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Joseph S. Spence, Sr.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr.

Ambassador, Professor, Dr. Joseph. S. Spence, Sr., is an awesome prolific, worldwide acclaimed award-winning, and best-selling poet. He follows his faith with dedication and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is a World Peace Ambassador of Human Justice, and International Diplomacy. His mother taught him how to read, write, interpret, and recite poems in high school, and he has been uplifting worldwide humanity with inspirational words since as an internationally acclaimed award-winning and best-selling poet. He has served in poetic leadership positions, conducted poetr... y seminars, recitals, and assisted poets around the world with a smiling heart to publish the golden words from the crystal ink of their musing pens. He has authored eight awesome poetry books, and is working on his ninth inspirational poetry book to motivate, uplift, and inspire souls to press forward and achieve the highest heavenly prize established for which they have been called and ordained.

He has taken English literature, creative writing, and poetry classes at the University of Maryland, University College, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. During his 26-years in the U. S. Army, he wrote poems for his military comrades and was dubbed “Apollo” the Greek god of poetry by them. He has received numerous worldwide awards for his poems, short stories, and researched articles. He was selected as Who's Who in America for years. He was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador by Governor William Clinton, for Arkansas, USA, and resided in Wisconsin.

Many have asked about his poetic identity. As a result, he published the following acrostic poem in alliteration style, using a sonnet format as an answer:

Joseph Spence, Sr. (Acrostic and Alliteration Poem)

Jumping Jupiter, a jubilant sundae lover, and just a jewel.
Oppressed liberator, optimistically captivating; oratorical.
Saintly passionate, succulent salmon sampler; sweetheart.
Exquisitely enchanting, enchantingly amatorious; éclat.
Playful, painstakingly passionate, pajama wearer, patient.
Handsomely helpful handyman, harmonizer of happiness.

So sensationally super; Sagittarius son of John Spence.
Pleasantly personable, and matriarch Maud Spence’s son.
Enabling, exquisite, eloquent, evolving, and enterprising.
Naturally nice, no-nonsense, and a nutritional nobleman.
Carrot consumer, constant comrade, and cold-war veteran.
Heavenly enlightened, and just an elegant eggnog taster.

Sweet as syrup, shining armor off the shelf; savoir-faire.
Red-blooded poetry connoisseur and radioactively lovable!

© Professor, Ambassador Dr. Joseph S. Spence Sr. (Epulaeryu Master).
All Rights Reserved
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Joseph S. Spence, Sr.'s Books

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Joseph S. Spence, Sr.'s Awards and Achievements

    Joseph S. Spence, Sr. has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Indie Author Hall of Fame
    2020 achievement
  • World Peace & International Understanding Book Award


  • Ambassador of Human RIghts, Diplomany, and World Peace
    2019 achievement
  • Global Icon of Humanity and Spiritual Services
    2019 achievement
  • Living Legend of The 21st Century
    2019 achievement
  • Poetry Contest Winner: Gold Medal Honor
    2019 achievement
  • World Peace Ambassador
    2019 award
  • World Poetic Star
    2019 achievement
  • Noble Star of Literature 2018
    2018 achievement
  • Poetry Bard, UK
    2011 award
  • Publisher's Best Seller Book Award


  • Best Christian Poetry Book Award

    Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body, and Soul


Joseph S. Spence, Sr. Interview On 12, Aug 2020

"Joseph S. Spence, Sr. is an award-winning author, with writing appearing nationally and internationally. He is the author of ten collections of poetry and over 200 peer-reviewed published articles in various genres. He has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity since 1992. He served as the poetry Chaplain, and a co-founder for the Worldwide Poetry Alliance, UK. He currently serves as a mentor to poets worldwide in developing their poetic and creative writing skills."
Where did you spend most of your childhood?

I spent most of my childhood on the sunny Caribbean Island of Jamaica, where I studied diligently, playing cricket, soccer, participating in track and field events, and enjoyed swimming in the beautify blue Caribbean Sea.

Do you remember the first poem your mother recited to you?

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the poem. He was one of the favorite poets in the school system. I don't recall the name of the poem; however, it was very inspiring and uplifting.

What did you want to become when you were a kid? What attracted you to begin a career as an author?

First, I wanted to become a telecommunication technician. Math and science were my two most favorite subjects. I attended the College of Arts, Science, and Technology, Jamaica, after high school and studied telecommunication. When I joined the U. S. Army, I aced the test for the Signal Corps, studies radio systems' communications, and morse code. I graduated two weeks ahead in my class and received a promotion to the next rank. After that, I attended paratrooper school and received an assignment to the elite 75 th Airborne Ranger Infantry as a radio communication specialist.

Second, my mother tutored me on how to read, write, interpret, and recite poetry while in high school. I had a teacher who was no very proficient on the subject. I practiced poetry sparingly after that. I had a commander who was a poet while in the military. We shared a lot of poems. I wrote my first poetry book, "A trilogy of Poetry, Prose, and Thoughts for the Mind, Body, and Soul in 2004, after my mother's glorious home going in 2003. The book was dedicated to her memory with thanksgiving. Thereafter, I entered the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and pursued an integrated course of study in English literature, creative writing, the African diaspora, Japanese linguistics, and poetry. I have written ten books since in honor of my mother's legacy. How much did you research while writing the inspirational and uplifting poetry text, Sincerely Speaking Spiritually?

