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Debbie Zello

Debbie Zello
  • Genre:

    Thriller Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Paranormal Romance Erotic Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 10 October
  • Member Since: Feb 2018
  • Profile Views: 20,712
  • Followers: 44
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Amazon,

Debbie has always been an avid reader, but writing was not her interest. That was until an illness gave her the time and inspiration needed to begin her journey in words. After writing down a few chapters of a story that had whispered into her head, she gave it to a few friends to read. The rest became her first book, The Kiss Me Chronicles.
Debbie freely credits her stories to her muses, the characters themselves. They occupy her thoughts and dreams, presenting her with their narratives on their lives and loves. On occasion, she has tried to put her own take on their story, only to be quickly corrected by the true authors.
Debbie has traveled extensively and has a deep love of American history. Her novels are often based on historical events as well as places she has visited. She is also an amateur genealogist, having traced her own family roots.
Debbie currently has fourteen published books with many more in various stages of production, including a tetralogy of 'what or where is your safe place.' She is also branching out of the romance/historical romance genre to include a teenage appropriate story based on Dorothy's(The Wizard of Oz) great-granddaughter, Dee, and her adventurous shoes.

Debbie Zello's Books

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The Middle of My Bridge
$0.99 kindleeBook,
The Middle of My Bridgeby Debbie ZelloPublish: Jul 06, 2015Contemporary Romance
See You in September : The Refuge Series Book One
$1.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
See You in September : The Refuge Series Book Oneby Debbie ZelloPublish: Jul 07, 2017Series: The Refuge SeriesContemporary Romance Romance
Shadows of Him
$1.2 kindleeBook,
Shadows of Himby Debbie ZelloPublish: Mar 22, 2015Paranormal Romance
Romancing Broadway
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Romancing Broadwayby Debbie ZelloPublish: Sep 05, 2015Contemporary Romance

Debbie Zello's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Debbie Zello.
** Also, there might be other book series by Debbie Zello not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Refuge Series

    1 See You in September : The Refuge Series Book One - Published on Jul, 2017

Debbie Zello Interview On 05, Oct 2018

"Author Debbie Zello has been writing since about seven years. She began having dreams about stories the night after her first chemotherapy treatment.
Having the opportunity to visit many of the places that are in her stories helps with the describing the area.
She likes romance, she can’t imagine writing anything else.
Her all time favorite book is Gone With The Wind.
Debbie says that the best thing you can do to improve your writing is to read.
Talking about the one goal that she has set for herself, the author tells that she would love some real fans that look for new books of hers.
Currently, she has two completed books but not edited. She has six books in various stages of completion."
Tell us a little bit about your background and family. How has your extensive travelling colored your writing?

Having the opportunity to visit many of the places that are in my stories helps with the describing the area. I can add in actual landmarks. I can visualize what I’ve seen and use it.

How long have you been writing and what inspired you to become a writer?

I’ve been writing about seven years. I began having dreams about stories the night after my first chemotherapy treatment. The dreams were a gift from the chemicals.

What is it about paranormal romance that you absolutely love, that you think sets it apart from any other genre?

I have three books that are classified as paranormal. It’s fun to write because you can be totally free with it. There’s no rules. It’s completely fictional so the sky is your limit.

How did you come up with the plot and characters for Elizabet, Under the Back Staircase? What were you trying to achieve with this story?

Elizabet is my first totally immersed Historical Romance. My favorite time period is the Victorian Era with a real love of the Civil War. Elizabet is the product of a love affair between a Pennsylvania wealthy steel baron’s son and the kitchen maid. When they aren’t allowed to marry, Elizabet is born with one door on the front stairs and one on the back. She is both illegitimate and loved by her father. Her strength and fortitude gets her through happy and tough times until she finds her place in the world.

Between Gareth, Gavin and Cesere, which character would you like to bring to life? Why?

Cesere is the epitome of a Latin Lover in every respect. He’s a gentleman, yet forceful, and sexy. Gavin is street smart and funny. Having him around would be a whirlwind of activity and craziness. Gareth is kind and steady. He’s the most real to me. He’s the guy next door and the family friend. So...I’ll take Gavin. He’s the most complicated character. He’d be the most fun to know.

Is any of your characters inspired by real life person? What is the one thing you love about Neomi in "Found in Understanding"?

Although most of my female characters have bits and pieces of me in them, none of my characters are real people. I’ve used some friends and family members names as characters but even then, they are not like the characters themselves.

Neomi, AKA Firelight, is a very complicated character. She grows the most from the beginning to the end of the book. I love her tenacity, her grit. She’s given extremely difficult situations to overcome and she conquers each with fortitude. I admire that in her.

From where did you get the idea for your first book title? Is there any significance of naming your book "Shadows of Him"?

The Kiss Me Chronicles was my first book. It’s a collection of four short stories all titled with Kiss me... I’ve grown so much since then with the help of reading very good books.

Shadows of Him is titled that because Zan, the main male character is a shadow. He’s been cursed by a Salem witch to travel through time never staying one place long enough to be more than a shadow in time. That’s until he meets a woman that won’t let him just disappear.

Which part of the book The Kiss Me Chronicles was most fun to write?

The first story was what I dreamed after chemo. It’s about a woman dealing with breast cancer and it’s aftermath. It’s not my story but it has bits of me in it. I won’t say it was fun to write but it was healing in a way.

Have you read any good books recently? What is your all-time favorite book?

My all time favorite book is Gone With The Wind. My favorite book for the last couple of years are the Gabriel Series by Sylvain Reynard. Sylvain writes beautifully. He’s my favorite right now.

What are some things you would do differently if you could go back in time to right before you wrote and published your book?

I would realize the value in good editing. An author can’t edit their own book. A good editor is a real find and a good edit makes your book. Don’t rush through to get the book published. Take your time and have several people read it to find mistakes.

Do you have any writer friends and how do they inspire you to become a better author?

I have many author friends including Sylvain Reynard. They all are very supportive. The best thing you can do to improve your writing is to read. Read all genres and many authors. You can learn from their mistakes and improve on yours.

What is something that most people don't know about teen and young adult books that they NEED to know?

Just because they’re kids doesn’t mean they’re stupid. Challenge them and don’t let them off easily. They like good plots as much as you do.

What are your plans for the future as a writer? Are you working on anything new? And do you plan on sticking with the romance genre?

I have two completed books but not edited. I have six books in various stages of completion. I like romance, I can’t imagine writing anything else.

What is one goal you have set for yourself that you haven't yet been able to accomplish but hope to, soon?

I’d love to have a book that is noticed. I’d love some real fans that look for new books of mine. That would be wonderful.

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