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Patrick Whalen

Patrick Whalen


Patrick Whalen

Professional iPhone 13 Photography & Photo Printing Specialist plus Customized Framing and more.

Published 3 Amazon Learning book series called “ Digital Mindset Making Time Count, Digital Mindset 2 PowerPoint Starters Guide Photo Lessons, and my third called Digital Mindset 3 All-in-One Photography Handbook all in paperback plus Kindle Edition E-Books .

Patrick has been recording notes across various mediums for 44 years, including art pads, sticky notes, memos pads, advertising, flyers , web blog , journals, and social media comments.

He has won 12,000 Photography Awards plus has 276 professional photographers monitoring his every posts daily on ViewBug daily and weekly.

Patrick believes that computers and printers can be utilized to perform extraordinary tasks, thereby elevating one’s skills to the highest level.

Patrick Whalen's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Patrick Whalen not listed on AllAuthor.

(2) $9.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Digital Mindset 3: All-in-One Photography Handbookby Patrick WhalenPublish: Nov 16, 2024Advice & How To General Nonfiction
(2) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
DIGITAL MINDSET: MAKING TIME COUNTby Patrick WhalenPublish: Sep 23, 2021Advice & How To
DIGITAL MINDSET 2: PowerPoint Starter's Guide Photo Lessons
$6.83 kindleeBook, Paperback,
DIGITAL MINDSET 2: PowerPoint Starter's Guide Photo Lessonsby Patrick WhalenPublish: Jun 10, 2023Advice & How To

Patrick Whalen Interview On 08, May 2023

"Patrick Whalen is a noble father, an excellent husband, a new writer author, Graphic Designer, and a positive computer coach for seniors His first book, DIGITAL MINDSET is an all-in-one user-friendly book to get people started in learning the digital age to make life more rewarding. Whether writing for a niche audience or a broad readership, Patrick has the ability to engage and inspire your audience, leaving a lasting impact with his words."
What is your strongest memory, as a child, of your parents and what were you all doing at the time?

One of biggest days was me and my dad went duck hunting for the first time on Moira River just north of Belleville, Ontario.

My real story why this memory as a 18 year old which I will never forget. “ It was just before dawn or sunrise we where watching the sky and water for ducks! When suddenly the sky grew black for of duck’s me and my dad starting shooting which both our hearts where racing we never hit one single duck over 100 ducks which made us very mad and sad, which was our first real duck hunt as father and son one day on the Moira River early morning.

Do you remember the first story you read and its impact on you?

I can not remember the first story, But, I can tell you a real story from a book called: “Notes from a Friend by Tony A. Robbins where he added a real short story that motivated me to find my first job back in 1997 when I was out of a job by the Ontario Provincial Government back in 1995.

Here is the story that I remember and really open my mind as a writer and but the true dedications that a man can go through and ended up a millionaire because he had a plan a system which made billions. Here I is the story: “KFC older man on security pension who had a chicken receipe which he cooked over 1000 times plus to make small samples for restaurants and small business to sample to sell and prepare chicken everyday with a superior tastes. Cornal Sanders did this over and over 1009 times which lead to a super BIG yes! Which made it a great franchise today. {So, I did my resumes over 1000 times which lead to a full -time job where I worked with Halla Climate Control at start and retired 2022 when It was called Hanon Systems Canada today.} I put in 24 years in as a Hanon Systems Auto Assembly worker.

What encouraged you to finally publish your first book?

Back in 2020 the covid 19 hit which forced me into uneploymment for 3 month, so I decided to occupy my my time in writing my first computer book so I ordered PUBLISHED by Chandler Bolt which I read 3 times over and saw his techniques really work when you do 15 minute none stop typing or writing you never stop texting out words on the keyboard which lead to over 1000 words on the word count in 15 minutes.

All Chandler tips worked so I keep researching his YouTube videos and webs links.

My passion was to write my first book to help people educate themselves daily in the digital worlds we live in and where in a locked down environment.

What is the best way to learn graphic design? What are some good sources on the web?

