About Author

Lesa Henderson

Lesa Henderson

Lesa Henderson discovered she loved to write at age 10 when she won her first writing contest. At age 13 she began submitting manuscripts. Since that time, she's been crafting articles and stories that have been published in national magazines and as novels and nonfiction. She partners with her husband Ken as a screen-writer and filmmaker. Together they wrote, directed and produced "Hope Has A Name", an award-winning documentary about ordinary women bringing extraordinary hope in unlikely places.

Lesa is a native Floridian, a hopeless romantic, wife to her child-hood sweetheart and mother of three grown children, Brandon, Tiffany and Destiny and Nonni to 7 grandchildren. She enjoys traveling and just hanging out with Ken at new restaurants or at home with their spoiled dogs, Lilo and Groucho. Lesa also tends to be a bit quirky and has an unhealthy love of buttercream icing.

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Someone to Trust
$5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Someone to Trustby Lesa HendersonPublish: Jan 26, 2021Christian Fiction

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