I write under two pen names: MJ Krause-Chivers is my fiction genre. There I write Christian historical fiction based on the Russian civil war during/after WW1. As Miranda J. Chivers, I write Christian NF on faith, mental health and relationships. Check out my NF guidebook to the Unequally Yoked Marriage on Amazon and the Christian devotional writers series of mini devotional books co-written with Michael Lee Lacey and others.
Join my historical newsletter at https://russianmennonitefic... tion.mailerpage.com.
If you're looking for unequally yoked marriage support, check out our support group on FB (based on the book.)
My current fiction series is based on the Russian civil war era. "Katarina comes of age during the Russian revolution and WW1. Will she hold fast to the principles of pacifism and fight the good fight during the war, or will she flee with the others?"
You can follow me on Amazon, FB, twitter, instagram, or signup for email list on my website. read more