deepest pain and trauma from our current or past lives to become whole again. We need to come into the N.W.O.B.O.E.T. ,(New Way of Being On Earth Together) from a place of healing and wholeness. Though healing is the same for everyone in that it identifies the deepest darkest place of pain and trauma in our body/mind/Emotion/Soul complex, the different healing modalities I use invites people into their healing by providing different entry points into that healing. This way more people can be invited into their personal healing with offerings and methods of healing that align with their own unique healing journey.

What inspired you to channel the vision for the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage, and how did your experiences as a dance teacher and therapist influence this vision?

The vision for the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage was channeled after my son’s transition because of my deep and intense desire to connect with the Spirit realm and my son.

I developed my psychic abilities because of this deep intense desire to connect with my son in Spirit. I discovered that the way I connect to this Spirit realm is through knowing, feeling, and occasionally seeing. These kinds of connections to the Spirit realm are commonly referred to as Clair cognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. With Clair cognizance I get mental “downloads of knowing.” With clairsentience, I can feel my communication through my heart knowing and with the occasional clairvoyance, I see the images that Spirit is sharing with me. Dance is the tool I use to create this Spiritual connection. After my son’s transition, I channeled a form of dance that I use every day now. I call it “Spiralgenics.” It is a form of movement that involves making sacred geometrical movements and design in one’s body to facilitate and align with the Divine unseen realm of Spirit.

As I mentioned earlier, I have wanted to be a part of or create an ecovillage since I was a teenager, but I never really acted upon it. This was part of my Soul’s calling and why I came to Earth this lifetime. My family attended a summer dance camp every year for the entire lives of my children. Every summer, attending this camp gave us a feeling of living in an ecovillage. Before my son Mahdi transitioned, he told me that he wanted us to live the way we live during that summer dance camp, all the time. He transitioned shortly after that. The pain of his loss has been an activation button for that manifestation of my Soul’s purpose to create an ecovillage and a community of ecovillages. As a result, after Mahdi transitioned, I started exploring ecovillages both here in the United States and in other countries, so I could see if I wanted to join those ecovillages or to get ideas for the one to be created. I went to Twin Oaks in Virginia, The Farm in Tennessee, La Finca in Costa Rica, and Unity Ecovillage in Ghana, to name a few. These ecovillages did not have the essential element of radical personal and collective healing as the absolute core essential principle of the ecovillage, so I was not interested in joining them. I continue to explore ecovillages at the same time as I/we (we are a group now) continue to lay and develop the foundation for the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage.

What are the core principles and commitments that members of the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage must adhere to?

The most core principle and commitment of each and every member of the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage is that they must be 100% committed to their own personal healing and that they must do whatever it takes to push through whatever fears, pains, blocks, etc. that prevent them from being fully awakened, manifested and ready to create the N.W.O.B.O.E.T. Without this the ecovillage could descend into the same dysfunctional society we currently live in. NO ONE HAS ESCAPED THE TRAUMA OF THE D.O.O.B.E.E.B. WE MUST ALL HEAL FROM THIS TRAUMA TO CREATE THE N.W.O.B.O.E.T. When one is on the path of healing, all the other aspects of sustainability, creativity, ingenuity, and divine intelligence are the natural extensions of that healing.

How did raising your children holistically shape your views on healing and community living?

The way I raised my children was mostly about my commitment to NOT pass on my own personal childhood trauma onto my children. I am so grateful that I was able to see the need to raise my children in a healthy holistic manner early on. This was most noted by how I researched how dangerous and hurtful various acceptable methods of child rearing are and acted accordingly. It was my intention to act only from God’s natural law. I did not vaccinate, emasculate (through circumcision), intimidate (through threats of physical violence), or violate the free will of my children. I started doing my own personal healing when I was seventeen when my psychotherapist father and family therapy studying mother encouraged me to do so. I had a lot of traumas to heal, and healing trauma is not instant. It does not happen all at once. It is a process of first becoming aware of and then changing one’s Sacred Survival Strategies (S.S.S.) into Sacred Thrival Strategies (STS). Despite this holistic natural God driven way of raising my children, I still found an extremely essential element missing from our lives, which was living in more consistent, committed community with others with whom one shares their lives’ journeys with. That added support would have changed our lives significantly for the better. Though two of the three children I gave birth to who are still on the Earth realm with me, are older now, (13 and 25), I still plan to create the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage as a way forward for the future generation of my children, my grandchildren and those children and grandchildren of other enlightened beings that will be part of the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage.

