About Author

Deborah Perdue

Deborah Perdue

Deborah Perdue is an award-winning author of five books on her favorite passion and topic, gratitude. She also teaches workshops and classes and facilitates women's retreats on the topic of gratitude, abundance, and how to live a life of peace and joy.

It has been her passion to help others transform their lives and her own life through her spiritual path and the power of being grateful! She has been a Center for Spiritual Living licensed practitioner for over 14 years.

She writes spiritual articles and blog posts on gratitude. They have been published online and in ... local publications. Deborah has been writing 'Daily Gratitude Reflections' to her subscriber email list for over seven years! She was first introduced to the practice of gratitude on a daily basis at the Center for Spiritual Living in the Rogue Valley.

It is her intention that her gratitude journals and books will be a blessing to others who wish to uplift their consciousness by practicing gratitude. The spiritual classes she facilitates encourage others in their transformation to awakening.

In 1994, Deborah received two Bachelor's Degrees (Cum Laude) from Sonoma State University, in English (emphasis: creative writing) and Studio Art (with emphasis: photography).

Her graphic design business, Illumination Graphics, is a rewarding and prospering business that she loves. Deb is an accomplished book designer with over 20 years of experience, and she chooses to specialize in the design of spiritual book covers.

Living in the country in Oregon, her home office overlooks beautiful forested land and is near the "Famous Rogue River," where she, her husband, and two dogs visit and swim almost every day in the summer. She hails from the San Fran Bay Area CA, where she spent 45 years until moving to Southern Oregon.
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Deborah Perdue's Books

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Deborah Perdue's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Deborah Perdue.
** Also, there might be other book series by Deborah Perdue not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 1

    1 Daily Gratitude Reflections Volume 2: 365 Inspirational Guides to Grateful Living (Paperback) - Published on Dec, 2021

Deborah Perdue's Awards and Achievements

    Deborah Perdue has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Reader's Favorite 5-Star Awarded Editorial Review
    2022 achievement

Deborah Perdue Interview On 27, May 2022

"A self-published author and a book designer, Deborah L Perdue is the author of five books. With a B.A. in English, she has been writing ever since childhood. She writes spiritual articles and blog posts on gratitude. She has a daily practice of writing to keep herself engaged and motivated. In her free time, she enjoys taking walks with her dogs, nature, swimming, and artwork."
Which is your favorite childhood memory?

We were at a good movie. My parents came and told us we had to go. I was mad. It turns out they had brought two horses to us from Utah, we all 3 daughters loved horses. So they introduced us to the two beautiful mares. I wasn’t mad anymore that they yanked us out of a movie.

What developed your love for writing?

I have always written since a young child. Journaling was something I’ve always done. Then in school I continued writing and reading wonderful authors. Eventually, I got a B.A. in English (emphasis: Creative writing) and I’ve been writing ever since.

What makes Gratitude your favorite topic to write about?

I found the power of a gratitude practice when a minister gave us all blank journals and told us to write 5 things we were grateful for every day for 40 days and that our lives would change for the better. It worked. Now I love to share gratitude in my books and gratitude journals.

Which is the best book to start reading habit with?

Wow, how can I pick one?! Pick a genre you like, for instance, I like modern psychological fiction – one author I love is Kristin Hannah. Start there, read all of her works and then find similar authors.

Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?

I chose self-publishing because it allows us to have freedom and get our books out there, rather than trying to get a traditional publisher to take notice and take us on.

How much importance do you place on book titles and covers?

I am also a book designer! (www.illuminationgraphics.com) so I place more importance than most people on cover design. Very important to have a professional book cover. An engaging title is also crucial and good when you can put important keywords into a title and/or subtitle too.

In what ways do you think your book, Grace of Gratitude Journal will influence the lives of its readers?

The Grace of Gratitude Journal has been published for quite awhile. I hear from many that it has greatly impacted their lives in beneficial ways to start a gratitude practice using my beautifully-illustrated, inspiring journal.

From where did you get the idea for writing "Daily Gratitude Reflections: 365 Guides to Great-Full Living"?

I have a subscriber list (you can sign up at www.graceofgratitude.com) I have been writing thoughts of gratitude Mon-Fri for about 7 years! In both of my Daily Gratitude Reflections book, I took the cream of the crop for these daily guides.

What according to you are the key ingredients of a successful book?

I feel the author needs to have passion for the genre they write in. If the author is passionate, like I am for being grateful, the readers will feel the sincerity and react very positively.

What is the sweetest fan-mail that you have ever received?

Here is a short one that I particularly love:
“Keep the vibrations of love flowing! The Daily Gratitude Reflections that Deborah Perdue writes and sends daily are deep and wondrous, and touch my heart.
-P. Singh

When are you most inspired to write? What are some things you do to motivate yourself when you're stuck in a rut?

I have a daily practice of writing and that keeps me engaged and motivated always.

What were some misconceptions you had about the book and publishing industry before you became a published author?

I didn’t realize that marketing is so important, even if you have a traditional publisher. Your “job” is not over when you write a book. Getting the word out is very important.

What other things, apart from writing do you enjoy doing?

Taking walks with my dogs, nature, swimming, artwork, my book design business, friends and spirituality.

What are some of your plans for the future? Are you working on a new project at the moment?

I plan to write another book about Radical Gratitude. I have started it. I feel there is always something you can find to be grateful for, even when something harrowing happens in your life. I will use examples from myself and others to show how to find gratitude in a tough situation.

When were you first introduced to AllAuthor and how?

A marketing person who was helping me found it for me. This was in 2021 when my new book was launched.

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