About Author

Marshall E Gass

Marshall E Gass
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Thriller Suspense Action & Adventure
  • Country: New Zealand
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Novelist, Poet, Scriptwriter and Film Producer.
  • Born: 5 December
  • Member Since: Oct 2020
  • Profile Views: 15,524
  • Followers: 131
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Linkedin,

Marshall E Gass has published extensively over four-decades. These articles focused on Technology Education, Information Technology, Education, Business Management and Religion in a wide range of journals, magazines and newspapers worldwide.

Recently, he has settled into a career as a novelist and poet with twenty-one published books to his credit. Before writing, he worked as a Senior Executive in education organisations as a Project Director. He is also a businessman with interests in Hospitality, Import-Export and Start-ups.

Marshall comes to the writing profession with two masters’ degrees, two post-graduate diplomae and a PhD in progress. The post-graduate degrees are in Technology Education and English Literature, while the PG diplomas are in Education and IT. Marshall is originally from Bangalore, India and moved to New Zealand three decades ago.

Marshall E Gass lives in Auckland, New Zealand. The family moved here three decades ago. He is proud of his Anglo-Indian beginnings and draws extensively from these cross-cultural roots. Marshall did his early schooling at St Joseph’s College Coonoor under the Brothers of St Patrick. He completed his High School at this College. In the years between 1990-1996, Marshall used his entrepreneurial skills to set up several import/export businesses, garment manufacturing and consultancies. In later years between 2006-2010, the family-owned two upmarket Pizzerias in Epsom and St John’s at Auckland, New Zealand.

Marshall pursued further education and by 2003 completed his second Master’s Degree in Science Education, a Post-graduate Diploma in Teaching and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Education from Auckland & Waikato University in New Zealand In 2006 he entered the Doctoral Programme at Centre for Science Technology and Education Research(CSTER), Hamilton. The PhD remains incomplete. Marshall was always a good writer. From early schooling to this day he enjoyed writing and has published extensively across a wide range of topics, ranging from Religion, Philosophy, Business Management, Opinion, Short Stories, Poetry, Letters, Essays, and dozens of articles on Education and Research. His work has appeared in Education Review, Computers in New Zealand Schools, TechNz, Education Weekly, South Waikato News and Waikato Business News( New Zealand) and Leadership, Education & Research ( Australia). Marshall has completed his Trilogy: The Chrysanthemum Trilogy and three books of poetry, all of which are now published and available on Amazon and a range of 3500 websites worldwide. By 2020, twenty-one books have been published. As an Entrepreneur, Management Consultant, Researcher, Teacher Novelist and Poet, his writing skills have straddled several genres. His focus at the moment is to concentrate on Novels, both fiction and non-fiction, and Poetry. His books are translated into Spanish, French, Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali and Tagalog and published on major websites.

Marshall E Gass's Books

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Tequila & Temptation
Tequila & Temptationby Marshall E GassPublish: Nov 20, 2014
Moondradukku Samanthi: Malarchi ( Mudhal Bhagam ) (Tamil Edition)
1882 Continuum
(1) $4.06 kindleeBook,
1882 Continuumby Marshall E GassPublish: Nov 06, 2019
Guldaudi Trayi: Ansh 1 Avasthanthar (Hindi Edition)
Guldaudi Trayi: Ansh 1 Avasthanthar (Hindi Edition)by Marshall E GassPublish: Apr 16, 2016

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