About Author

Barbara Ehrentreu

Barbara Ehrentreu

I am a retired teacher and tutor with a young adult novel series with first book newly published, and a third ready to be published. Also, I have a poetry book and write poetry for several places. My work has been published in several anthologies and online ezines and anthologies internationally. Recently I won first prize for my short romantic screenplay.

Barbara Ehrentreu's Books

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If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor
(2) $3.99 kindleeBook,
If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylorby Barbara EhrentreuPublish: Dec 21, 2023Series: The Mill Valley High seriesTeen & Young Adult
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Afterby Barbara EhrentreuPublish: Oct 24, 2014Teen & Young Adult
You’ll Probably Forget Me: Living With and Without Hal
You’ll Probably Forget Me: Living With and Without Halby Barbara EhrentreuPublish: Sep 13, 2016Poetry

Barbara Ehrentreu's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Barbara Ehrentreu.
** Also, there might be other book series by Barbara Ehrentreu not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Mill Valley High series

    1 If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor - Published on Dec, 2023

Ask Barbara Ehrentreu a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Barbara Ehrentreu? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • I thought about this a lot and I would invite Shakespeare, Mark Twain and Barbara Kingsolver. Shakespeare would have so many stories we would probably not get to eat. Mark Twain would be there for humor, as I think he would be a lot of fun. Finally, Barbara Kingsolver, because she has such a unique and compelling style of writing I know she would be very enjoyable to talk with. I have never seen her in person and I would like to someday.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • I think they have allowed people to get books more easily and with less aggravation. You can just click and get a book now without having to worry about carrying it anywhere. I do think, however, that people now have a broader choice of where and how they will read. Many people, and I am included, prefer reading print books. They give you a more substantial experience for reading. It's easier to go back and forth to reread. However, I like reading on my iPad and many stories are better on it. Mostly, I think that e-books and Kindle have brought reading to a new level. You can look up a word instantly if you don't understand it. You can highlight anything. I think it has enhanced the experience of reading with these features.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • This answer is easy. Yes, for my first novel, If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor, I used my daughter's eating disorder and her hatred of her body for both the main character and the secondary one. In After, my second novel, the story is based on my late husband's real illness of a heart attack and bypass surgery. The phone call contains dialogue that is straight from the phone conversation I had with him.
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • Yes, I read my book reviews. I am always excited when I find a new one. When for some reason I am down on myself or my writing, I go and read my reviews. They make me feel good. So far, I have yet to get a really bad review. All of my reviews have been four and five stars. If I did get one I would wonder why. So many people have loved my books. This is the truth. However, by the sales they are not bestsellers.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • In my WIP The Mill Valley High Five, I am using third person and a few of my characters are boys. One has been in the series since the beginning and many of the criticisms I got from my groups was that he needed to have more personality. The other is a new character I introduced in the sequel, Who Is Jennifer Taylor? that is not published yet. The character has a few chapters and writing from his prospective was difficult for me. However, I have seen a lot of teen shows and I know his character. I had to develop him a little more to understand his motivation and to be able to write from his point of view. I think boys have similar thoughts to girls but they are more pragmatic, and they also take things a lot differently. Boys have to be written in a less emotional way, though they do have emotions, they keep a lot inside of themselves. So a lot of Danny's chapters are him thinking about things. Also, unlike girls, I am never sure what my character is going to do. I just write them and they kind of tell their own story. Still not sure where he will end up and for me that is part of the fun of writing.
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      • Barbara Ehrentreu Barbara Ehrentreu 5 years ago
      • I had been in several critique groups to get feedback on my manuscript and they were very helpful in revising. But even though my editor was very pleased with the plot and the characters I still had to do a lot of work to edit my book. First of all, I had some terrible habits, such as using words like that a lot and I had to rewrite a lot of my sentences. Also, I wanted to use a line from a Dr. Seuss book and I had to get permission from the Dr. Seuss Foundation and Random House to use it. After months of waiting they agreed. So I learned that if you want to use anything that might be registered you need to get the okay early. All they wanted was credit at the beginning of the book. Plus, I had no idea that there were two edits before a book was ready. Lucky for me the line editor found a sequence flaw that my copy editor did not. After all of that editing I was unaware that I would need to proofread the galley too.
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