About Author

John Kowalski

John Kowalski
  • Genre:

    Historical Fiction Christian Fiction Fantasy Children's
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: Freelance Writer
  • Born: 11/02/1965
  • Member Since: May 2024
  • Profile Views: 923
  • Followers: 28
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Linkedin,

I am a follower of Jesus Christ!
I am a freelance writer and editor using creative writing and SEO understanding to help people put forth a cohesive online presence.
Author of Heavenly Places: Coram Deo.
The sequel Heavenly Places 2: Solus Deus is releasing in September 2024!

John Kowalski's Books

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(1) $8.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Heavenly Places 2: Solus Deusby John KowalskiPublish: Sep 09, 2024Series: Heavenly PlacesAction & Adventure Christian Fiction Fantasy
Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deo
(1) $4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deoby John KowalskiPublish: Sep 09, 2023Series: Heavenly PlacesChristian Fiction Fantasy
Heavenly Places TTRPG Campaign: A New Thing
(1) $34.6 kindleeBook,
Heavenly Places TTRPG Campaign: A New Thingby John KowalskiPublish: Mar 16, 2024Series: Heavenly Places TTRPG (D&D 5e)Historical Fiction Fantasy

John Kowalski's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by John Kowalski.
** Also, there might be other book series by John Kowalski not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Heavenly Places

    1 Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deo - Published on Sep, 20232 Heavenly Places 2: Solus Deus - Published on Sep, 2024
  • Heavenly Places TTRPG (D&D 5e)

    1 Heavenly Places TTRPG Campaign: A New Thing - Published on Mar, 2024

John Kowalski's Awards and Achievements

    John Kowalski has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Book Fest

    Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deo

  • Imadjinn Award Finalist

    Heavenly Places 1: Coram Deo


Ask John Kowalski a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author John Kowalski? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • John Kowalski John Kowalski 10 months ago
      • My mother used to read all my rambling ideas, short stories, poems, and comic books. She would often say, "you're going to write a book someday." I always appreciated the encouragement but never took it too seriously. 40+ years later she read Heavenly Places: Coram Deo. She reminded me of her words from decades before. Mom is always right!
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      • John Kowalski John Kowalski 10 months ago
      • We live in a world of competing visuals. We have TV, movies, books, video games, social media and so much more thrown at us every moment of every day. Readers do judge a book by its title, cover and summary. You get seconds to convince people that your work is for them. It is daunting!
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 10 months ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • John Kowalski John Kowalski 8 months ago
      • I'm not sure I have. In the past I have started a project and at some point lost interest in the characters or story and never went back to the project. Author friends have said that is writer's block. If so, then I have. I just always thought of writer's block as something more of an inability to move the story forward. Since starting to write the Heavenly Places I have had no such issue. 

        As far as advice for someone experiencing writer's block, I'd give three pieces of advice;

        1. Eliminate distractions. If you keep allow creativity blockers your brain has a hard time staying in the groove.

        2. Keep writing. Write anything even if you think it is terrible. This will get the creativity flowing again. Ideas will start popping even later when you think of a better idea than what you wrote.

        3. Take a break from the main project and write something else. A poem, a blog entry, and email newsletter, anything. Get your mind back into creative mode.

        Good luck with it. I'll be praying for you!
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      • John Kowalski John Kowalski 10 months ago
      • I would tell young me, "start writing right now!" Even if it was an hour a week, I'd have dozens of books by now. I let doubt hold me back when I should have been taking chances and chasing dreams. Do yourselves a favor, chase your dreams when you are young, and they just might become your reality long before you are my age.
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      • John Kowalski John Kowalski 10 months ago
      • From a young age I had a desire to express myself through written word. I have since written for fun, hobby, and more recently professionally. I started a few novels over the years but somewhere along the way I lost the plot, literally. Some have called it writer's block, but I always considered it writer's ambivalence. I simply lost interest in the characters or the story, so I stopped. It wasn't until the we decided to play a wholesome version of a tabletop roleplaying game with our daughter. In creating the Heavenly Places as a game campaign setting, we inadvertently introduced the characters and plot of the books. The game continues, though the plot has veered wildly from the books at this point. I currently have enough plotted material to write three trilogies. The current trilogy would complete the pre-exile time in Biblical Israel/Judah as it happens on the fantasy world of Aeramor. The second trilogy would cover the exile to Babylon and the return to Jerusalem. The third trilogy would cover the end times.
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