About Author

Mary Ellen Ciganovich

Mary Ellen Ciganovich

I teach people how to continue to be Really Enthusiastic About Life no matter what they are going through.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 6 and Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 36. Both are controlled and healing through the Truths I live by, write about and teach others. I also lived through many other traumas!
There is nothing in life you can't handle when you totally love yourself, stop criticizing yourself and learn to use the power of your mind, body and soul.
Since i have been through these things I am now able to assist others.
Sincerely with love,
Mary Ellen Ciganovich

Mary Ellen Ciganovich's Books

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T.R.U.T.H. Taking Responsibility Unleashes True Healing ealing
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
T.R.U.T.H. Taking Responsibility Unleashes True Healing ealingby Mary Ellen CiganovichSeries: Truth SeriesReligion & Spirituality
Truth Lives
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Truth Livesby Mary Ellen CiganovichPublish: Nov 22, 2021Religion & Spirituality
Healing Words: Life Lessons to Inspire
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Healing Words: Life Lessons to Inspireby Mary Ellen CiganovichPublish: Jun 11, 2020Poetry Religion & Spirituality

Mary Ellen Ciganovich's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Mary Ellen Ciganovich not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Truth Series

    1 T.R.U.T.H. Taking Responsibility Unleashes True Healing ealing - Published on Nov, -0001

Mary Ellen Ciganovich Interview On 19, Sep 2022

"Inspirational speaker, editor, life coach, and author, Mary Ellen Ciganovich has always had a vivid imagination. She always wanted to go into Fashion Design and merchandising. Her support system has always been God, her husband Peter, her daughter Stephanie and her cat Baby Doll. She aims to share her perspective and experience with the world around her. Mary Ellen works very hard to live a healthy lifestyle."
How would you describe your childhood home?

My childhood home was very argumentative or today you would say dysfunctional. My mother was Catholic and my Father Baptist - I think - and he had agreed to bring up the children in the Catholic faith. Yet, it was not only religion that drove my parents to fight, argue and throw things. I am 7 years younger than my older sister and was not planned. I was an accident as I was told over and over again. We were very poor and my parents could not afford another child although they only had one before myself and none after me. I was diagnosed with Petite Mal Epilepsy at the age of 6. My parents took this news extremely hard and always made me feel like I was not worthy of living. I was told not to tell anyone and that I could never marry or have children.

Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?

Yes I liked to read! It was a way I could escape into my own little world leaving the trauma behind. I have always had a very vivid imagination. Through reading I found friends and places where everything was wonderful.

What were your career plans when you were growing up?

I always wanted to go into Fashion Design and merchandising. I do not draw very well and I have the uncanny ability to see color and put designs together whether they are fashions, floral or home decorating. My mother said - you will go to college and you will be a teacher. Okay, I went to the University of Georgia, graduated Magna cum laude in Education and taught middle school for about 15 years in 4 different states. Fortunately, I liked it and was very good at it as I still have students today who follow my posts and books.

Who has been your number one support system throughout your time as an author?

My support system has always been God, my husband Peter, my daughter Stephanie and my cat Baby Doll.

How did you come up with the idea of your book, Healing Words: Life Lessons to Inspire?

I didn't God did and He wouldn't let me alone until I wrote what He said! I kept hearing these vignettes over and over again until one day I sat down and began writing and could not stop! They were originally written long hand on yellow legal pads. Then I transposed them through a pamphlet program I had and they came out as poems! God wants me to help people wake up to what they need to learn instead of always blaming other people.

What do you enjoy the most about writing poetry?

No quotation marks for dialogue!!!!

In what ways do you think literature can help shape an individual when they're young?

Every story, every poem ever written was written to teach a lesson. What the reader takes away form the authors words is very important. Are readers taking away things to inspire and create a better life or are they learning how to stay stuck and negative about life. It is usually always a matter of perception.

Is it a bad idea to include a character with a healing factor in a novel?

No not necessarily. It depends on how the author handles "the healing factor." I have watched many movies and television shows that depict characters with Multiple Sclerosis. They show this poor pitiful little creature who is a victim to MS and finally dies. I have issues with this as I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1989, before any meds were available, and I am still doing very well. Yes there are definite bad days and I am NOT a victim. I am a warrior and I am a conqueror. I use all of the Truths I write in my own healing process and IT IS NOT EASY!!

What challenges did you face while writing your book, Truth Lives?

My challenges have to do more with keeping myself balanced and in harmony while writing rather than content. I can write for a certain amount of time then I have to take a break or my MS monster begins to crawl out of his cave. At times I will try to push myself to do more and that is always a mistake.

What makes an editor good?

A good editor is someone who knows all the ins and outs of the English language and knows the point the author wants to get across. Some editors, although trying to do their best, end up changing the entire point of what the author is trying to say to their readers. My first editors with Tate Publishing saw I had "Love" in my book twice and I think "Awareness" also so they asked me which one to delete. I said Neither! This is the way God wants it to be. They also wanted to put the pages in ABC order. Again I said, "no", this is the way it is supposed to be.

How does someone go about making a living being an inspirational speaker?

First know your material, know your audience and understand what points you want to get across to them. Make sure this is your passion. Don't do it for the money! Aspire to be an inspirational speaker because it is how you want to make our world better. It is your way of leaving your mark on our world.

What is the best natural way to heal from multiple sclerosis?

I was fortunate to be diagnosed with MS before medications were available. I was forced to find a way to control my MS instead of it controlling me! I turned to traditional medicine first to understand exactly what MS is - actually it is a virus. Although NOT a contagious virus. I read everything POSITIVE about MS that I could find. The first really good book I read was titled, The MS Diet Book, by Dr. Richard Swank. Your diet is a very important factor in controlling your MS progression. Vitamin C is excellent as is Vitamin D combined with Super K. Exercise is a MUST. I mean everyday exercise even when - especially when - your fatigue is so immense you "think" you can't! YES YOU CAN AND YES YOU MUST as this is how you control your MS instead of it controlling you. Listen to your body to understand what triggers an attack. There are certain foods I do not eat and drinks I do not drink because I learned that as soon as I do my MS wakes up . Focus on what you can do and do more of it - DO NOT ALLOW MS TO MAKE YOU A VICTIM! Keep going keep focusing on your purpose and if you don't have one get one!! Stay in the NOW moment instead of anxiously worrying about what might happen or being depressed about an attack that passed. To heal your life - heal your thoughts! I understand it is NOT easy - I have had horrible days - horrible months. You can do it. If you need me please connect. There are some other things that work for me and since I am not qualified medically I will not list them here.

How do you become more enthusiastic about life even if you cannot do much to change your current surroundings?

That is an interesting question as I do not see any other choice except to stay enthusiastic about life. I could be depressed - been there done that didn't like it. I could be angry or fearful which would create bad health - don't want that either. I choose instead to plan things I like to do for fun! I love to exercise, dance or walk my neighborhood. I love to paddle board on the river. I love to go axe Throwing, zip lining and Hang gliding {tandem of course} and cant wait to parachute jump - again with an instructor. Life is to be lived, not looked at or criticized.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

Not sure about this one as I do not write books with plot lines. I write inspirational Truth books to assist in the healing of the planet.

When did you join AllAuthor? What has your experience been like?

I love AllAuthor and I am not sure who told me about it. Your tweets, banners of my books and all the other graphics are very much worth what anyone pays to join. I highly recommend it to any and all Authors. I have two more Truth books to write and then I may attempt my life story although I know people will think it is all make believe.Thank you for your time and attention,Sincerely with love,Mary Ellen Ciganovich.

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