About Author

JB Yanni

JB Yanni
  • Genre:

    Christian Fiction Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: July 14
  • Member Since: Feb 2020
  • Profile Views: 13,953
  • Followers: 69
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon,

Dog lover, beach addict and generally the instigator of trouble, JB Yanni is the award-winning author of the young adult science fiction series, Time Benders. I have recently begun what is evolving into a biography of my mother, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's several years ago and a new mystery/thriller book. My heart belongs to historical fiction, however. My favorite quote of all time? A room without books is like a body without a soul - Cicero

JB Yanni's Books

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An Ordinary, But A Little Extraordinary Life: Lee's Story
$9.99 kindleeBook,
An Ordinary, But A Little Extraordinary Life: Lee's Storyby JB YanniPublish: Aug 28, 2022Biographies & Memoirs
Time Benders and the Long Road Home
Time Benders and the Long Road Homeby JB YanniPublish: Jul 13, 2021Series: Time BendersChristian Fiction Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Time Benders and the Two Promises
(6) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Time Benders and the Two Promisesby JB YanniPublish: Feb 14, 2020Series: Time BendersChristian Fiction Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Time Benders: The Machine
(5) $5.38 kindleeBook,
Time Benders: The Machineby JB YanniPublish: Nov 15, 2018Series: Time BendersChristian Fiction Science Fiction

JB Yanni's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by JB Yanni not listed on AllAuthor.

JB Yanni's Awards and Achievements

    JB Yanni has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • NYC Big Book Award - Distinguished Favorite - Science Fiction

    Time Benders and the Two Promises

  • Independent Press - Distinguished Favorite - 2021

    Time Benders and the Two Promises

  • Independent Press - Distinguished Favorite - 2021

    Time Benders: The Machine


JB Yanni Interview On 29, Apr 2020

"Growing up in the 1970s taught JB Yanni lessons in hard work, respect, and honesty. Her ambitions started with art. She is an indie author of two science fiction novels that are a series of young adult books. The attention to detail in her books and character development is wonderful. Her stories are great for boys and girls and grown-ups."
What was your childhood like? How has it been conducive to your career as an author?

My childhood was made up of two sisters and one brother. My mother was a stay at home mom until my youngest sister went off to school, which was when I was 14 years old. My father was a math teacher, coach and then later a principal at a high school. Growing up in the 1970’s taught me lessons in hard work, respect, and honesty. I read everything I could get my hands on and studied art in many class formats, including informal lessons from my grandmother, classes at local art leagues and summer programs. This has been very conducive to my desire to become an author. First and foremost, the creativity that was fostered by my interests and supported by my parents, and a keen desire to tell a story that connected with readers the way my favorites over the years have connected with me.

What was your ambition as a child? Did you always want to be an author?

My ambitions started with art. I wanted very much for a long time to be an artist. I bantered around with several book ideas throughout my childhood and young adulthood, but learned all too quickly that this would be a difficult way to support myself and my desire for a family made me search for a new career, while maintaining these ambitions as outside interests. I always wanted to write a series of books that would connect with young readers and touch people they way I had been touched by books I have read throughout the years.

Why did you choose to become an indie author?

I chose to become an indie author because I really wanted to maintain control over the creative story I was telling, and because with so many publishing options, I felt trying to reach readers with my efforts to market might be far more rewarding than that stream of query letters and rejections. The world of getting a book out in print has changed greatly over the years, and options abound for authors to find the right fit for their needs.

Is there anything from the past you wish you could do differently? If yes, what is it?

Wow, this is a loaded question! I may not have time to list the things that I have done that I wish I could change. I think the biggest as it relates to my writing is not finishing the multitude of material I was trying to finish over the years. I wish I had taken this plunge to publish much sooner.

Who all are a part of your family and how do they give you stories and ideas to work on?

My family is my strength. If someone knows us all, and reads the Time Benders books, they will see aspects of us weaved into the characters and storyline easily. My three siblings are not made up the same as the Fitzgerald siblings, but we are part of Ken, Deb, Joe and Kim. One of the main messages in the Time Benders series is that of closeness of family. That is directly from my experience in not just my immediate family, but my extended family. They motivate me, support me and challenge me.

