About Author

Inge Moore

Inge Moore
  • Genre:

    Western Romance Teen & Young Adult Children's
  • Country: Canada
  • Books: 11
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 27 October
  • Member Since: May 2018
  • Profile Views: 22,031
  • Followers: 147
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Twitter, Amazon,

I.A. Moore has worked and played with horses and other animals for many years. Her most recent passion is writing stories and books about them!

She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology and University-level training in Creative Writing and English. Her stories have been published in numerous magazines and broadcast on radio. She resides in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada.

Inge Moore's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Inge Moore not listed on AllAuthor.

Fifty Fun Horse Facts for Kids: And Much More, Including Fifty Full-Color Photos of Horses, Ponies, and Unicorns!
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Racing Shadows: Equestrian Fiction
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Racing Shadows: Equestrian Fictionby IA MoorePublish: Jan 02, 2024Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
$2.99 kindleeBook,
A Pony For The Fair: A Teen Rescue Horse Adventure (Life Lessons Learned From a Horse Book 1)by IA MoorePublish: Jan 13, 2014Series: Rescue Horse Adventures (Life Lessons Learned From A Horse)Teen & Young Adult
Journal for Horse Lovers (Notebook, Diary): Awesome Horse-Themed Journal with Lined Pages and Beautiful Horse Photos to Warm Hearts and Spark Creativity
$10.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Reflections and Accidents: A Collection of Literary Short Stories
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Reflections and Accidents: A Collection of Literary Short Storiesby Inge MoorePublish: Jan 03, 2014Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
Equine Elegance: Capturing the Spirit of Horses through Photos and Quotes
$5.99 kindleeBook,
Equine Elegance: Capturing the Spirit of Horses through Photos and Quotesby IA MoorePublish: Jul 02, 2023General Nonfiction
Savage Dawn: A Post-Apocalyptic Scifi Adventure
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Savage Dawn: A Post-Apocalyptic Scifi Adventureby Inge Anna MoorePublish: Dec 19, 2013Thriller Action & Adventure Science Fiction
Racing Hearts: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Racing Hearts: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)by IA MoorePublish: May 26, 2023Series: Fort Erie Race Track Romance SeriesContemporary Romance Romance Western Romance
Equine Grace: A Symphony of Horses in Photos and Poetry
(1) $5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Equine Grace: A Symphony of Horses in Photos and Poetryby IA MoorePublish: Sep 01, 2023Poetry General Nonfiction
Racing Trouble: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Racing Trouble: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)by IA MoorePublish: Jun 12, 2023Series: Fort Erie Race Track Romance SeriesRomantic Suspense Western Romance
Racing Fever: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Racing Fever: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series)by IA MoorePublish: May 27, 2023Series: Fort Erie Race Track Romance SeriesContemporary Romance Western Romance

Inge Moore's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Inge Moore.
** Also, there might be other book series by Inge Moore not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Rescue Horse Adventures (Life Lessons Learned From A Horse)

    1 A Pony For The Fair: A Teen Rescue Horse Adventure (Life Lessons Learned From a Horse Book 1) - Published on Jan, 2014
  • Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series

    1 Racing Hearts: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series) - Published on May, 20232 Racing Fever: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series) - Published on May, 20233 Racing Trouble: A Sweet Equestrian Romance (Fort Erie Race Track Romance Series) - Published on Jun, 2023

Inge Moore Interview On 17, Apr 2024

"I.A. Moore, a seasoned enthusiast of horses and animals, brings a wealth of experience to her storytelling. With a Bachelor of Science Degree in Zoology and specialized training in Creative Writing and English, she seamlessly merges her passions into captivating narratives. Currently based in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, Moore continues to weave tales that resonate with readers worldwide."
Can you tell us about your journey from studying Zoology to becoming an author focused on stories about horses and animals?

My first career ambition was to become an equine veterinarian. This path was waylaid by circumstances that were not of my own choosing. Despite continued efforts, I was unable to achieve my original career goal of becoming a veterinarian.

Still, after obtaining a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Guelph, I worked at a number of satisfying and challenging occupations over the years: biologist, research assistant, equestrian, office manager, economic development officer, immigration officer, and payment services officer. I found all of my jobs interesting, fulfilling, and rewarding.

I have had a love of books since I was young, which grew into a love of writing. I also have a love of animals in general, particularly horses and dogs. I studied creative writing at the undergraduate and postgraduate level at the University of Alberta. I have also taken numerous workshops, seminars, and other writing courses. Because I love animals and am keenly interested in them, horses, dogs, and other animals frequently appear in my writing.

How has your background in Zoology influenced the way you approach writing and creating narratives centered around animals?

I am not sure that my background in Zoology influences the way I approach writing, but it does aid me: when writing about animals, I have decades of personal experience and knowledge to call on to help me portray them accurately.

What motivated you to transition from working and playing with horses to expressing your experiences and passion through storytelling?

I love horses. Therefore, I love writing about them

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