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O.R. Flake

O.R. Flake
  • Genre:

    Mystery Women's Fiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Accounting
  • Born: 4 January
  • Member Since: Mar 2024
  • Profile Views: 1,545
  • Followers: 91
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I am a military brat who fell in love with books at an early age. Traveling around as a child, many things changed, but one of the constants in my life was an always present library. I spent plenty of time in my youth reading books and daydreaming of stories. I am now a wife and mother to a loving family. With the support and inspiration of my family, I found the spark to write again. I decided there was no better time than now to make good on my dreams. I have always desired to create a story; to allow my thoughts to be free to become art. It is my hope that this art can be enjoyed by not only me, but by others one day.

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A Path to Forgetby O. FlakePublish: Mar 27, 2024Mystery Women's Fiction

O.R. Flake Interview On 24, Jul 2024

"Growing up as a military brat, O.R. Flake fell in love with books at an early age. O.R. Flake spent countless hours in her youth reading books and daydreaming of stories. Now a devoted wife and mother, the support and inspiration of O.R. Flake loving family reignited the spark to write again. With a deep desire to create and share their art, O.R. Flake hopes that these stories will be enjoyed by many others."
Can you tell us about your childhood as a military brat? How did the constant moving influence your love for books?

Moving and traveling to different states can be challenging for anyone. As a child, I would read on long road trips. When settling in a new place it was comforting to have a book to turn to if I was nervous or missing old friends.

You mentioned that libraries were a constant in your life. Can you describe what role libraries played in shaping your love for reading and writing?

Libraries were an immediate connection when calling a new environment home. Once we settled into a new town, my father would get a library card so that we would check out books. It was especially impactful when having moved during the summertime, before school had started. During those times I was even more excited to explore new stories.

What were some of your favorite books or authors growing up? How did they inspire you?

One of my favorite books growing up was The Giving Tree. During my tween years I was fond of reading both the Sweet Valley High and The Baby Sitters Club series. In later years Terry McMillan Mama was a standout Throughout the different stages of my life I’ve been able to open a book and relate to its characters and learn from them.

How did your experiences as a military brat influence your writing style or the themes in your stories?

It can be hard adjusting, but the upside is the amazing friendships and relationships that you are able to build and flourish, even after you move or a friend leaves. You meet so many people who can become friends, or at times, even foes. I pull from each experience and hold onto such memories. They are a strong source of inspiration when considering character development. Every person, like every character, begins as a mystery, but there is always more to them than meets the eye.

You mentioned that you fell in love with books at an early age. Do you remember the first book that made a significant impact on you?

Charlotte's Web. I laugh thinking back on how invested I was in the story. I found it to be such an emotional story and I loved all the different characters.

How did your family support your decision to start writing again? Were there any specific moments or individuals who encouraged you?

My husband in particular was very supportive. I had written short stories previously, but I’ve always been hesitant to share out of fear of judgment and his encouragement helped me get past that fear. When I began writing A Path to Forget, I also had a friend who at the time was driving long distances and I would read her the rough drafts. She loved it, which encouraged me to keep writing.

What made you decide that now was the right time to pursue your dream of writing?

I have always had the desire to write, but it was the support of my family which led me to seriously begin writing a book.

How did becoming a wife and mother influence your writing journey? How do you balance your roles as a writer, wife, and mother?

My husband has been a strong advocate for my writing and has encouraged me through this journey. As a mother I want to be an example and I want my daughter to feel empowered to accomplish her goals. Balancing the roles offered in life can be difficult, but it ultimately boils down to making the time for our priorities. Having a supportive family really helps as well.

Can you describe the process of rediscovering your passion for writing? Was there a specific moment or event that sparked your inspiration?

The moment I began working on "A Path to Forget", I just couldn’t stop writing. Sometimes it's just the right moment and the right mindset occurring at the right time. It was one of those magical moments. It is a release from the whispers of doubt, a sudden feeling of freedom, almost as though being out driving for the first time on your own.

What kind of stories do you enjoy writing the most? Are there particular themes or genres that you find yourself drawn to?

I find that I write based on what is inspiring me at the time. I might write a fun short story with inspiration from my little one, she has such an amazing imagination. Also, movies and songs can inspire me by triggering personal memories. Various experiences from my youth with my friends can lend itself to angsty or dramatic stories, which I must admit, I really enjoy.

How has your writing evolved over time, from when you were young to now?

As with all aspects of life, the more time spent in practice, the more confidence is gained. I was actually discouraged from writing in my youth, so it took me some time, but I eventually gained the confidence needed to put myself out there. As I continue to grow in my confidence, I find myself embracing more imaginative ideas and storylines.

What challenges did you face when you started writing your novel, “A Path to Forget”? How did you overcome them?

Time could be an issue. Life is busy and ensuring there is time to write can sometimes be a balancing act. I found it important to dedicate time to writing each day, even when tired. Writing itself is a process. I found it useful to figure out who my characters are as people and then balancing that with the end goal of the story. Towards the end of the story, I started second guessing myself, but it's normal to be nervous and I had to learn that stopping and going back was not improving my story, it was just delaying my end goal.

How do you approach the creative process? Do you have any particular rituals or routines that help you get into the writing mindset?

I like to list all of my characters and give them back stories. It is also important to me to know the ending before I start writing the story. Music helps me to get into a proper emotional mindset for the kind of story I am writing. Billie Eilish was definitely on the list a lot for this book.

Can you share any details about the book you are currently working on? What inspired this particular story?

The current story I am plotting is a murder mystery. It's in the early stages. Funny enough, I was playing a game of Clue and it sparked my imagination. I'm really proud of the direction this book is going and I feel as though I am continuing to grow as a writer.

What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some highlights?

The AllAuthor community has been an amazing experience. I'm so new to the promotion side of things. There are so many benefits to joining All Authors, including connecting with other writers. The promotional opportunities provided really helped me get my book out there. There is a business aspect that comes into play after you’ve done the writing and if you are self-publishing it can be hard navigating it all on your own. The personalized mockup banners are a great promote confidently on social media platforms. All Authors really helped me to get started and keep going. I cannot say enough great things.

Ask O.R. Flake a Question

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      • O.R. Flake O.R. Flake 1 year ago
      • Like so many others, I write when I am free from the many obligations I have in life and when I have the needed inspiration.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • O.R. Flake O.R. Flake 1 year ago
      • Yes, I have absolutely experienced writer's block. For me, what helps is stepping away and finding inspiration in music or other media which resonates with the emotional feel I am seeking.
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      • O.R. Flake O.R. Flake 1 year ago
      • I would tell myself to keep writing and not to be afraid of trying. Succeed or fail, not trying is the worst I could do to myself. Never let your imagination grow stagnant. Embrace it and let it blossom.
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      • O.R. Flake O.R. Flake 1 year ago
      • I have had the desire to write since I was young, but it was only in the past couple of years that I have really begun to embrace that desire. The spark which got me back on my passion was the birth of my daughter. I read to her every day and the light I see in her eyes reminds me of my own excitement with embracing stories.
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