First of all I have been interested in Graphics back in 1997 when I took up-graded Computer Software and Business Office Software like Office 2000.

Coral Draw was my first encounter with graphics and was hooked for over 25 years now none stop.

My first Graphic Software was Paint Shop Pro which is still my main graphic software application today. Since then I have studied Adobe Illustrator and Adobe suite and watch all YouTube videos on logos, vectors, png files, tiff and videos files and much more.

Best research is YouTube Videos you can learn anything.

What inspired you to write the book, DIGITAL MINDSET: MAKING TIME COUNT?

I have been interested in computers all my life and I see all the wonderful things anyone can do with them with the right mindset and positive attitude. Windows environments and software upgrades plus digital devices always came easy to me because I have a strong passions to use them right and be more efficient such as PowerPoint software which is my main professional interest to educate people who need professional skills now.

My first book is a all-in-one user friendly book to get people started in learning the digital age to make life more rewarding.

What does it mean to have a digital mindset?

Everything I do is digital mindset: Technology, Web Browsers, Downloading, Up-loading and file management and much more. {My Sub-Title: Making Your Time Count in 24 hours!}

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?

Since I lost my wife on December 22nd from a heart attack I had to get another cell phone so I bought IPHONE 13 in Belleville and have over 5500 images plus 1200 videos and still growing every hour. Every night I use my IPHONR to print wifi images to my HP Printer where I am developing my glossy photo prints to sell on the web and KIJIJI Website on my photography and framing skills to raise a passive income to pay for wife’s funeral expenses since I am a widow senior at age 66 on starving pension per month that will not feed hummingbird.

I never get bored because I can web search , do my Instagram Reels which is another computer hobby where I have 1500 Instagram reels plus FaceBook reels which have 20,000 watchers and followers of my skills online daily.

How do you keep in touch with your readers and fans?

Have lots on Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and use messenger both Linkedin and Facebook Mesenger on a daily and weekly basis.

Are you friends with other authors? If so, how have they helped you in your journey as a writer?

On my WIXSITE have two Authors on my WEB BLOG on authors real stories and couple more on Facebook and Messenger.

Their real personal stories and how they over- come obstacles and never gave up their passion in writing and creating things with their hands and mind.

Which one do you prefer - hardbacks, paperbacks, or eBooks?

Tell you truth I love both paperback and Kindles E-books which I haved download free copies to my digital library that I can read from my couch or anywhere which portable and very efficient tool.

Do you think that companies with a digital mindset in the next decade will be successful?

Yes, I have used LINKEDIN site for 5 years now and I have seen lots of growth, changes and finding on surveys people will not say one text word or positive feedback to help writers or authors on a positive success story that they can build on!

What are your thoughts on the common mindset that digital art isn't real art?

Over the past 25 years I have created vector art, graphics, signs, posters, web banners, art stories and now using my YouTube channel to grab subscribers to learn profile editing with PowerPoint Software. I use the syntax word for ART – Positive Attitude, R- Good responses only and last T- Talents,Tools, Tips, Techniques, Trying, Testing and last tell your story to all.

What are you currently working on? When can we expect a new book?

PowerPOINT for Learners guide in 30 days with super print out every time. {Cover both Windows environments and WIFI success stories in 5 minutes in color or black ink.

Planning to have it available for launch in JULY with any luck!

$25.99 paperback and Kindles $9.99 CANADIAN Amazon.ca and .com

How were you first introduced to AllAuthor? Do you have any feedback?

Other others who showed me the great mock-ups which use in ads over 1000 plus since 2021,2022 and 2023.

Your Website is amazing and you have a superior service for all authors in Canada or United States.

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      • Patrick Whalen Patrick Whalen 1 year ago
      • Writing things all ways came natural to me and have written things on paper over 44 years. I am a constant thinker on paper and always exploring opportunities that will utilize all my graphic abilities and my PowerPoint abilities to show off all my creative skills and techniques that will help people develop their portfolios and artistic talents that they want to show the world what expe and great talents they developed over a lifetime of Learning and self- practice daily and hourly.
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