About Author

Fred Rutter

Fred Rutter
  • Genre:

    Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: writer, landscape photographer
  • Born: July
  • Member Since: May 2021
  • Profile Views: 14,982
  • Followers: 201
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Goodreads,

Based in the Midwest, I travel about the region and write about the events and situations I encounter, and photograph them as well. Some of this content evolves into topics on my blog "Hitting the Road Without a Map". https://blog.hittingtheroadwithoutamap.com/

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Fred Rutter Interview On 28, Jul 2022

"Based in the Midwest, Fred Rutter was inspired by a cross-country trip to write his first book. He write non-fiction, and his first story was about being incarcerated, titled "First Time in Jail." He writes about the events and situations he encounters during traveling. His target audience is people who enjoy reading true stories."
What childhood memory has had the best impact on you?

traveling with my parents to visit grandparents and the sea shore.

What is the earliest experience you had with writing that you remember?

having to write a story in typing class.

What inspired you to write your first book?

a cross country trip that unfolded in many unexpected ways, and forced me to face fears still lurking within.

What are you tired of in the history genre?

self-serving stories masquerading as true history.

What are some ways you tried to improve your writing throughout your high school years?

I did not fancy myself as a writer in high school, for I saw others who were better at it than me.

How did you come up with the idea of "Hitting the Road Without A Map: ...and other miscalculations"?

It is a true story! With little to no preparation, an acquaintance and me embarked upon a cross county mission to deliver a mutual friend's giant RV from Ohio to Oregon. Thinking technology would suffice, we literally hit the road without a map, and that was our first miscalculation. There would be more!

What is one of your first stories you ever made up/wrote? Did you ever complete it?

I write non-fiction, and my first story was about being incarcerated, and titled "First Time in Jail," and, yes, I completed it.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

when I was asked to edit a history publication, which really meant I had to write a small magazine which came out three times a year. I did that for over ten years.

Do you hear from your readers much? What do they say?

I rarely hear from my readers, but the few comments I have received have always been encouraging, and I must have a style that others feel is appealing, otherwise I would not be invited to write more. If I was terrible at it those requests would not occur.

What does success mean to you? What is the definition of success?

success is being comfortable in one's skin, being able to look at the man in the mirror and not recoil in horror! Success in writing entails the same things, but with the addition of selling a lot of books and having them well received by the readers.

Who is your target audience? What are some things you wish your readers would take away from your books?

my target audience is people who enjoy reading true stories, and are not put-off by frank discussions of wrestling with personal issues and spirituality.

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your first book?

that I actually had enough to share that would fill a book, and would have a story arc to pull the reader along to a conclusion.

Do you write listening to music?

No. I enjoy music too much, and it distracts me when I am writing. If I want to listen to music, I listen to music. If I want to write, I write!

Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?

my next book will be a memoir of growing up in a small town in the late 1950's and 1960's. Yes, that field has been plowed by others, but we all go through life with unique perspectives - or at least we should! Therefore, I feel my experiences and perspectives would be of interest to some.

How long have you been associated with AllAuthor? How has your experience been?

I joined AllAuthor about two years ago, after my first book came out, as I struggled to navigate the waters of book promotion and bookselling during the COVID pandemic. The group/organization has been most helpful, and I believe I have sold a few books as the result of my association with it.

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