"Sincerely Speaking Spiritually" took me seven-year to write for the initiation to launching. I was the co-founder and poetry Chaplain for The Worldwide Alliance of Poets, UK. I had several prayers requests each week. Some of the research completed while serving in those two positions filtered into the writing of "Sincerely Speaking Spiritually." Most of the research came from my studies at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (UWM), where I was studying English literature, creative writing, the African Diaspora, Japanese linguistics, and poetry.

Since how long have you been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.?

I have been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity since 1992. I am a life member and served as the Scribe for the Sphinx International Magazine, Delta Chi Lambda Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the Chaplain for the fraternity.

What inspired the beginning of your book, THE AWAKENED ONE POETICS?

"The Awakened One Poetics" started in a Japanese linguistics class at UWM. The class allowed me the opportunity of studying the history of Japanese poetry forms, primarily the haiku, senryu, and tanka forms. I also studied the Buddhist faith during the class; the Japanese poetic creators were Buddhists; therefore, I studied their motivation. While taking a meditation class at UWM, through a Buddhist foundation, I wrote several sections of "The Awakened One Poetics." The Awakened One is an integrated fusion of thoughts from the following: the 14 th Dali Lama, India; Attorney Mahama "Bapu" Gandhi, founder of the nation of India; Attorney Nelson Mandela, president, and father of the nation of South Africa; the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther, King Jr, civil rights activist, USA, Thich Nhat Hahn Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, France; and Pope John Paul II, the Vatican. The book is translated in the following languages by my worldwide poetry friends in: Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Jamaican Patwa/Patois, French, Arabic, Spanish, and Scottish Gaelic. The UWM Writing Center edited the text for publication. Recently, on 11 May 2020, it received "The Galaxy International Award for World Peace Co-existence and Understanding" from a book contest in India. A revised edition is pending for the near future, with additional translations and poems added based on the award.

How has been your experience of being a World Peace Ambassador of Human Justice, and International Diplomacy?

The experience from such has been uplifting and inspiring. I was able to assist several countries in a variety of ways, including economical, educational, and diplomatical. I have been called on for additional assistance in other ways. I need to learn how to deliver lectures and classes to other countries online, which will enhance my assistance as an ambassador to them.

I am looking forward to rendering continuous assistance for the betterment of worldwide humanity.

What has been your most cherished memory from conducting poetry seminars, recitals, and assisted poets around the world?

Receiving words of thanks are very precious moments to me. The primary countries I assist with tutoring are Africa and India. Coming close is Albania, Croatia, and the Philippines. Countries where English is not the primary language or first language (mother's tongue) usually ask for assistance, which I am delighted to provide.

How do you think taking English literature, creative writing, and poetry classes has helped you shape into a writer?

I started taking English literature and poetry classes while in high school; however, the classes taken at UWM majestically enhanced my knowledge, skill, and ability in the essence of poetry across the spectrum. I am still singing their praises for the education received there.

How would you describe your journey of 26-years in the U. S. Army?

My 26-year career in the U. S. Army is phenomenal. My dream was to be a special operations soldier. I used to like reading the war heroes comic books. So, I wanted to be one. I achieved my dream in six months after entering the army with an assignment to the elite 75 th Airborne Ranger Infantry. We had a great time soldiering worldwide!

How does it feel to be a worldwide acclaimed award-winning and best-selling poet?

The feeling is ecstatic. I took it in strides. After a 26-year worldwide career in the military as a special operations soldier, nothing really excites me anymore. However, I am thrilled inside.

What was your reaction on being dubbed "Apollo" the Greek god of poetry by your military comrades?

This is really my most favorite story. I used to write poems for military comrades in arms, I served with. They would seal their poem in a letter and post it back home to their loved ones. The results were phenomenal. Furthermore, the military prides itself on celebrating cultural events for soldiers. During an Asian American Cultural Celebration at the club on the military base, I recited several poems. One of the fellows shouted, "Go Ahead, Apollo!" Since then, the name stuck like glue and was on many tongues.

What is the sweetest fan-mail that you have ever received?

The sweetest fan-mail I ever received was a letter from the Chair of the English Department at UWM, Dr. Andrew Martin. One of my professors, Susan Frier, the poet laureate for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sent him a recommendation for me to receive the award. I received the letter stating my selection as an "Outstanding Student of Excellence." It was just amazing. They were indeed my poetic fans.

When can we expect the release of your ninth inspirational poetry book to motivate, uplift, and inspire souls?

My tenth inspirational poetry book "Sincerely Speaking Spiritually," which was published on 21 February 2020. The cover participated in the "AllAuthor July Book Cover Contest." We are very ecstatic of the fact that from the over 500 authors worldwide who submitted their books, and after the various elimination process, "Sincerely Speaking Spiritually" secured the tenth-place winning position. I am currently researching to see which book publication should be next. I am considering a serial edition to Sincerely Speaking Spiritually, a military poetry and short story book blending serious and comical events as a balance based on my 26-years of military service, or an inspiring love poetry book, for the mind, body, and soul. The results have been fascinating so far.

What's the best way to market your books? How were you introduced to AllAuthor?

I personally don't feel there is any best way to market a book. I am taking a multifaceted approach. The "July Book Cover Contest" was an excellent way of marketing. Many supporters were reached, and they responded positively. Currently, I am enjoying the process of speaking one on one with community members, shoppers, and passers-by about "Sincerely Speaking Spiritually" while handing them a business card with a picture of the book. I genuinely love their beautiful comments and interests in the book.

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