Can you elaborate on the Sacred Warriors of the Light (SWOTL) School of the Light and its role in the ecovillage?

The Sacred Warriors of the Light (S.W.O.T.L.) School of Transformation is an essential element of the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage. The youth are our future and in order for them to create and fully manifest the N.W.B.O.E.T., they must be told the truth about what has been and then guided into what can be….the Divine Way we are meant to live in Alignment with our Creator and the D.A.S.B.O.L. (Divine Assistant Sacred Beings Of Light) that are here to assist us from the Astral realm in making this transition.

The government schools that most Americans have been raised in, are indoctrination camps for the continued enslavement of the people. Many of the things that are taught are outright lies or distortions of truth, used to manipulate and control our minds. The public government schools perpetuate the illusion that the lies that are being taught in their schools are truth. We are living in the time of the book 1984 written by George Orwell where everything is opposite. In his book, Orwell coins the phrases Big Brother, Double Think and Unperson, making the point that we the people have had many indoctrinations brainwashed into the psyche of the people. He talks about how “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, and 2 + 2 = 5.”

The development of S.W.O.T.L. School of Transformation must first begin with the healing of our youth through the D.H.E.E.P. (Divine Healing Enlightened Evolving Portal) healing arts process. Through this healing process, the de-indoctrination begins. Their education begins with the first process of healing their S.S.S’s and transforming them into S.T.S.’s. Then, depending on what stage of development each young person is at, they will complete the Rite(s) of Passage(s) that they have not completed in a fully Spirit empowered way. By doing this it brings youth into the socially, emotionally, mentally, and Spiritually appropriate phase of their life which they would have already been in, if they had been raised previously in a community that held practices that were in divine alignment with Creation.

The youth who are part of the Sacred Warriors Of The Light (SWOTL) School of Transformation, will first go through the D.H.E.E.P. Healing Arts Center to heal any trauma brought about from the D.O.O.B.E.E.B. and its institutions. Then they will go through the Sacred Rites Of Passage (SROP) program where they will create or receive from others a Divine Soul Song (DSS). This Divine Soul Song is one of the tools they will acquire to help them restore themselves to their divine path whenever they may stray from it. If this happens the community will come together in prayer and unity and sing the youth’s DSS to the youth to center and restore them to their divine path

The DHEEP, SROP’s and their DSS’s assist the youth in preparing for their education. This healed and evolved place is where their learning will be most absorbed. From this place, youth will find their own unique purpose for being here on the Earth in this lifetime or what we call their Divine Life Purpose (DLP). From this place, the youth will discover that the things they are most interested in and the talents and skills that they have naturally from Creation are the gifts that they were given to help manifest their DLP.

God given gifts are usually signs of what one’s Soul’s purpose is.

Once the youth are grounded in this knowledge of their DLP and the gifts they were given to fulfill that DLP, they are now ready to help to create the New Way Of Being On Earth Together (N.W.B.O.E.T.)

Teachers of the SWOTL School of Transformation will have different skills in different areas. They will guide the youth to learn information that is aligned with the truth of nature, beauty, peace, love, humility, simplicity, forgiveness, and compassion for others, as the way our Creator designed for us to live on this emerald jewel of Mother Earth. We will use the world as a classroom and bring in and go to resources that we cannot get from just our school community alone. We will bring in experts in innovative fields of interest to our youth to guide them to create the N.W.B.O.ET. The teachers will also teach the ugly truth about what the D.O.O.B.E.E.B. have been doing for thousands of years to deceive, hurt, manipulate, control, and enslave us humans.

Most importantly the S.W.O.T.L. School of Transformation, supported by the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage, will provide a safe space for the youth to create the N.W.B.O.E.T. and truly teach them how to become the one they have been waiting for! We are living in a time when the people are waking up and shaking off their shackles and dancing to the unique drummer of their own empowered drumbeat!!!

