Since how long have you been living in Virginia?
I was born, raised, and currently live in Virginia.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Keeping on point and not let my enjoyment of writing get too wordy.
Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?
No, I don’t remember the first story I ever read, but it was probably from the Dick & Jane series.
If you would've followed your childhood dream, then what would be your career right now?
How did you begin writing the book, The Last Stop? Were there alternate endings you considered?
I began writing The Last Stop as though I was writing in my journal. I did not purposefully set out to write a book. Because my book ends with my son’s death, there was always just one ending. However, it was important that my reader come away with an understanding that there are alternative endings, especially recovery, for others under similar circumstances.
If you had to switch places with another author who would you switch places with?
An author with a marketing manager!
What have you learned about yourself since you became an author?
Writing The Last Stop meant coming out of my shell about my son’s addiction, which helped lift the weight of fear and shame that I carried from the time I learned about his addiction.
What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
Writing is easiest for me first thing in the morning. I usually walk with my dog in the early afternoon, and I may continue writing or work on other projects until it’s time to start dinner.
How do you handle literary criticism?
I learn from criticism and then remind myself that not everyone is going to like what or how I write.
What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the publishing journey?
Favorite part is the writing process – writing what, when, and how I want – least favorite, marketing.
Have you ever found a typo in a published book?
Too often.
How often do you read?
Every day.
What would you say is the most difficult part of being an Author?
Because the Last Stop is a memoir where personal information previously kept secret is now shared, it’s difficult to know how to respond when people tell me they are reading my book.
What are you currently working on?
Compiling poetry written over the years with short stories, but most of my time is spent learning about and setting up marketing for The Last Stop.
What has been your experience working with AllAuthor?
I knew nothing about marketing before The Last Stop was published. Finding AllAuthor has been a great help maneuvering through book marketing, networking with other authors, learning about the publishing business, and promoting my book. I especially like that AllAuthor provides creative banners and social media posts. Definitely recommend!