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Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher

Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher

Vom schonen Taunus komm ich her und wurde am 14.06.1971 in Frankfurt geboren. Ich arbeite bei einer Versicherung als Gruppenleiterin. Erste poetische Zeilen erblickten in einem Sammelband das Licht der Welt. Mit „Fur Dich“ knallte der Sektkorken zu meinem Buch-Debut. Wenn meine Leser die Lesungen und Ausstellungen bestaunen, knistert die Spannung wie ein prasselndes Feuer.
Sanfte Töne, fantasievolle Bilder und Lyrik zum Traumen gibt es auf meinem YouTube Kanal zu entdecken.
Meine Gedichtbande versprechen Euch ein Potpourri der Liebe, wie sie das Leben schreibt, Tranen der Zeit, Traume und Wunsche und die Suche nach dem Menschen, der den Tag heller, die Sterne schöner und das Leben wundervoll macht.
„Der Glitzerseewald“ ist eine Fantasy-Trilogie um einen Jungen, der einer Elfe begegnet und mit ihr eine alte Schuld offenlegt, gegen zerstörte Träume kämpft und einen bosen Zauberer zu besiegen hofft. Wer kann hinter die Maske sehen und den Feind im Freund erkennen? Im Drachenberg gilt es, Feuer und Eis zu bekämpfen, damit das Elfenvolk nicht vergeht. Seht ihr den See inmitten der mystischen Baumgeister glitzern und hört ihr die Stimmen, wie sie zu Euch wispern?
Im fantastischen Abenteuerroman „Die Insel Katara“ stehen sich zwei zerstrittene Städte gegenüber. Die Froschaugen und Fusselbirnen liegen sich seit langer Zeit in den Haaren. Die Angst vor der Hexe Magissa, die sie mit Rätseln quält, und einen nach dem anderen in ihr Haus verschleppt, bringt ein paar Jugendliche dazu, den Feinden die Hände zu reichen. Mit geballten Fäusten und klopfendem Herzen machen sich vier Fusselbirnen auf, den Fluch zu brechen. Können Mut und Güte die böse Hexe besiegen?
Ein modernes Märchen mit echten Charakteren, das zeigt, wie stark man sein kann, wenn man sich traut, erwartet Euch im Romantasybuch „Die Feder des Kakadus“. Auf den Spuren seiner entführten Braut reist Ben über den Regenbogen, wo Zikaden eine geheimnisvolle Seerose umschwärmen. Der Prinz dieses Königreiches muss zusehen, wie der Tyrann Sabbio sein Volk in Glas verwandelt und die Hand nach seiner Geliebten ausstreckt. Ein Königreich in Gefahr, eine geheime Liebe und ein magischer Talisman ziehen Euch in ihren Bann!
Lassen wir den Zauber regnen, damit Liebe unsere Welt regiert!

Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher not listed on AllAuthor.

Der Ruf der Tränen: Ein magisch schimmerndes Abenteuer über das Wunder, geliebt zu werden, wie man ist (German Edition)
$5.23 kindleeBook,
Folge mir ins Glück: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)
$5.99 kindleeBook,
Folge mir ins Glück: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbächerPublish: Jan 15, 2022Poetry
Ich trage Dich auf Flügeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Ich trage Dich auf Flügeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbächerPublish: Jan 14, 2023Poetry
Ein Meer aus Küssen schenke ich Dir: Poesie fürs Herz (German Edition)
$3.23 kindleeBook,
Ein Meer aus Küssen schenke ich Dir: Poesie fürs Herz (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbächerPublish: Oct 29, 2024Poetry
$4.32 kindleeBook,
Die Insel Katara: Ein fantastisches Abenteuer über Mut, Freundschaft und Vertrauen (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbächerPublish: Nov 08, 2024Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
$3.31 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Ein Meer aus Kussen schenke ich Dir: Poesie furs Herz (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Oct 29, 2024Poetry
Die Feder des Kakadus (German Edition)
(4) $3.72 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Die Feder des Kakadus (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Aug 26, 2022Romance Fantasy
Folge mir ins Gluck: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)
$5.99 kindleeBook,
Folge mir ins Gluck: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jan 15, 2022Poetry
Der Glitzerseewald: Ein märchenhaftes Abenteuer über den Glauben an das Gute, das die Finsternis besiegen kann. (German Edition)
$5.43 kindleeBook,
Die Insel Katara (German Edition)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Die Insel Katara (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jan 27, 2021Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
Ich trage Dich auf Flugeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Ich trage Dich auf Flugeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jan 14, 2023Poetry
$5.43 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Ich trage Dich auf Flügeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)
(4) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Ich trage Dich auf Flügeln: Liebesgedichte (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbächerPublish: Jan 14, 2023Poetry
Die Insel Katara
(4) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Die Insel Kataraby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jan 27, 2021Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
Winterworte: Eine Weihnachtliche Anthologie (German Edition)
$5.46 kindleeBook,
Winterworte: Eine Weihnachtliche Anthologie (German Edition)by Chrissy L. ReedPublish: Nov 20, 2023Fantasy
Ich suche den Himmel
(3) $6 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Ich suche den Himmelby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Fur Dich (German Edition)
(3) $6 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Fur Dich (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Mein Traum von Dir
(3) $5 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Mein Traum von Dirby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Bleib bei mir
(3) $5 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Bleib bei mirby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Komm in meine Welt
(3) $6 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Komm in meine Weltby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Mein Weg zu Dir
(3) $5 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Mein Weg zu Dirby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPoetry
Hand in Hand (German Edition)
(3) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Hand in Hand (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Dec 11, 2019Poetry
Sei mein Sternenlicht (German Edition)
(3) $3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Sei mein Sternenlicht (German Edition)by Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jun 09, 2021Poetry
Folge mir ins Gluck: Liebesgedichte
(3) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Folge mir ins Gluck: Liebesgedichteby Kerstin Stefanie RothenbacherPublish: Jan 15, 2022Poetry

Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher Interview On 16, Mar 2023

"Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbächer grew up in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. When she was 13, she wrote down love short stories - by hand - that passed through the hands of her girlfriends. She has now written over 1,200 poems. She enjoys working with people and developing them. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and walking in the forest and nature."
Tell us something about your background and life as a child.

I grew up in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, with a cheeky brother who is always good for a joke and with whom you can steal horses.

You work for an insurance company as a group leader. What's that like? What are the best and worst parts of working as a group leader?

I really enjoy working with people and developing them. My group has grown very close to my heart. I really enjoy the one-on-one conversations and the exchange among each other. Sometimes there is not enough time for everything I plan. I don't like that so much and I feel sorry for those it affects.

When and how did you decide that you wanted to write?

I always read a lot and had stories running through my head. When I was 13, I wrote down love short stories - by hand - that passed through the hands of my girlfriends. Later it was poems and still later novels.

What made you write the first poetic lines of your life?

I like the fact that poems can mean something different to everyone. At school we read poetry and I was immediately hooked.

What do you like to do to relax?

Reading, listening to music, walking in the forest and nature.

Have you ever thought about writing a book about leadership based on your work experience?

No. I can't imagine that at all. I prefer to immerse myself in other worlds.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned while writing your books?

How easy it is for me, how many ideas I have in my head, and how real my characters are to me.

What challenges did you face when writing your debut novel, "For You"?

None at all; it was finished a long time ago. I have now written over 1,200 poems. The idea of publishing was new and yet it came easily.

When did you start your YouTube channel? How do you promote your channel?

I went online with my YouTube channel on Dec. 4, 2021. I needed a musical background for a promotional video for my book. That's when I discovered how much fun it is to turn my poems into little videos. I promote via social media: AllAuthor, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and my own websites.

Do you think writing only in German might have limited your audience?

Definitely, but I care a lot about language and style, so I haven't dared to translate the books myself or have them translated yet.

Have you planned all three books of "The Glitter Lake Forest" trilogy?

No, I just write as I go. It was challenging at times to keep to the limits I set for myself with the first parts. I'm having a lot of fun fiddling around.

If you could star in a movie, what would it be about (genre, plot, etc.)?

I would be in a fairy tale fantasy movie and ride dragons.

What do you think makes a good leader?

He has an ear for everyone and keeps the community together. He leads the way and makes sure no one is left behind. He also makes tough decisions for the good of everyone.

What are you currently working on? What books will you be publishing soon?

I am ALWAYS working on a new book of poetry, revising "The Glittering Lake Forest" to release as an anthology, have started a new fantasy novel, and will be contributing a short story to a fundraising anthology.

What do you think about AllAuthor? Would you recommend this platform to your other author friends?

I have, and I'm happy to do so. The networking is great and the advertising is very inexpensive. I also like the many tools to show off covers well. I use these regularly for posts and flyers.

Ask Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher a Question

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    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 3 months ago
    • Congratulations, Chrissy L. Reed!

      I'd like to extend my warmest congratulations on the release of your new book, "Winterworte: Eine Weihnachtliche Anthologie"! It's wonderful to see you sharing your creativity and passion for fantasy stories with your readers.

      As a book artist, interior and exterior designer, ghostwriter, professional marketer, illustrator, and editor, I'm very interested in your creative process and experiences in publishing your book.

      Could you please tell me more about what inspired you to write "Winterworte"? How did you develop the idea for this anthology, and what did you learn during the writing process?

      I wish you all the best with your book and look forward to hearing more about your future projects!

      Best regards,
      Lisa deborah
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        • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 3 months ago
        • Dear Kerstin,

          Your words have warmed my heart! It's beautiful to see authors coming together to spread love and magic through their work. Your anthology, "Winterworte," is a testament to the power of collaboration and the desire to make a positive impact.

          I appreciate your kind response and would love to continue the conversation. Would you mind sending me a message on Facebook? I'd be delighted to connect and learn more about your future projects!

          Once again, thank you for sharing your heart and creativity with the world. Keep shining your light!
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      • Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher 2 years ago
      • I read a lot early on and the worlds I was immersed in were just wonderful. I started when I was 13 and short stories on a writing pad passed through the hands of my girlfriends. In school we read poetry in German and that's when I was blown away. My first and favorite poem is by Robert Frost: Nothing Can Stay Gold. I think it is beautiful that there is no single meaning. For everyone, the written word has a very personal meaning.
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