To assist in the unique divine empowerment of each youth, if the staff at S.W.O.T.L. School of transformation cannot offer a resource that a youth needs to thrive, they will reach out to specific teachers and resources in the world that help develop and manifest the God given gifts so of each youth so that each youth will be fully manifested to bring his/her gifts to the world as part of the creation of the N.W.O.B.O.E.T.

How do you envision the SWOTL School supporting the growth and transformation of youth aged 4 to 26?

I answered this question partially in the last answer. I will add, however, that the S.W.O.T.L. School of Transformation is a container for healing, growth, and alchemy for youth.

The S.W.O.T.L. School of Transformation is a container for the transformation of young people from a caterpillar into a butterfly.

When a young one first comes to the S.W.O.T.L., they are like a caterpillar who is new and unformed. He/she is the product of the evolution of who he/she is for as many years as she/he has been on Earth, both in this lifetime and past lifetimes. He/she comes with all the trauma and wounds as well as the skills and gifts from their current and past lifetimes and through the process of going through the D.H.E.E.P. Healing arts center and its accompanying Rites of Passage program, they will alchemize all their life’s lessons into the path of their divine most evolved selves. By going through this metamorphosis, their unique gifts and talents will be identified. As they go through their studies, they will be encouraged to study in ways that align with their divine selves. This way they can develop themselves and contribute to the world in the way their unique sovereign Soul intended to when they decided to incarnate onto Earth this lifetime.

What types of healing practices and therapies will be offered at the Divine Healing Evolving Enlightened Portal (DHEEP) Healing Arts Center?

Great question. The DHEEP will host many types of healing arts throughout its existence. However, we will start with the 11 Ascension Tools described in the book Unite and Thrive: 11 Ascension Tools for the Sacred Warrior. Those tools consist of Inner Child Healing, Primal Connections, Sacred Maintenance Mahditations, Care of The Sacred Body Vessel, Sacred Life Passage Rituals; Spirit Connections: Communicating with our Transitioned Loved Ones; Sacred Parenting Alchemy Tool Pack-Including Ho’oponopono; Healing Through Sacred Nature Prayers and Rituals; Sacred Soul Communication; Soul Life Planning and culminating with the healed manifestation of one’s unique way of aiding the universe through Sacred Activism.

As the DHEEP healing arts center evolves, we will add other holistic health practices to address the needs of the people who come for healing. These methods will include nutrition, chelation, stem cell regeneration, med beds, light therapy energy patches and any other cutting-edge technologies that emerge to heal the people so they can be fully empowered.

How do you see the creation of the DHEEP ecovillage contributing to the global movement of ecovillages?

The creation of the DHEEP healing arts center is specifically for the purpose of transforming one’s Sacred Survival Strategies (SSS) into Sacred Thrival Strategies (STS). This is a requirement for all people who want to be a part of the Unite and Thrive ecovillage. The reason for this is because the individual and collective trauma we have all experienced throughout our Soul’s his/herstory is being used against us to destroy us by the Dark Out Of Balance Evil Energy Beings (D.O.O.B.E.E.B.)

Whenever we are feeling unresolved or unconscious of emotional trauma, dark nefarious energies see this emotional trauma as a sign to intervene into our psyches and amplify the trauma. This is called a Psychological Operation or a PSYOP. When we are constantly being run by a PSYOP, we are just barely surviving because we are always fighting demonic energy in our body/mind/emotion/Soul complex. That is why I have coined the term SSS (Sacred Survival Strategies) regarding how our trauma plays itself out in our lives.

By healing our emotional/mental/physical/Soulful trauma, we can create a life where we thrive and not just survive. Surviving creates a dark, confusing, deceptive, hurtful energy field. Thriving creates an expansive quantum field of healing light love energy.

To create the New Way Of Being On Earth Together, (NWOBOET), we must be on the path of cleaning up our Sacred Body Vessels of all its emotional, mental, physical, and Soulful trauma. This kind of healing does not happen all at once, but if one is sincere in their commitment to one’s healing and is actively involved in doing that healing and has a source of healing that one can go to whenever that healing is challenged, they are welcome into the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage.

