About Author

Jean Klusmeier

Jean Klusmeier
  • Genre:

    Action & Adventure Children's History
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: Authors
  • Born: November 4, 1937
  • Member Since: Jan 2023
  • Profile Views: 5,898
  • Followers: 140
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Goodreads,

My twin sister and I love to write and inform the young and old of the world around us.
Today we are 85 years old and still active.
We have always wanted to do things together and now our time has come to do so.

It is through the grace of God that we strive to preach His words through our works of words.

Jean Klusmeier's Books

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Howdy, Come Play With Me
$5 kindleeBook,
Howdy, Come Play With Meby Jean KlusmeierPublish: Aug 10, 2022
Our Boys’ Summer Adventure: Featuring Childhood Memories Of Rockport, Indiana
$9.99 kindleeBook,
Our Boys’ Summer Adventure: Featuring Childhood Memories Of Rockport, Indianaby Jean Morris KlusmeierPublish: Apr 12, 2023Action & Adventure Humor Children's Religion & Spirituality
Why Does My Puppy Have Blue Eyes?
$15 kindle
Why Does My Puppy Have Blue Eyes?by Jean KlusmeierAction & Adventure Humor Children's

Jean Klusmeier Interview On 19, Jul 2023

"Jean Klusmeier dedicated her life to crafting stories and sharing knowledge with people of all ages. Though the hands that hold the pen have aged gracefully over time, her spirits remain vibrant and energetic. With every word she pens, her aim is to ignite a spark of curiosity and ignite the flames of knowledge in the hearts of her readers. As you delve into the pages of her works, you will witness a lifetime of wisdom, experience, and unwavering faith in every word."
What inspired you and your twin sister to start writing and informing others about the world around you?

My twin sister, Joyce, have also wanted to do something together, but life sent us out in a different direction. She married, divorced, and raised 5 children on her own.

Myself, I too married and raised a family. Raising a family and working took priority.

How has your passion for writing evolved over the years?

Our passion never waned. We put others before ourselves.

Can you tell us about some of the memorable experiences you've had while writing and informing others?

Knowing your subject by living it or by talking to those involved in/with the subject is of great importance. Through them, you can see, feel, and understand what you are writing about and then can express it by telling readers.

We actually talked with those in our books and learned to live those moments with whom we spoke.

What challenges did you face in pursuing your dream of writing together, and how did you overcome them?

Strange as it may seem, it was through Christmas gifts to each of us. YEP, AMAZON ALEXA. We saw and talked together several times a day. We sent each other new ideas, deletions, corrections, etc. until we were satisfied.

Talking face-to-face was such an asset to us.

How has your writing impacted the young and old? Are there any specific stories or feedback that stand out to you?

We are trying to help the young to understand what in was like in the

“Olden days” and how times have changed to where the kids are in today’s world.

We learn through the past and grow.

How do you incorporate your faith and the grace of God into your writing?

We were raised by our parents Rev. and Mrs. Earl Morris in Rockport. Our parents raised us as an example of how Christ wanted us to live. Religion was not shoved down our throats. Because of our love of the Lord, we wanted children to learn to also embrace God in every aspect of life.

Words and pictures speak loudly to children.

Can you share some insights into the process of writing together as twin sisters? How do you collaborate and complement each other's skills?

Writing together was the most heartwarming and happy time together. Together we were again as one person and we had been in the beginning of our life.

This was also answered above.

Who first came up with the idea for your book, "Howdy, Come Play With Me"?

I came up with the idea after my great-grandchildren had come to visit me.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers who want to make a positive impact on the world through their words?

Aspiring writers should write regardless of education. Education is important, however,

The story in the writer’s mind may be the magic world in for the reader.

So Write, Write and Write1

One of the reasons I stopped writing was that I had no formal education in the proper technique of writing. Whenever I put my pen to paper. A scholar would change it altogether or be told it was not worth the paper it was written on.

What do you hope readers take away from your works of words, especially in terms of preaching God's words?

Hopefully, children and adults will look at the world in a different light. God is good. It is up to each and every one to love seething that what God has created. The world around us is wonderful and fascinating. It is the who, what, where and when, and how come of our surroundings, from all animals, people, oceans, sky, and human beings that makes people curious. The old saying,” curious minds want to know” is true. Thus, we try to supply the answers.

How do you stay active and motivated at the age of 85? What keeps you going?

I busy myself, reading fiction books, auto-biography books, religious book, children book and genealogy books and sites. Go to Senior Citizen Center, and to church when able. I am never idle!

Looking back on your journey, is there anything you would have done differently? Any regrets or lessons learned?

Yes. I would not listen to people who had negative views of my work, Feeling inferior for not having a college education or made to just feel dumb.

This type of feeling kills the ambitions of many.

Are there any upcoming projects or future plans you'd like to share with your readers?

At present Joyce and I have two short books out. One is: “Why Does Me Puppy Have Blue Eyes?” and the other is:” Our Boys Summer Adventure”

Children’s books for ages 7 years and up. Books are entertaining and educational.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind through your works of words and your commitment to sharing God's message?

God is with me 24/7 and the joy I live is what I pray that through the books, both children and adults will find and understand God and his works.

Not by preaching, but thrugh showing them how great God is.

How has AllAuthor helped you to promote your books? How has been your experience working with us?

This is what I am learning through you now. You have reached out to me. That is what counts.

A quick note. This turned into a one-person interview as my sweet, precious twin passed away on March 1, 2023. But, Joyce is still with me in thought and deed.

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