About Author

Jeremy P Amick

Jeremy P Amick
  • Genre:

    Thriller Children's Biographies & Memoirs History
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 15 August
  • Member Since: Mar 2021
  • Profile Views: 12,026
  • Followers: 122
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Jeremy P. Amick has for years chronicled in writing the legacy of United States veterans - past and present. He is the author of several biographies, compilations, a crime thriller and a children's book. A veteran of the U.S. Army and Missouri National Guard, he volunteers with the Silver Star Families of America - a non-profit that honors the service of those wounded, injured or suffering from their service in a combat zone. He makes his home in Russellville, Missouri, along with his wife, Tina.

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The Lucky Ones: The Legacy of Norbert Gerling WWII Tank Destroyer
The Lucky Ones: The Legacy of Norbert Gerling WWII Tank Destroyerby Jeremy Paul ÄmickPublish: Feb 12, 2019Biographies & Memoirs History
Show Me Veterans
Show Me Veteransby Jeremy AmickPublish: Apr 26, 2021
Dinner Music in a Combat Zone
Dinner Music in a Combat Zoneby Jeremy AmickPublish: Mar 17, 2021Biographies & Memoirs History
Missouri Veterans: Monuments and Memorials
Missouri Veterans: Monuments and Memorialsby Jeremy Paul AmickPublish: Mar 05, 2018History

Jeremy P Amick Interview On 25, Jun 2021

"Jeremy P Amick was born in Jefferson City and grew up in Russellville. He became a big fan of the writing of Jack Kerouac and Ernest Hemingway while coming of age. As a veteran of the U.S. Army, he enjoys serving his fellow veterans and sharing their stories with the public. He makes his home in Russellville, Missouri, along with his wife, Tina."
Where were you born? Since how long have you been living in Russellville, Missouri?

I was born in Jefferson City and grew up in Russellville. I have lived here for about seven years.

What books do you remember reading during your childhood?

I became a big fan of the writing of Jack Kerouac and Ernest Hemingway while coming of age. Their descriptive writings and flowing prose always were of great interest to me.

What is your favorite book of all time?

"On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. It really captures the freedom of the American spirit.

Who was the first person you shared your first ever story with?

This is truly a fuzzy memory, but I believe it likely would have been with one of my English teachers in upper elementary.

As a teenager, what were you obsessed with?

Star Trek. I became hooked on re-runs of the original series that ran after the late night news ... probably when I was about 11 or 12 years old. I remain a fan of all things Star Trek to this day.

When did you begin volunteering with the Silver Star Families of America?

Approximately 12 years ago. As a veteran of the U.S. Army, I enjoy serving my fellow veterans and sharing their stories with the public.

Do you prefer writing on a notepad first or you directly start writing on your computer?

I make my initial notes in a notebook, but when it's time to start building the story in coherent manner, it is straight to the computer.

What sparked the idea for your book, Wounds of Injustice?

This book was influenced by a couple of murders that occurred locally while I was just a young lad. I took a lot of liberty in constructing the story around these events, which is why it is a work of fiction.

How much did you research while writing your novel, Missouri Veterans: Monuments and Memorials?

This book project too about a year to complete. It involved a lot of travel around the state of Missouri to locate, photograph and research various military monuments and memorials. It was quite memorable to work on because my wife often accompanied me and we made mini-vacations out of several of these trips.

Who inspired the character of Roger Dean Buchta in Dinner Music in a Combat Zone?

Roger Dean Buchta served as my German and History teacher in high school. We later became friends and, after his passing in 2019, his brother gave me photos and letters from Roger's service in Vietnam. These items inspired the book because I realized he had many fascinating experiences that needed to be shared.

Is reading historical fiction a good way to educate oneself about certain events in history, or is it better to just read straight history?

Personally, I stick to straight history because that's how it happen ... I've never been one to mull over what could have been.

How has being a volunteer with the Silver Star Families of America changed your life?

It has allowed me to assist many of my fellow veterans who have fallen into situations where they need help.

What is your work schedule like when you are writing?

I enjoy bursts of creative energy throughout the day and generally do not stick to any specific regimen.

What are you currently working on? May we know when we can expect a new book?

Currently, I am working on the biography of Major General (Ret.) Hank Stratman in addition to my second children's book.

What do you think of AllAuthor? Has this website been helpful to you?

I like the website and need to do more exploring to ensure that I am making best use of it.

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