There is also a Spiritual component to the D.H.E.E.P. healing arts center which is its accompanying Spiritual Center called the Divine Mahditation Center (DMC). The word Mahditation is taken from my son’s name, Mahdi. When he transitioned into Spirit, I began communicating with him and he is one of the portals through which I encounter the Divine. The DMC is a Spiritual Center that encourages people to express their Spirituality through the body. We pray through dance, and we dance to music whose words speak to us in sacred ways. The DMC can be used in several ways for sacred rituals and ceremonies in addition to our Spiritual services.

In the DMC, the primary way we praise and celebrate Creation is through a physical experience of either moving the body or receiving healing on the body. The intention of this physical way of aligning with Divinity, provides people with enough tools, to move in ways that bring the energy of Creation into one’s body. At the DMC, we are always seeking wisdom from ancient texts and discerning truth through deep study and revelation of his/herstory and how it affects us today. We are always questioning the truth and committed to aligning with the Divine Holy Energy Force Of Creation (DHEFOC)

The DMC is deeply committed to healing the body so it can be a vessel for the sacred geometry and divine alignment of the universe. Our services create a holy sacred quantum field of transformation where healing through unconditional love and compassion and divine wisdom can be downloaded and shared with the world.

To answer the question about how the creation of the D.H.E.E.P. ecovillage contributes to the global movement of ecovillages, IT IS A MODEL. A model that is fully sustainable not only in practical down to Earth things like alternative energy sources, composting toilets, and new earth technologies, but also in Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Sacred Teachings ways. I have spoken about how absolutely essential it is to heal our wounds through a divinely intentioned healing arts center, to empower ourselves through Sacred Rites of Passage rituals, to unlearn things and undo the mind control and PSYOPS that have led us astray from our divine holy fully empowered selves and to seek and learn truth. This model of an ecovillage is a fully sustainable model. It is a model that the D.O.O.B.E.E.B. cannot break into with its PSYOPS and mind/body/emotions/Soul manipulations For this reason, I see it as a cutting-edge contribution to the global movement of ecovillages, a process that every ecovillage could benefit from embracing.

In your view, why is healing personal, collective, and generational wounds essential for creating a new way of being on Earth?

The Dark Out Of Balance Evil Energy Beings (DOOBEEB) (who I intentionally do not identify with specificity), have considered humans as their slaves for thousands of years. The D.O.O.B.E.E.B. do not want us to be empowered by our sovereign creative, talented, resourceful, and empowered selves with our own unique Spiritual energy. They want to get rid of us and make another version of us so that they can have more control. This has been done three times prior by taking out the masses with fire, ice and then flooding. This time they are pulling out all stops and using multiple ways to destroy us humans. They are using the tactics of fear, divide, and conquer, confusion, gas lighting, pretending that they are trying to help us by developing a vaccine which turns out to be a bioweapon. They are telling us we should have as many abortions as we want, we can change our sex if we are unhappy with ourselves and that it will help us feel better about ourselves. If one is damaged by this oppression such that they cannot even realize they are being oppressed, they will not stand up to this and will not be able to create a New Way Of Being On Earth Together. (NWBOET) For us to create the NWBOET, we cannot be in denial of our need to heal, we cannot exhibit cognitive dissonance about what is happening to us. To really be able to create the NWBOET, each one of us needs to release and heal trauma from our body/mind/emotion/Soul complex. Until we do that, we cannot grow and transform into the divine beings we were meant to be, and we will not be able to carry out the mission that we planned after our last life and when we were in the period of our Spiritual Life between Earthly Lifetimes. Healing is essential to wake up to our full power.

What is your understanding of the Great Awakening, and how does the ecovillage align with this concept?

