What inspired you to start writing? How long have you been writing?
I started writing in 9th grade with an assignment in English class that my old-school teacher, Mrs. Fuller put in the school magazine and told me about - later. I started writing as a profession in my late 20's with a baby in a stroller coming along for the ride. He helped disarm everyone - got some great scoops that way. I was inspired to start writing at five years old as a poor kid when I found out first about libraries and free books and then read about other people, other places and got an inkling of how big the world is and I had a lot to say about it.
What do you love the most about DC comics? Who is your favorite character?
DC comics lack the angst of Marvel (although End Games the movie was amazing!) and when I was a kid the character traits were black and white - protect the small and weak, do the right thing, kill no one, be kind. Plus lots of cool gadgets. I was a huge Batman fan as a kid - an ordinary man (okay, with a lot of money) who rises to the occasion. Then when I was a teenager I became all about the Wonder Woman - has an invisible plane, can make people tell the truth, sets her own course, and has a hot Air Force boyfriend. She's still my hero.
Where have you spent most of your childhood? As a child, did you ever dream of becoming a writer?
I grew up in Philadelphia and Northern Virginia and then started moving around the country as much as possible. When I retire I want to grab my camera and travel the country in an RV meeting people and taking pictures and making videos. I started writing when I was a small child - didn't dream about it - just started.
What do you love most about writing supernatural suspense? What do you like the least?
I love magic of any kind and consider vampires and werewolves part of that too. And I love the twist that magic exists all around us if only we had the key to seeing it. I create characters who are strong and heroic and learning to be vulnerable who would do anything for friends and family - taking off on adventures and growing into bigger lives - plus magic and supernatural elements and some romance. So much fun! I'm not as fond of some of the old rules (thought up by a writer) and ditch a lot of them while staying with the essence of a vampire or werewolf.
How supportive were your family and friends about your writing career? Are any of them loyal readers of your books now?
The parents - not so much - but life is long and I tried being a stockbroker for years - and was successful at it, which made walking away all the more outrageous for the family. Best thing I ever did. My late sister, Diana, who the sister in The Peabrain Adventures is modeled after, was the only one who read everything I wrote. But she died suddenly and far too soon last October. Writing The Peabrain Adventures gives me the chance to visit with her every day.
From where did you get the idea for "Counter Ops: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure"? How did you plan the ending of the Federal Agents of Magic series?
That is a collaboration with the amazing T.R. Campbell who is a big fan of the Oriceran Universe that I co-created with Michael Anderle. T.R. came to us with the idea and because he was such a fan and had read so much of the universe it fit neatly inside our world. He's a joy to write with too!
What do you love most about Alison Brownstone? What inspired you to write a complete series based on this character?
I love this young woman who started out with so much going wrong - blind, pathetic father, dying mother - (all of that can be read in The School of Necessary Magic series) and overcame everything to become this badass bounty hunter who still knows how to have fun. Who wouldn't want to write a character like that?
What is "The Girl Behind The Wall" about and how did you come up with the idea for this book?
That's The Last Vampire series and started with the idea of a vampire girl who's been asleep for 400 years and wakes up to find herself eventually in an American public school trying to catch on to Snap Chat and fit in without giving away this girl has fangs. It's YA, which I love, with a little romance, mystery and danger and adventure.
Do you think a lot of your own thoughts and opinions carry on to the characters you create? Or do you like to make characters that think and act very differently than you do?
I can't help but infuse stories with parts of me and even what I'm working on for myself - a little self-therapy. But it's not intentional and they're not completely me - they have minds of their own, abilities I don't have (jumping from building to building - Parkour anyone? Then there's that magic thing, fangs and werewolves, plus 20-something love).
Which of your characters in "Witch Fugitive" do you feel most drawn too and why do you think that is?
I love Raine Campbell (by the way, borrowed the first name from a Super Fan), She's a fish out of water when it comes to her magic with a smart, curious brain and sets out after her father is killed to figure out the world anyway and doesn't shut herself off from making friends. That takes real courage and I love that in a character.
Have you ever written a book during a particular tough time in your life? If so, what is it called and in what ways did it help?
Last October my big sister, Diana who still sent me Advent calendars to open and a box of oranges, read everything I wrote and sent a little cash on my birthday (didn't matter how old I was or could pay my own way), died suddenly. She was the one who introduced me to all the cool stuff - Star Trek, dishes you can set on fire, DC comics, sewing, embroidery and going for your dreams. I was in the middle of creating the new series, The Peabrain Adventures - which I love - and missing my sister, the surgeon who used to fly her own plane, so I put her in - even kept the character's name as Diana. That way I get to visit with her every day and remember all the amazing things she did. Best idea I ever had. Book 3 - The Peabrain's Quest comes out on July 5th.
When are you most inspired to write? What are some things you do to motivate yourself when you're stuck in a rut?
I was a journalist for a long time with deadlines and once you have any success as an author there are expectations and deadlines so inspiration becomes a necessity. I sit down and stare at the computer and stay there till I get the word count. Somehow, it keeps working and when I go back and read it later I really like what happened. There are days when the words fly and of course that's more fun, but like anything, there are also days where it takes accountability, discipline and just getting it done.
Have you ever done a book signing? What's the most interesting request you've ever received at a book signing?
I used to do book signings back in the day before social media and they were a lot of fun. I wrote a thriller back then called Shocker and this strange thing kept happening. Mostly women, but not always, would come up to me clutching the book and I grew to know it was about to happen. They would lean forward and tell me a secret they had kept for years and were finally letting go. I even got daily emails and letters from everywhere from readers telling me the secret they needed to let go. It was one of the coolest experiences of my entire career full of great moments.
What are some book ideas that you've got bouncing around in your head? When can we expect the next publication?
I'm collaborating with Charley Case, another great writer, on The Adventures of Finnegan Dragonbender in The Peabrain Adventures world and that first book should be out in early September. So much fun with romance and plenty of 'pew' 'pew'. Starting another series with Michael Anderle under our pen name, Judith Berens - Dwarf Bounty Hunter and the first one comes out on July 10th with Go Dwarf Yourself (a new kind of Brownstone character). And on July 5th the third book in the quest for The Peabrain Adventures will be out with The Peabrain's Quest. Plus more Alison Brownstone and more The Last Vampire. More can be found at www.marthacarr.com or in the Facebook group where the fans are more like family and we have a lot of contests and giveaways and talk books and more stuff. Plus there are 9 more series in the Oriceran Universe that are complete and can be found on the site.
How did you first come across AllAuthor and what are your thoughts on it?
My wonderful admin, Grace pointed it out and them Jynafer who does marketing for me mentioned it in the same week so I had to go check it out and love what you guys are doing for both authors and fans.