I am a retired merchandise buyer, turned educator/Administrator, turned dog trainer and author. Throughout these transitions, I’ve become a grandmother to two precocious granddaughters, I’ve returned to writing poetry, a children’s book, taken up gardening, I love cultivating cuttings and creating unique planters, tutor reading for elementary school children, mentor a high schooler, and found my true passions, dancing and Dragon boating. There is no greater satisfaction then the thrill of paddling this gigantic canoe in sync with my team mates, across the finish line.
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Listen To Me : How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Lifeby Lynne Podrat Publish: Aug 19, 2021Biographies & Memoirs |
Lynne Podrat has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.
Listen To Me : How My Down Syndrome Brother Saved My Life
awardAs a young child, my passion was animals, all animals, wild, domestic, slithering, you name it. Of course, I settled on my neighbors’ dogs and cats, wishing for a horse, parading the kittens and puppies around in my baby carriage. One of my role models was Sally Star, a woman, cowgirl, in charge on television. Others were those who were featured on the BBC Tv show Animal Magic. My father managed to get antennae so we could get this show because my mother did not want any pets in the house.
Where did you go to college and what did you study? How did that impact you to become a writer?I graduated from The Pennsylvania State University with a BS Degree in Fashion/Retail Management and a Certificate in Abnormal Child Phycology. Writing arguments supporting the education of special needs individuals encouraged writing, due to my youngest brother having Down’s syndrome, but not the kind of writing as a profession.
At what age did you begin writing? Do you remember the first story you put to paper?I never enjoyed writing unless inspired by an unjust issue, as far as I considered an issue unjust. My mother wrote poetry and my father’s speeches for his many volunteer organizations. Suggested edits of wordiness and syntax were always welcome, but I refused the actual writing as a burden, not fun. My first inspired, major paper, a thesis written in high school and then published in college was about Charles Dickens’s fight for the rights of children. Driven by my little brother’s birth and our world’s negative reaction to those who are different, Dickens became my hero. The irony, I received a B+ for this paper from my high school English teacher, a recipient of a PHD, so he considered himself an expert in his field. My college Professor, published author in the literary field, a true expert was so impressed with the research and writing, he insisted on my recognition and publishing of the paper.
What are some of the biggest challenges of writing poetry?I am drawn to the sounds of words, so poetry that rhymes is my favored flavor, so to speak. Rhyming is a challenge, not always fun, but keeps me on my toes. Inspired by animals and nature, phrases pop into my head and then I have to work the rhyming and “beat” into the actual message of the poem. I have had poems published with YourDailyPoem.com
What made you decide to start writing memoir?My Dream was to be a veterinarian. From the beginning of his life, ensuring his inclusion with family and friends was very important to me. Now, it’s Keeping my brother’s memory alive, Now I am driven by the fear of him being forgotten. Ah, although I enjoy writing poetry that pops in my head, and educational opinion pieces while an Administrator, being a writer was NEVER my life-long dream
As I mentioned in my book, writing is not cathartic for me. Reliving challenging events of which I have dealt and moved forward takes energy much better spent on life now.
I would rather take pictures. But, not writing the book brought so much angst.
How did you come up with the idea of "Listen to Me"?“Listen To Me” was how my brother started every conversation to ensure you paid him the attention he required.
Although you learn about my middle brother, David from references within the stories and come to appreciate his devotion to Bruce, I tried very hard not to tell his story within our story. I could guess the effect Bruce’s life had on his, making David the big brother and the middle sibling, having attention taken away, watching parents struggle while a young child himself, but the writing of this was so much more than a sibling story. This was written to honor Bruce’s life and how love and advocacy can turn anyone into SOMEONE.
Who is your target audience? What are some things you wish your readers would take away from your books?I have given this quite a lot of thought and realize memoirs are not for everyone, especially one dealing with the death of a younger sibling.
At first, I thought, mostly women who have children and grandchildren of school age because their children will be learning with multiple types of learners and they can relate with report cards, teacher conferences, low test scores, etc.
However, I have reviews from men whose wives encouraged them to read this as they are also parents involved in their children’s sports as coaches, dealing with different learning styles. As previously stated, teachers with students from 5 th grade through high school. Downs is a world - wide disability issue as demonstrated by the national organizations and the GLOBAL DOWN SYNDROM and DOWN SYNDROM INTERNATIONAL organization. Special Education
Majors in College, those who have lost a sibling or are dealing with a sibling issues. One male reader wrote, Readers of Listen To Me will surely find themselves examining their own lives, their relations with those they cherish, and perhaps take steps to strengthen those relationships. Advocates who work with the mentally and physically challenged.
To share my brother’s story, his life, love, and accomplishments. How love, acceptance and support can contribute to a beautiful life that opened the world to all he met. How reading our story will help change the way others view those who are different and not allow stereotyping to perpetuate. And, for those who are living with special needs children and siblings, although the journey will have challenges, we are living proof of the joy and love that comes with that journey.
An appreciation that all special needs individuals are truly special, even though there are challenges, and offer so much to their families and community. They are loving and funny, come in all sizes and abilities. There is a young Down Syndrome Man running for office in Peru. There is nothing to fear and if given the opportunity can be productive assets. Although our world was not perfect, as siblings we flourished. For example, one reader commented, “I learned a lot about how much those with special needs can give to those who take the time to listen.”
Another commented, “The joy Brucie brought to your life despite so many challenges really shines through. Thanks to your book Brucie is able to touch the hearts of even more people like me, uncomfortable and unaware of how to deal with different abilities. I’m glad there are still kind people like you in this world advocating for those who are unable to do so for themselves. Well done.
What are some things that haven't been done in the writing world that you hope to introduce through your books?Offering authentic dialogue as I did in my memoir as opposed to adding a more fictional slant that may make the dialogue more interesting
How would you define your ideal book hero?One who is real, with emotional strengths, weaknesses, who makes mistakes, that cannot always be solved. There is not always a happy ending, perhaps less painful, but not always sunshine and roses
Which is the one character from your books you wish was real?All of my characters are real as this is a memoir and my children’s book is based on my own children and people and animals with whom we interacted.
How many hours in a day do you write? Have you ever pulled an all-nighter writing?When writing this memoir, I tried to write 2,000 words a day, no matter the time it may take. So, there were days 2,000 words took 2-3 hours and other days that amount took all day!!!! Funny you should ask about an all-nighter. The thesis paper about Dickens written in high school required quite a few all-nighters. As an adult writer, never, especially now I can just speak ideas into my phone.
Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?I am back to focusing on my first completed manuscript, a children’s book, My Sister Wants an Elephant, looking for an illustrator with whom to partner.
How do you try to grow from the reviews that your work gets- both positive and negative?I have been fortunate with this book to have all great, 5- star, reviews, for which I am beyond grateful. My goal was to open the readers’ eyes to the positive influences those with special needs offer. The gracious comments offered show I have achieved this goal and more. I am humbled by the insights of my readers.
How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?Fun and enlightening. Besides the offered weekly banners, which are so creative, being tweeted for me, I am able to share this brilliance on other social media helping me keep to a schedule. AllAuthor affords the cover competition, I made it to the finals, and instant followers with whom we can communicate. You are always available for support for which I am grateful.
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