About Author

K N Messier

K N Messier
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Suspense Action & Adventure Romance Horror
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Author, Vintage restoration, Explorer, Homesteading
  • Member Since: May 2019
  • Profile Views: 18,615
  • Followers: 115
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Amazon, Linkedin,

K. N. Messier is an avid explorer of old-time places, such as ghost towns and abandoned structures deep off the well-used path. Though their stories have long been forgotten, their remains inspire K. N. Messier to bring forth a story of fiction and put into words what make them unique. The product is an exciting novel filled with mystery and unimaginable excitement in every horrific turn of the page. K. N. Messier has experience in ghostwriting, as well as playing a character in an indie film – both of which fueled his passion to create the miniseries of novels known as TOP COUNTY. Living in the great state of Maine has offered K. N. Messier an abundance of imagination. Follow him as he takes you through his twisted and demented mind and unravels all of his thoughts into an unforgettable adventure! You can contact K. N. Messier at TopCounty@yahoo.com

K N Messier's Books

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$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
RETURN HOME: A TOP COUNTY MYSTERYby K.N. MESSIERPublish: Dec 15, 2021Series: A Top County MysteryCrime Fiction Western Romance

K N Messier's Series in Order

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  • A Top County Mystery

    1 RETURN HOME: A TOP COUNTY MYSTERY - Published on Dec, 2021

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      • K N Messier K N Messier 2 years ago
      • I was bored one day and looking through Craigslist ads and someone was looking for people to act in an Indie film, (low budget) I thought "Heck why not, knock it off my bucket list". I applied sent a few pictures and next thing I know I'm in a movie, the director/writer and I started exchanging ideas about the movie, next thing I know I'm ghost writing and changing scenes. "Wow, I thought I really like this".
        So, I made a deal with the director/writer, that I would work for free if I could keep the rights to the character I'm playing. He said it's a deal and BOOM! Sheriff Patrick Johnson was born.
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