The Great Awakening is the movement of sovereign, healed men, women and children waking up to the oppression they have been under for thousands of years and deciding they no longer want to be enslaved and oppressed and responding to this oppression. This can take the form of standing up for the Constitution for the United States of America with the administrative process. It can take the form of using equity to discharge debt that we cannot actually pay in the USA, since there has been no legal tender since 1933 when the Gold and then Silver standard was removed from the backing of the dollar bill. It can take the form of doing what Buckminster Fuller said in his quote, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” This is exactly what we are doing by creating the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage. We are creating a new model for living together, (the N.W.B.O.E.T.) and thus making the existing model of what the system is attempting to impose upon us obsolete. The system they are trying to impose upon us is what they call a One World Government or the New World Order. They want to have order and control over people and provide them with all their needs according to their ideas of what they believe we need. They want men to have no balls to stand up to their shenanigans and they want all around gender confusions. They want to decrease the population by encouraging abortions and by allowing euthanasia at all stages of life. They say we will all own nothing and be happy. They want to merge us with technology in their attempt to create a movement of transhumanism, so we can be controllable. They are attempting to blame us for this alleged “climate change” and make us do all these things to mediate the climate issue, all of which, give them greater control over us. What they do not want us to know is how they are intentionally poisoning our food, water, air, and earth to damage us. They do this by genetically modifying our food to make it carcinogenic by putting the toxic fluoride chemical in our water, by geoengineering the weather and by providing health care that is destructive to the human body. The Unite and Thrive Ecovillage aligns with the concept of the true Great Awakening in that it will offer an environment where we will have a fully healthy lifestyle. In the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage, our food, water and air are clean, and we will create our own method of living and being together that is completely off the Grid and which empowers people through first their own personal healing and then through raising of our collective power of healed people. Together, as a collective of sovereigns, healed men, women, and children we defy the oppression we have been under for thousands of years and decide we no longer want to be enslaved and oppressed and the Unite and Thrive Ecovillage is a response to this oppression.

Can you provide examples of the empowering alternatives you are passionate about creating in our lives?

The most important empowering alternative I am enthusiastic about creating in people’s lives is healing. Humanity has been extremely damaged after thousands of years of slavery, physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual. I am passionate about bringing healing modalities to members of the human race who are ready to heal, grow and transform. Healing modalities include cutting-edge futuristic healing technologies as well as ancient wisdom healing modalities and knowledge. The Unite and Thrive ecovillage will also be an empowering alternative in that we will create a self-sustaining village where all aspects of nourishing the human mind, emotions, body, and Soul are fully manifested and all members are aligned with not just surviving but thriving by coming together and lifting each other up.

How do you see the Agape Performing Arts Center (APAC) integrating performing arts with healing and community building?

APAC will not just be a performing arts center in the traditional American sense of things. Though we will have both local and international artists come to share their gifts through APAC, it will also be a place where we conduct our Rites of Passage (ROP) programs which consist of ROP and Make Up ROP Rites of Passage (MUROP.)

MUROP is a program that people can use to fill the missing gaps of rites of passages they either never had or ROPs that were devoid of Spiritual, transformational energy.

APAC will also be a play/work ground to honor our personal and collective healing through the various cutting-edge and alternative therapies offered through the DHEEP Healing Arts Center. Groups and individual people who complete their healing journeys through the DHEEP will participate in a public acknowledgement ceremony of their transformation at APAC. At this ceremony, they will fully embody their healing through their own unique artistic expression of the essential aspects of their healing. Being witnessed in this expression is a form of healing in and of itself.

What is your long-term vision for the eco-village, and how do you hope it will impact future generations?

The long-term vision for the Unite and Thrive ecovillage is for it to be a role model for other similarly intentioned ecovillages. There is such a great need for healing in the world today that the ecovillages that spin off the Unite and Thrive ecovillage may take on specific needs for the healing of specific populations.

For example, there can be ecovillages that help those who have been traumatized by:

The Industrial Military Complex

Child Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse

The Health/Pharmaceutical Industry

The False Public Education Complex

The Environmental False Flag Climate Change Industry

Mind Control Influences

And any other issues that arise which need extreme healing.

The Unite and Thrive ecovillage is designed to solve the challenges we face from the D.O.O.B.E.E.B. The Unite and Thrive ecovillage will accomplish its divine mission with the help of our Divine Creator and the D.A.S.B.O.L. (Divine Astral Star Beings Of Light) which will certainly be revealed to us on Earth as part of the imminent DISCLOSURE.

(Meaning the disclosure to humanity as to the vastness of the other types of beings in the multiverse and how they are connected to us.)

When did you join AllAuthor and what are your opinions about the website so far?

I joined AllAuthor in the second quarter of 2024 after publishing my book on February 23, 2024. I am impressed with AllAuthor because the program offers many tools for authors to gain exposure to their books and to connect with other authors.

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