About Author

Linda Sheehan

Linda Sheehan
  • Genre:

    Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Humor
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 2
  • Profession: author
  • Born: 30 June
  • Member Since: Sep 2022
  • Profile Views: 7,425
  • Followers: 75
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon,

After working at CBS television in Manhattan, Linda Sheehan moved to Los Angeles where she wrote and produced commercials for movies and spent too much time playing golf on one of Hollywood's most historic and legendary courses. She now lives in Napa, California where she continues to obsess about her not-so-perfect swing. Her first novel, Decanted, is also available on Amazon from Black Rose Writing. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

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Fore Play
$5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Fore Playby Linda SheehanPublish: Apr 07, 2022Humor
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Decantedby Linda SheehanPublish: May 13, 2021Women's Fiction

Linda Sheehan's Awards and Achievements

    Linda Sheehan has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Reader's Favorite Bronze Award for Cultural Fiction

    Fore Play

  • Readers Favorite Bronze Award



Linda Sheehan Interview On 07, Feb 2023

"Linda Sheehan has spent too much time playing golf on one of Hollywood's most historic and legendary courses. She was the Associate Director of Late Night Programs for the network in NYC. Her goal is to write stories that she enjoys. She has also produced commercials for movies. She is currently living in Napa, California."
What is your most cherished childhood memory?

What really stands out in my mind was my first horseback ride. When I was eight, my aunt put me on top of a pretty wild guy. He ran off with me hanging on and a crowd formed to block it, and finally got it to stop.

Have you watched any good movie or show about English history? Can you suggest one?

I watched all five seasons of The Crown on Netflix and loved it. The production values, the acting, and the history lessons were outstanding and kept me glued to my couch.

For how long did you work at CBS television? What was your job profile here?

I was the Associate Director of Late Night Programs for the network in NYC. We aired movies five nights a week and I was responsible for having them edited for length and content (meaning cutting out nudity and profanity that the network would not air).

What are some interesting experiences you've had as a teen?

Let’s see….hmmm…My dad had a boat that slept eight that was docked at our beach club on New York’s Long Island Sound. My friends and I would camp out on it during the summers. We thought it was a riot to row around in the dingy at midnight and pull pranks on the other anchored boats by swapping out people’s gear and putting it on other boats. Luckily the adults we pranked had a good sense of humor about our mischief.

Have you ever, with no acting experience, got to work as an extra on a popular TV show or movie? What was your experience of doing it?

Yes! When I lived in LA, Ashton Kutcher’s production company shot a reality show at the house down the block called “Adventures in Hollyhood” starring the rap group 3-6 Mafia. The producers had me interact on camera in some fun scenes with the group.

What inspired the plot of your first novel, Decanted?

The novel follows a young woman quits her job in accounting to work harvest in France. After a life-changing experience there, she heads to Napa to make her own wine. The story is loosely based on the experiences of my daughter, Samantha Sheehan, who followed a very similar path to becoming a winemaker and launching her delicious wine brands known as Poe and Ultraviolet which are sold in Whole Foods and elsewhere nationally.

What was the first reaction of your family and/or friends on hearing the title of your book, Fore Play?

The original title of the book was Sinners of the Links with the tag line: lust, gluttony, adultery, and avarice...all on the first nine holes. We had a vote between that title and Fore Play and Fore Play won out.

Who designed the cover of the book, Fore Play? Were you a part of the designing process?

My sister Susan Faiola is a super-talented artist and book designer. I had the idea of the pair of golf balls being teed up by a beautifully manicured hand and I posed for the shot myself. Thinking that it was a riot, my photo inspired my sister’s creative juices and she did a bang-up job with the illustration.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

I begin first thing in the morning and only break for a ride on my horse. Then I keep on working through meals and until I fall asleep. It takes me about three months to rough out a novel, and it takes another few months to really get the book in shape for submission.

What is the best experience you had by putting yourself out of your comfort zone?

Recently it had to be pushing myself away from the top of a mountain in one of those indoor rock-climbing places. I was about to gingerly inch myself down from the highest one when a ten-year-old yelled up and told me to let go and keep pushing away from the mountain with my feet. Not wanting to look like a wimp, I shoved off, and had a blast on the way down.

Do you ever leave book reviews on other authors' books? What do reviews mean to you?

Oh yeah, I leave a review of every book that I read on Amazon, Goodreads and Bookbub, and good or not as good, I’m honored when someone takes the time to write a review of a book that I wrote. Getting a take on the reader’s point of view has also helped me to become a better writer.

According to you, what is literary success?

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside when a reviewer says that they liked an element of my book that I struggled over. My goal is to write the kind of stories that I enjoy, and I’m delighted when others say they’ve had a good time reading my books.

What do you enjoy about playing golf?

Golf is a game where women can compete with men on so many levels – putting, chipping, accuracy of clubs. It’s also very social and a great way to make new friends and spend time with old ones.

What are you currently working on? When is your next novel releasing?

My next novel is set in the world of Los Angeles show jumping where kids from wealthy entertainment families compete against each other on fabulously expensive horses and will stop at nothing to win. Lots of drama, heartache, and excitement. I’m hoping for a summer 2023 release.

Finally, what are your thoughts on marketing through social media? Has your All Author experience been satisfactory so far and would you recommend this platform to your author friends?

Social media is key to marketing independent and small press books. And with tools like the mock-up banners, the review GIF makers, and cover contests, All Author is a terrific and fun way to promote our books – great job Mady! I often recommend your site to other authors through the Black Rose Facebook page and look forward to continuing to market my releases on this creative format.

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