What are the challenges of writing a time travel story?

Writing a story about time travel was a challenge for me because I really wanted to have a basis in science, theory and actual potential. I didn’t want it to be so fanciful that you couldn’t imagine it actually happening. Anyone who knows me, knows that science is not in my wheelhouse, so I had to do some serious research and fortunately, my son was a great help, especially in Time Benders and the Two Promises, because there was much more science in that book.

What do you love the most about the Fitzgerald siblings?

What I love most about the Fitzgerald siblings is that they are so relatable. We all know what it’s like or know someone who is more of a bookworm, or the lanky math geek, or the popular athlete, or what having a young sister is like. They feel like kids you know and have all the issues that every teen has.

What was the hardest scene to write in "Time Benders and the Two Promises?"

The hardest scene to write in the Time Benders and the Two Promises was when Deb, Ryan and Joe were in Cambridge and they were having issues. I wanted it to seem dire, but didn’t want to frighten those of my younger readers. It felt a little like walking a fine line to be sure I conveyed the danger without making it too graphic and gory.

Are your a Harry Potter fan? Who is your favorite among Harry, Hermione and the Weasley brothers?

Harry Potter sets a standard for YA fantasy. It was a favorite of my oldest child and one we read together. It opened my children’s eyes to imagination and possibilities, and that I think is what makes books so great. My favorite character in those stories is Hermione because she reminds me of my childhood personality. Always striving to be the best and a little too smart for her own good.

Who inspired the character of Mr. Brewster in "Time Benders and the Two Promises"?

Mr. Brewster is an interesting character. He is a bit of recluse but I think its clear that he is constantly watching what is going on around him at Choate. He finds Joe in the first book and they become friends because of their common loss and grief. He becomes a mentor and friend to all of the Fitzgerald’s and they come to rely on him as a part of their family over time. He is very much a compilation of my father and my uncles, but also carries a bit of a few favorite teachers over the years.

What do you feel about self-publishing? What are its pros and cons?

Self-publishing, and publishing in general, has been an eye-opening experience for me. Sometimes I feel a little intimated by the sheer wealth of options to get published and strangely, there are some serious complaints about dealing with printers, Amazon, and all of the assisted publishing firms out there. To say it was daunting is a bit of an understatement. What I have learned is that you get out of self-publishing, like most things in life, what you put into it. If you are actively working and committed to the process, it will turn out positively. The advantage to self-publishing over traditional publishing houses clearly include the fact that you can get your work out to the public without having to be selected or approved by either a literary agent or publisher. You maintain control of the work, the final product, the cover, everything. The negative to self-publishing is that you are responsible for everything. If you feel you need (and everyone should feel the need) for editing services, you have to seek that out and contract with an editor. You have learn the difference between copy editing and any other editing; you have to design or pay someone to design a cover, you have to apply for copyright and get your work registered for ISBN and such. I think in the end it’s about choices and each author has to decide the best way to address their work.

What are some aspirations you have for your future as an author?

My aspirations for my work as an author include completing the Time Benders series, which at this point means two more books, working to publish two children’s books that I have recently completed and then perhaps launching another book series.

Which is the best compliment or fan-mail you have received for your work?

I think the best compliment I’ve received was the Kirkus review of the first book. “A breezy, straightforward approach to time travel featuring unforgettable characters.”

What is the next book about what you are currently working on?

My current work in progress is book III of the Time Benders series, which will be called Time Benders and the Long Road Home. It is going to feature Kim prominently and a time travel trip for her, Joe and Becky to the civil war era. It also will feature Ken and Mary’s struggle to deal with the news Mary gets from the end of book II.

How has your experience will AllAuthor been?

What I love about AllAuthors is the vast array of authors it brings together in one place to network, learn from and learn about. I have started several new books to read from what I have learned there and connected with many authors. I love hearing what others have done and are doing!

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