About Author

Edward Holden

Edward Holden
  • Genre:

    Action & Adventure Science Fiction
  • Country: Austria
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Dad
  • Born: 21 October
  • Member Since: Jul 2021
  • Profile Views: 4,678
  • Followers: 52
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube,

I never really know what to write about myself. Facts and figures about an author seem odd to me. Okay, but I will try. First of all, I live alone and I have done so for several years. This is not because I am unfriendly or antisocial, half of my life has been spent entertaining people, but when my kids were young, my wife decided she needed to 'move on'. Fine. And so she did. I successfully managed to persuade the judge to allow me 50% visitation rights - which in Austria is not allowed legally mainly due to child support problems. Once having agreed to the mother becoming this, however, there was no obstacle anymore.
So, it all worked out wonderfully, only... after a year or two I decided to ask my kids what they thought about me getting a girlfriend - not a good question!

So. What else? Why do I write, or what inspires me? These are not really questions about me. I think the way I respond to things and life is not the same as how I used to. Each day I learn. I have good and bad habits, just like everyone. I have a lot of love inside me which makes me sad and frustrated at times - music, songs, books, and film can all move me to laughter or tears. I still have dreams, they are different then when I was young, and I know some of them are dying. It's sad to lose a dream this way, but I hope some of them will come true.
So.. I guess this is showing you that although I write, I am not special, I simply enjoy words and use them as best as I can. Maybe you will enjoy what I write and get back to me with it, and make me as happy as you were by simply telling me you enjoyed some particular part in one of my books.
If there is anything else you wish to know, please do ask. I have a chapter for chapter explanation in my blog the address is: blog.edward-holden.com

I do this because it's the kind of thing I would love know from some of my favorite authors.

I hope I am not alone in this.

Edward Holden's Books

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I am GoD EI8HT
$1.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
I am GoD EI8HTby Edward HoldenPublish: Oct 21, 2021Series: CreationScience Fiction Fantasy
I am GoD: Connecting (Creation Book 1)
$1.49 kindleeBook, Paperback,
I am GoD: Connecting (Creation Book 1)by Edward HoldenPublish: Aug 30, 2019Series: CreationScience Fiction Fantasy
I am GoD: Indigenous (Creation Book 3)
$1.49 kindleeBook, Paperback,
I am GoD: Indigenous (Creation Book 3)by Edward HoldenPublish: Oct 19, 2020Series: CreationScience Fiction Fantasy
I am GoD: Revelations (Creation)
$9 kindleeBook, Paperback,
I am GoD: Revelations (Creation)by Edward HoldenPublish: May 08, 2020Series: CreationScience Fiction Fantasy

Edward Holden's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Edward Holden not listed on AllAuthor.

Edward Holden Interview On 23, Feb 2022

"Edward Holden has always enjoyed words. He writes a weekly blog, which explains how each chapter came about and what inspired parts of it. He finds emotional scenes the most difficult to write. His books are an extension of his experience, putting the trials and tribulations of a fast-paced world into your hands."
Tell us a little bit about your hometown and your life growing up.

I would prefer to keep this part of my life private. Not because I have any bad recollections of my childhood or the place, but the truth is, what I remember might not match up to reality. And that might not be good news. Why tell a child there is no Father Christmas if he doesn’t need to know? What I can say, though, is that all my bumps and bruises, smiles and tears, have made me who I am. And it is this person who wrote Creation - no one else.

What were some of your aims and aspirations as a kid and how did those change as you grew up?

I think I always wanted to be loved for something I’d done - something amazing. Now, I guess I just want someone to be nice to me on a regular basis. Let other people be amazing. I’m quite happy to tell them they are, too.

What were your parents' initial reactions when you said you wanted to be an author?

I never told them. In the past, I wrote books simply because it was a great way to send money home. By placing the money between the pages of a chapter, it had a much better chance of arriving. It kind of got me used to writing to deadlines as each week I would send something.

How did you first get into the science fiction genre?

I never did. This book has actually very little to do with SF. There are no aliens, no apocalyptic ending. Of course, I have written some futuristic fantasies about how life might be like, but they’re more like background decoration, and don’t carry the storyline. The plot actually takes place in the late twentieth century.

Who and what was your inspiration for your book "I am GoD EI8HT"? What were the hardest and easiest parts of writing this book?

No one inspired me. It evolved out of a bizarre idea I once had concerning the creation of the world. ‘A student made earth for his final exam… and after, well, he had to destroy it, and let another God have a go.’ This idea never happened. But it got me thinking about creation.

What do I find the hardest part about writing?

I would say getting my thoughts in the right order – and remembering what I have already written. This may sound odd, but I write more chapters than necessary and end up removing a lot.

The easiest part is secretly adding my own soundtrack to the book. All skillfully written into the story. (Smile)

Which characters did you enjoy creating the most in the Creation series? What are some common myths or legends that you incorporated into these books?

