About Author

Laura Pruett

Laura Pruett

Laura Pruett began her writing career at the ripe age of approximately three years old by signing her name in her books. She soon advanced to writing scribbling words on doors and, eventually, kindergarten stories about a Santa Claus she had never been taught existed (this time, on normal notebook paper).

By the time she finally entered college classes, she would answer the introductory "If you could do any career that you wanted, what would it be?" question with, "I would like to edit dictionaries." That said, although she minored in English, she majored in psychology, a degre... e which she obtained in 2003.

Years later, in 2011, she began working as a freelance writer and editor on a site once called Elance (now Upwork). Because she preferred editing to writing, she soon eliminated the writing portion from her offered services and focused on editing--including GoFundMe pages, personal memoirs, fiction stories, self-help books, scientific reports, financial reports, and so much more. Thus far, she has not, however, edited dictionaries.

After years of editing others' works and encouraging her husband, Michael C. Sahd, to publish his, Laura decided to finally contribute some of her own to the reading world. As of 2022, she has entered a number of short story contests, and one poetry contest. Currently, in addition to writing Gedra Gets a Man, A World Apart, and To Catch A Fish, she is working on another super-secret Kindle Vella novel, under a pen name. If you're interested, here's a one-word hint: Dwarves. Look around and see what you can find!
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  • My First Book Of Strangers

    1 My First Book Of Strangers: The People I DON'T Know - Published on Aug, 2022

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      • Laura Pruett Laura Pruett 2 months ago
      • I would have to say that I started seriously writing in the form of poetry when I was still a child. I can't explain exactly what inspired it, except that a poem would appear in my head and I would have to write it down to get it out. It's like when a song gets stuck in your head, but it's a song that was never written, and the only way to release it is to write it down.

        Fiction stories are similar, except that what comes into my head with them is ideas rather than fully formed sentences. I'm not sure anything in particular inspires them. Sometimes my thoughts just wander into them.
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