About Author

Deb Rhodes

Deb Rhodes
  • Genre:

    Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Poetry Biographies & Memoirs
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Author, beta reader
  • Born: 24 October
  • Member Since: Jun 2019
  • Profile Views: 13,119
  • Followers: 23
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest,

When I was a teenager longing with desperation to make my creative mark on the world, my father, an artist, told me that writers are artists who create through the medium of words on paper. This delighted me to no end. I’d never thought of myself as an artist before, though I’d been earnestly painting portraits with words on paper since the age of seven.

Through the years of being a single mom to five sons, I never allowed my dreams and talent to die out. I wrote late at night while the kids slept or scribbled in my car during lunchtimes at work. While staring unseeingly at my laundry tumbling in dryers at depressing laundromats, I composed stories in my head while attempting to keep an eye on my rambunctious sons. Something compelled me to write down what I saw and experienced and heard, for unless it was formed in written words life didn’t seem quite real to me.

2019 finds me Nana to seven beautiful grand-kids. With the time I need now to wholeheartedly pursue the writing dreams put on hold for so long, I’ve published a book of poems, Brightwood Street Chronicles. There is also a childhood memoir in the works, as well as a couple of novels whose characters seem to have taken up permanent residence in my imagination and heart.

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Brightwood Street Chronicles
(2) (1) Paperback,
Brightwood Street Chroniclesby Deb RhodesPublish: Sep 30, 2019Poetry

Deb Rhodes All time Favourite Books

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Binding Circumstance
(1) $3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Binding Circumstanceby Kelley GriffinPublish: Jul 29, 2019Romantic Suspense
Deb Rhodes Deb Rhodes
I love the characters in this story. They are so authentic, especially when it comes to their insecurities about themselves. The author did a great job of showing their struggles to go after what they want.

There's a mystery in the book that I found intriguing and added another layer to the plot. Do you know how in some books the protagonists are in such a dilemma that you almost don't want to keep reading in case things get worse? But you have to because you've come to know the characters, they seem like your friends and you're rooting for them. Well, this is one of those books.

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      • Deb Rhodes Deb Rhodes 5 years ago
      • I wrote my first short story when I was seven as a means to express my angst at being taken away from my father. I discovered in the process of writing the story that there was power in putting words to paper and writing out my truth. I've never stopped writing since.
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