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Darlene Tallman

Darlene Tallman

I first hit publish back in 2016 and haven't looked back yet! Loving this journey and excited to bring the stories in my head out onto the page for others.

Darlene Tallman's Books

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Rebel Guardians MC (7 Book Series)
$26.93 kindleeBook,
Rebel Guardians MC (7 Book Series)by Liberty ParkerRomantic Suspense
Our Last First Kiss
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Our Last First Kissby Darlene TallmanPublish: Feb 20, 2018Contemporary Romance
Operation Valentine
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Operation Valentineby Darlene TallmanPublish: Jan 31, 2017Contemporary Romance
Rebel Guardians Next Generation (3 Book Series)
$11.97 kindleeBook,
Rebel Guardians Next Generation (3 Book Series)by Liberty Parker Action & Adventure Romantic Suspense Romance

Darlene Tallman's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Darlene Tallman.
** Also, there might be other book series by Darlene Tallman not listed on AllAuthor.

Darlene Tallman Interview On 24, Nov 2020

"Growing up Darlene Tallman wanted to be a writer and has always been a daydreamer. A lifelong reader, Tallman hit publish in the year 2016. With the release of her debut novel, "Bountiful Harvest" Darlene made it clear that she is here to stay and make you swoon with her romance novels. her stories are incredibly well developed with a genuinely likable cast of characters."
Where were you born and how has it affected you?

I was born in Buffalo, New York. I'd have to say it has affected me in the fact that I don't like cold weather... lol. Seriously though, growing up, I was surrounded by family and have a lot of good memories that help me craft some of my characters.

What are some of the most memorable books you read as a child?

The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew - it was an old old book and the pages were yellowed but when I found it at my grandma's house and read it, I was transported to another world.

What inspired you to begin your journey of being a published author back in 2016?

Growing up I wanted to to be a writer and have always been a daydreamer. In 2015, I woke up with the prologue for my first book "right there" so I grabbed my laptop and started writing. However, it wasn't until some online friends read snippets and they encouraged me to finish it and publish it that I decided to follow the dream, even though originally I thought "Bountiful Harvest' would be a one and done!

Why do some people become lifelong readers and others not?

I think that sometimes, reading isn't as encouraged except by teachers. Other times, a child may have a learning challenge like dyslexia that prevents them from enjoying reading. One of my children didn't start really reading until one of his teachers noticed that he was straining to see. Got him glasses and voila!

What challenges did you face while releasing your debut novel, "Bountiful Harvest"?

My biggest challenge was finding time to write. At the time, I was doing a lot of different things to ensure that I had a roof over my head so time was precious.

How has been your experience of co-writing with Liberty Parker on an MC series, the Rebel Guardians?

Like everything it was a learning process initially since neither of us had ever cowritten anything! But we've developed a great friendship and our ideas are often on the same page so we've been able to create a world that folks love reading about!

Where did you meet Cherry Shephard and her 10 year old son?

Initially online since she lives in Australia and I'm here in the States. However, when I went to Australia for a signing in September 2018, we shared what amounts to a hotel room (although the hotel there, the Mantra, is set up more like an apartment - it had a kitchen, living room, bedrooms. Very nice!), so I got to meet her and Alex as well as her two daughters. It was such a great time!

How did you begin writing the "The Mischief Kitties" series?

Cherry and I were talking in chat one night and she said that Alex had come up with an idea for their three kitties. Then she said maybe Harry could come visit. Then, it evolved that we'd write together and have "my" kitties move in next door to "her" kitties. It's so much fun to write and we've got a ton of ideas, just got to find the time!

Who inspired the character of Braxton Callahan in "Braxton: Rebel Guardians MC"?

Braxton came to me while driving home after my first-ever book signing as an author. I'd have to say there's not one person per se, but rather a compilation of all the good, strong men I've known in my life, from my dad and uncle to the men I used to attend church with. Hard workers, devoted to their families.

If you could take away one thing from Clarissa Harrison in "Operation valentine", what would it be - her loving family, her devoted fiancé, or her college degree?

Hmmm, since the degree was the catalyst for what happened afterward, that's a tough question. However, I think what's meant to be will eventually be, so probably the college degree. There's no guarantee that she and her fiancé would've stayed together, right?

Audio book vs e-book vs printed book, which one do you prefer and why?

I actually like them all, but for different reasons. Audiobooks help me when I'm on a road trip because there are quite a few places still despite all the advances where cell signal stinks so having an audiobook beats listening to the same 20 songs on the radio. Ebooks? Well, I can read that anywhere since I downloaded my kindle app to my phone (although I've got physical devices as well). Printed books? There's nothing like the smell of a brand-new book. I typically don't read my signed books I get, but definitely love holding a book in my hands from time to time.

How do you handle criticism as a writer?

Honestly, it depends on where it comes from if that makes sense. I do read reviews because sometimes, the reviewer will put legit reasons they struggled reading a book and if there's something I could be doing better, whether it's developing a character or expanding on a situation, I can take that knowledge to my future books. There are those who criticize, however, and they're not doing it with that in mind and those are harder to handle. However, I've got some good friends I can talk to that help me work through anything that may come up. You have to develop a tough skin when you're an author because not everyone will like what you wrote and while I'm a firm believer that reviewers are entitled to their opinions, I think some could use lessons on their delivery!

Which is the last book you read, completely? Was it worth your time?

"Angel" by Kristine Allen. It's part of the Royal Bastards MC world and yes, it was definitely worth my time!

Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Well, a four-way cowrite (Finding the Lost : Mystic Island) just went live two days ago; it's with Liberty Parker, Kayce Kyle and a new author we're introducing, Hope Childs. That being said, I'm actively working to get "Desire - A Savage Wylde novel" finished up (it's part of the Savage Wylde world that Liberty Parker started with her book, "Uninhibited"), as well as book three in the Poseidon's Warriors MC - Loki's Angel. Desire will publish first as we've said it'll be out by December 1, so I'm hoping for divine inspiration to show up so I can get it done and dusted! Loki is a bit further along so he'll likely show up in December as well.

When did you join AllAuthor and what are your opinions about the website so far?

Is it bad that I don't remember when I joined? I know I initially joined so I could vote on the monthly cover contest, then changed my account to an author account and then upgraded to the Pro. I've been enjoying it as I find something new to do (like creating the nifty memes with my books on them) to share to SM!

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