About Author

Massimo Fantini

Massimo Fantini
  • Genre:

    Literary Fiction
  • Country: Italy
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: System administrator
  • Born: 5 February
  • Member Since: Mar 2024
  • Profile Views: 1,249
  • Followers: 56
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My name is Massimo Fantini. I am an Italian author and free thinker, writing from my home in the hills just outside Bologna. In quiet moments, when I am neither writing nor working, I enjoy classical music, particularly orchestral works and Italian opera.

I graduated from a university in Bologna with a degree in civil engineering. However, the studies of my youth do not represent my life’s passion—that is, delving into the realities which unite all of humanity: suffering, frustrations, conflicts, and the human reactions to these. These are the events that take every human as an innocent in the crib and twist and turn them into 8.1 billion unique (but intimately connected) forms.
In short, I am obsessed with exploring the intimate recesses of the human condition.

In 2018, entirely dissatisfied with my job, I sought a new form of expression. Thus, I began to write.
Over time, I experimented with many kinds of writing, wondering how best to give my ideas form. Then, I found my voice through stories, giving life to characters who explore, triumph, and fail for us to watch.

In each installment of my Human Condition Trilogy, these same all-encompassing issues are approached from different directions, under different circumstances, and by different characters.
Echoing the sentiment of Heraclitus, no two people may look at the same problem the same way, because it is different to each. From the old and cynical Leonard in Concerning Fanaticism to young Tommaso (a character inspired by my own youth) in Concerning Intellectual Suicide, I tried to shed light on a path that is a constant part of our lives, but also constantly shifting.

Through my writing, I encourage readers to find their own perspective on life. Rather than embracing the comfortable mold that society provides, like a goldfish “free” to swim around in its little bowl, I hope my readers can use my books as a stepping stone toward their own unique way of thinking. And then, I wish them the freedom to pursue it.

Art is wonderful because it is a representation of what we otherwise cannot express. I seek not to provide myself and my readers with a mere distraction (what so often passes for “entertainment”). Not a hole in which to stick our heads for a few hours, only to emerge weakened and even less able to face our reality. Rather, I offer up a representation of our shared condition. The human condition.

Massimo Fantini's Books

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Concerning Decay of The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)
(1) $0.99 kindleeBook,
Concerning Decay of The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)by Massimo FantiniPublish: Jun 21, 2023Series: Human Condition TrilogyLiterary Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)
(1) $0.99 kindleeBook,
Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)by Massimo FantiniPublish: Dec 27, 2023Series: Human Condition TrilogyHistorical Fiction Literary Fiction
Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy)by Massimo FantiniPublish: May 21, 2023Series: Human Condition TrilogyLiterary Fiction

Massimo Fantini's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Massimo Fantini not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Human Condition Trilogy

    1 Concerning Intellectual Suicide in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy) - Published on May, 20232 Concerning Decay of The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy) - Published on Jun, 20233 Concerning Fanaticism in The Human Race: A debate on the human condition (Human Condition Trilogy) - Published on Dec, 2023

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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • I do read the reviews I receive. The reason? I think it's mere curiosity.
        Positive reviews are just fine.
        I don't worry about the negative ones. I expect to receive negative reviews from members of the four categories of individuals I have mentioned in the preface of my books. If I had to write to please the reader, I wouldn't write. In fact, I do not allow compromises on the human condition.
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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • “Start writing earlier than you have done. Don't be afraid of causing offense to the readers. Don't accept compromises. Remember: zero tolerance for those who cause suffering to others.”
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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • There are three reasons that pushed me to write. 1) The desire to denounce the suffering caused by Intellectual Suicide, a practice perpetrated by conspiratorial cowards to the detriment of the most naive and defenseless people; 2) The need to express my thoughts, that need that my paltry work left unexpressed; 3) The ambition to invite writers and readers to boycott that part of literature which is an end in itself - itself a cause of suffering and frustration.
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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • Ideas – understood as concepts, reasoning – are the most important elements. Following is an excerpt from "Concerning Decay in The Human Race".

        They heard Giorgio’s voice before spotting the hut in the woods. The old man was singing an aria from the Italian melodramatic repertoire of the late 19th century. It was ‘Vecchia zimarra’ from Puccini’s La Bohème.
        When he noticed the young people approaching, he stopped singing. “So, it’s true. Morons really never stop reproducing.”
        Davide told him about his father’s responsibilities in Raffaele’s death.
        “Your pathetic personal affairs are meaningless to me,” the old man asserted. “You’re just people; therefore, you count for nothing. You count according to your ideas, because only ideas are precious. Since you’re devoid of ideas, you count for nothing.”
        Davide raised his fist, threatening to strike him. “People matter more than ideas.”
        Giorgio didn’t flinch; his eyes were glazed over as he viewed Davide. “Another trivial statement. My life as a hermit is wonderful. I don’t need anything but ideas. Without ideas I’d go mad. Mind you, I’m saying ideas, not ideals. Let’s see which of you four morons can explain the difference between ideas and ideals.”
        “We have no time for useless sophistry,” Andre said.
        “Let’s listen to Giorgio,” Davide intervened, knowing that the only way to get the old man’s attention was by waiting for his ego to be satiated.
        “There’s that barefaced ignorance again,” Giorgio resumed. “Ideas and ideals are apparently similar. However, they have opposite meanings. The idea is what allows us to question; the ideal is what enslaves you. Having an ideal means believing blindly; it’s a form of fundamentalism. Therefore, I’ll recommend that you rack your brains to question the world – down to the smallest certainty – to forge your own ideas. Stay away from ideals.”
        Andre objected. “Ideas are born from people. They can’t exist without people. So, people are more important than ideas.”
        The old man rubbed his chin and nodded, pretending to be defeated by the boy’s counterargument. A butterfly flew in front of his nose. “Once butterflies emerge from their cocoons, transformed, they’ve freed themselves from a useless husk. The cocoon was useful for them at one point, but they’ve outgrown its necessity. Ideas transcend humans; once their pathetic, futile husks of bodies have decayed, their ideas remain, written down, told from person to person, or even recorded with a camera.”
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 8 months ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • Everyone finds inspiration in their own way. There are no recipes that work well for everyone. As far as I'm concerned, I just observe the people around me and listen to their reasoning. And, anyway, I'm not a writer.
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      • Massimo Fantini Massimo Fantini 8 months ago
      • I don't have any particular feelings. Investigating the drama of the human condition is a duty. Determining the causes of human suffering is the only serious thing to do in life. Denouncing those responsible for the suffering of others is the only activity that gives meaning to the expression "moral duty".
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