About Author

Lotta Patterson

Lotta Patterson
  • Genre:

    Paranormal Romance Romance African American Interest Fantasy Poetry Advice & How To Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 9
  • Profession: Social Worker
  • Born: 28 August
  • Member Since: Sep 2022
  • Profile Views: 10,362
  • Followers: 353
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon,

I am a 3rd generation Native Floridian. I live in Tallahassee with my husband We enjoy a day spent with our children and grandchildren. I have been an avid reader since I can remember. Even in elementary school, I was always going to the library to get books. I have been “writing” short stories since middle school. After years of reading, I decided to try writing the stories that I have enjoyed my whole life.

Rejected Protector is my very first novel. It was originally written for an online platform. I have learned so much from the comments of my readers. I'm looking forward t... o hearing from more of you as I continue on this writing journey.

Visit me on FB to see updates and upcoming books.https://www.facebook.com/Lottapbooks/
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  • Warriors of the Light

    1 Rejected Protector - Published on Jun, 2022

Lotta Patterson Interview On 14, Apr 2023

"Author and Poet Lotta Patterson has always loved to write and create. She has been “writing” short stories since middle school. Originally written for an online platform, Rejected Protector is her first published novel. She lives in Tallahassee with her husband and fur baby Zoe."
Who is your ideal person since your childhood?

That’s a tough question. I would say my grandmother. She did not have beyond an elementary school education, but she taught herself to read and encouraged her children and grandchildren to educate ourselves beyond “grammar” school.

What is it like to live in Tallahassee?

It’s a little laid back. We are a small, growing metropolitan with a lot of cultural activities.

What are some books that are a must-read for all avid readers?

One of my favorites is Zora Neal Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God

Do you remember the first short story you wrote in middle school?

It was a small skit for my church.

Reading which book finally inspired you to start writing your own books?

Reading the Love Me Harder series by Serena Simpson. The way she interacted with her fans from her character’s perspectives made me believe that I could share the stories inside of me.

How did you handle "writer's block" when stuck during the plotting stages of your novel, Rejected Protector?

I went back and read prior chapters and immersed myself in the story line again.

What is better when writing fiction novels - relating events from your life or creating new ones?

I do both. Some of my characters have some attributes of real people and/or events, but I like creating new worlds.

Does writing a series instead of individual novels help increase book sales?

I’m not sure. Rejected Protector is my first novel, but I have been asked by the fans to write a sequel.

How do you learn to write a novel? How do you get started?

I really just started by outlining the story I wanted to tell, then started writing. The story evolved with the characters. I’m still learning the ins and outs.

What do you do when your book sales slow down, providing you don’t want to move on to writing a new book yet?

I have recently started running ads on social media. This is working for now, but I am also in the process of writing another book.

Do you often write their novels starting from the end and then going back to the beginning?

I have not tried that yet, but I do have a concept of how I want the story to end when I start writing.

How often should an author write a book?

I’m not sure. I think It should be an individual choice and depends on the goals of the author and demand for their work.

What tips can you offer for generating ideas and inspirations for the plot of a paranormal romance book?

I would say write the story you want to read. I wrote Rejected Protector because I was tired of seeing weak female leads and wanted to show a strong character who was unbreakable by her circumstance.

Which is the next book you are writing? What is its genre?

I am currently writing a non-fiction self help book called Gracefully Broken. It's about the process of overcoming childhood trauma.

How long on average does it take you to promote a book? How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?

AllAuthor was my first experience with promoting. I have learned a lot. On average, I can’t really say. It depends on what my goal is and if I am using a service or self-promoting.

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