This a good question. I enjoy all the characters. When I write their scenes, I try my best to make them real. To make them the kind of person I would love or hate. I try hard not to have any of my protagonists weak and unbelievable. As for the myths and legends – fortunately, because the story takes place in an online virtual game filled with global champions with historical avatar names, I have been able to encompass a lot of history, myths, and legends into the series. But at the same time, I have been able to question some of the issues, manners, and cultures of our time. Naturally, they are low profile, like salt on a dinner. It adds to the flavor but doesn’t spoil the meal. One last thing, I tend to write a lot of footnotes.

How do you usually select character names? Have you ever named a character after your family or friends?

In the Creation series the names have all been deliberately chosen. Some because of their ‘indirect reference to religious names: GoD, Evylin, JC. while others are taken out of respect for great people from history. Dr. Fanon, or staff sergeant Garcia. I don’t use friends names, because I feel they might indirectly influence the character and I don’t want that.

How did you get the idea for the Creation series? What are these books about?

The idea of Creation had been growing in my mind for years. It didn’t come as a moment of inspiration. It would be brilliant if it did… all six books! You see, the Creation series is actually just one very long story. When I started writing it, I didn’t realize it was going to be this long. It was not my fault. I believe in my characters, and because of this, they behave in unchangeable but pretty predictable ways. This prevents certain things from happening, while causing others too.

What kinds of scenes do you find harder to write (action, suspense, funny, etc)?

I find emotional scenes the most difficult. Trying to write about pain and heartache, and love in a way that is realistic, isn’t easy. I do not want to belittle anyone who has really gone through any of the emotions I try to describe. To achieve this I look into my colorful past, a life filled with incredible, interesting, and wonderful people, for help. This means that a lot of the pain and sorrow I write about I have experienced and met, in one form or other, in someone I have known and shared time with. This is why I try my very best not to be disrespectful to their hurting. I try really hard to express what they lived, and hope if ever they were to read it, they would know I understand.

What are some common misconceptions about the fantasy genre that you hope to erase?

There are none. I am not even sure what genre of fantasy my book belongs to. I would love to say it is unique but that would be a lie. I do feel it is slightly different however, and it might be a cuckoo’s egg.

How is your day structured? How many days do you write in a week?

I have a regular job which pays the mortgage. Nine to five. So my day structure is obvious. I try to write at least an hour a day, and this tends to be in the evening. I have convinced myself I only need six hours of sleep, five at night and one during the day, after which, I tell myself my mind is fresh, and I can start writing.

Walk us through the editing process of your book? Who normally edits your books for you?

I have a wonderful proofreader. Someone who has been working with me for fifteen years now. I have never met her and look forward to the day I do. I have so many things to look forward to, should people ever start buying my work. (smile)

If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing for a living?

LOL. Your question is a bit premature. Wait until someone officially recognizes my book, and then ask me again. Until then, I’m just someone wanting to be.

What are some common traps that new authors tend to fall into? Any advice on how to avoid these traps?

I’d appreciate it if I didn’t have to answer this question. Words can so easily be misunderstood.

Ask Edward Holden a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Edward Holden? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • Apart from my children... Angela my proof reader. I have known her for over 15 years now and we have never met.
        Colin Smythe, another person I have been chatting with the past ten years at least .. again we have never met.
        And Mario, an American jehovah witness who has never tried to convert me but has been good enough to care about me. Again for over 15 years. We met once... only.
        My closest friends are people I have never met. This must say something about my secluded lifestyle. (Huge smile.)
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • I haven't been able to answer this question for quite sometime, as there are a lot of great books but not one so great that I would like to swap my way of thinking . The closest, I would say, would have to be 'The girl with the dragon tattoo'. This book challenged my morals and my belief in humanity. It all felt so terribly real. Too real for comfort. I ended up reading all three books in two weeks. And then, after having finished this masterpiece I discovered Steig Larrson had died before its release! It was heartbreaking. After all his hard work, all that love and energy, he was never to know he had written something so beautiful. I wish he had. I know I haven't really answered the question, but I've never wanted to be anyone else, or create what they have. I honestly like being me - with all my spelling mistakes and inability to get my thoughts in a row. This is me.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • It's only SF on the surface. Below the surface, it's a novel that tries to tackle the problems of growing up - love - hate - political and environmental issues. It is also filled with trivia. Facts that no one needs to know, but its fun to know them all the same. Perhaps I have to many footnotes LOL.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • I suppose indirectly I incorporate parts of my life into my characters. Especially when it comes to their emorionally reactions. I have lived a colourful life and have met a lot of colourful people. They are my emotionsl encyclopedia. (Smile.)
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • I think writer's block belongs to other people. Those with deadlines to meet and contracts to fulfill. I think a better question for non megastar authors is: have you ever experienced writers depression? Where you ask yourself, why do I try so hard - when after - no one going to read it anyway. Tips on how to shake this off, would be interesting and helpful.
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      • Edward Holden Edward Holden 3 years ago
      • Getting the sentences in the right oder. Not the syntax but what to write first. I often find myself moving lines, which then unfortunately influences the following lines.. causing me to have to move them. LOL
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