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Diane Sanchez

Diane Sanchez

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(1) $2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
FORBIDDEN LOVEby Diane SanchezPublish: Feb 15, 2024Romance Women's Fiction LGBT Teen & Young Adult
A Girl Named Dream
(1) $9.49 kindle Free with KUeBook,
A Girl Named Dreamby Diane SanchezPublish: Jul 17, 2023Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Children's
(1) $5 kindle Free with KUeBook,
REFLECTIONby Diane SanchezPublish: Oct 04, 2024Women's Fiction Biographies & Memoirs

Diane Sanchez Interview On 20, Dec 2024

"Diane Sanchez, a proud mother of six and grandmother, is a passionate writer from New Jersey. At 53 years old, she has embraced her love for storytelling, elevating her craft to new heights. As a survivor, Diane draws on her life experiences to create powerful stories and poems. With the unwavering support of her wonderful daughter-in-law, she is turning her dreams into reality, sharing her voice with the world."
Tell us about your journey as a writer. When did you first realize that writing was your passion?

My journey started a long time ago. It started when I was a teenager. I had a diary that my father gave me. Everyday I used to write in it. More i write, the more I love to write. You can say writing was my way to express myself through words.

How has being a mother of six and a grandmother influenced your writing?

Showing my kids and grandchild that always follow your passion. They joy they has to see me

Writing with motion is priceless.

What does being a "Jersey girl" mean to you, and how has it shaped your identity as a writer?

Growing up in New Jersey is where I was born. So it shows me that the strait of Jersey is stronger so my writing is strong. Because it started in New Jersey.

You describe yourself as a survivor. Can you share how this aspect of your life has impacted your writing?

Well I am a domestic violence survivor. Writing will always be my voice. When I couldn't speak and i didnt have a voice. I always express myself with words .That was the only way to let it out. My whole life I didn't have a voice. But writing how I feel was a sign of expressing myself through words.

What inspired you to take your writing to a whole new level? Was there a specific moment or experience that pushed you forward?

I think life has inspired me to write. Putting myself out there I think was the hard part of it. But I didn't let it stop me. I started being judged and thinking I was not good enough. So I put faith in my writing. That is what my first book is about.

Do your children and grandchildren ever serve as inspiration for your stories or poems?

Yes my kids do and my grandchildren. I was thinking about writing a story about my son who is autistic.

What kinds of stories or poems do you enjoy writing the most? Is there a particular genre or theme that resonates with you?

I love to write poems with meaning. I love all positive things in life. So I try to put that in everything I do. If you can feel my writing. Then I know I am doing something right.

How do you balance writing with your busy life as a mother, grandmother, and wife?

Being a mother is always busy is a job itself. But I always try to spread my writing. Sometimes I lock myself in the room just so I can write and have a peace of mind.

In what ways do you feel your writing has evolved over time, especially since you began pursuing it more seriously? Well putting myself out is a journey itself. The more I write the more I express myself. Writing to me is a sign of the straight.

on having a wonderful daughter-in-law. How has the support of your family influenced your creative journey? My daughter in law is married to my daughter. To see the love they share together is amazing. They show the true meaning of love. I am so blessed that my daughter has that in her life. As we know they are always judged about who they are.. The second book I wrote is a love story about two women. They inspire me to write that book. That book is called forbidden love.

What advice would you give to other women who dream of becoming writers but feel like they have too many responsibilities holding them back?

I will tell them there are so many ways to express yourself. You just have to find your way. There are so many authors out there. They all have something to write about. As a mother with two special needs kids. I have learned to balance myself. Writing at night is easier for me. That when the kids are sleepy and my mind is calm. Just balance yourself. One sentence at a time.

What is the most meaningful feedback you’ve received about your work, and how did it affect you as a writer?

I have been told so many times to give up that I am not good enough. I know as authors we hear that alot. It is what we do with that native response. I think to myself do i give up or i keep pursode it. Then I received a positive response to my writing. I think to myself .You will have people love your work. Those are the people who keep me going. A wise woman would say if they closed the doors on you. You keep going and push that door down. That's what I do. I write from my heart so I can express people and help them find their way.

Do you have any writing rituals or routines that help you stay focused and productive?

Yes I do ! Sometimes I listen to music to express myself. Or if I get an idea and I put it down and use that as my plate form. Life is my platform that keeps me going.

What’s next for you as an author? Are there any upcoming projects or goals you’re particularly excited about?

I want to take my writing to the next level. Like Reflection is a book about surviving domestic violence. That book has so much meaning to me. I would love to do a book tour in the future. To help women to find their voice. My biography just came out. I am with another author in that book.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

It has helped me grow as an author. I have learned alot from Allauthor. As a writer I tell myself to learn everyday and hopefully one day I will be the best author. My book will inspire one person. Then I know I am on the right path. Thank you for all your support. Keep your eyes on my next book.

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    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
    • Hi Diane Sanchez,

      Huge congratulations on your captivating books! I'm thrilled to see your works, such as "Forbidden Love", "A Girl Named Dream", and "Reflection", resonating with readers across multiple genres, including romance, women's fiction, LGBT, fantasy, and teen & young adult.

      Your unique voice and perspective have undoubtedly captivated readers. It's wonderful to see your passion for storytelling shining through.

      I'd love to help you spread the word about your exciting new releases. Would you be open to discussing some strategic promotional strategies to reach an even wider audience?

      Once again, congratulations on your success!

      Best regards,
      Lisa Deborah
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