About Author

Janet Wertman

Janet Wertman

Janet’s books indulge a passion for the Tudor era she has harbored since she was *cough* eight years old and her parents let her stay up late to watch The Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R. Janet’s Seymour Saga trilogy – featuring Jane the Quene, The Path to Somerset, and The Boy King – has been critically acclaimed as masterful and engaging, her dialogue as exceptional. She is deep into writing her next trilogy, which takes up where the Seymours left off to illustrate the life of Elizabeth I. Janet also runs a blog (www.janetwertman.com) where she posts interesting takes on the Tudors and what it’s like to write about them, and she’s part of a group of novelists from Southern California who offer interesting panels and discussions to libraries around the state.

Janet Wertman's Books

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Jane the Quene (The Seymour Saga Book 1)
$6.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Jane the Quene (The Seymour Saga Book 1)by Janet WertmanPublish: Apr 14, 2016Series: The Seymour SagaHistorical Fiction
The Path to Somerset (The Seymour Saga Book 2)
$6.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Path to Somerset (The Seymour Saga Book 2)by Janet WertmanPublish: Aug 24, 2018Series: The Seymour SagaHistorical Fiction
The Boy King (The Seymour Saga Book 3)
$6.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Boy King (The Seymour Saga Book 3)by Janet WertmanPublish: Sep 30, 2020Series: The Seymour SagaHistorical Fiction
The Six Marriages of Henry VIII : Part One: His Wives
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Six Marriages of Henry VIII : Part One: His Wivesby Jules D'ArgisPublish: Jul 27, 2020Biographies & Memoirs

Janet Wertman's Series in Order

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