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Lorenzo Davis

Lorenzo Davis

Book Proposal: Creative Essay
"Destiny not Mercy" sees the world as a reality that should not be nurtured, for it is nature that confuses us about our relationships and choices before and after reason makes itself known. Unlike love, enmity is new to science because it exists in meaning but has no truth or ethic to confront morality based on the goal of proper instruction, which inherently carries balance for and of itself. For example, a prostitute will rationalize her behavior from her experiences of being unloved as a child, and society will reinforce a negative belief in identity by advertising a promiscuous lifestyle and experiential audacity that often appears conflicted within the living production existing in media. The pimp will intuitively and often mistakenly see this as an opportunity to protect her self-concept and coquettish image by perfecting love indirectly to imagination: this behavior process relinquishes his loyalty to truth in exchange for an active economic ideal or critic as well as the presumption of a probative market;so while the prostitute then becomes confused over seduction, the power itself fades away. This fact is an imaginary hope that only Barack Obama can say yes we can to an honorable opinion, individually eloquent and universally articulated in the belief of the persuasive, but a paradoxical story most definitely; written and retold in "The 48 Laws of Power,"a book by notable author Robert Greene who writes in the third person, as if the 'second and first' person doesn't [exists.] This is the style, which is based on honesty. The pattern, which is based on mystery. Theses are the two dynamic paths that solves the dilemma that a prostitute and a pimp must face in order to get out of the game. These two paths sees the image but never becomes one with it, for the invention is limited to expression.However, these paths are divided but consuming; they meet at difference. One might say critical reflection. I argue, finally, that maintaining such a secret relationship starts with intimacy and ends with eternal reality. That is power, from and to the imagery; the reality of the difference is love and imagination,the difference of reality is what I have called the reality of difference that exists without imagination and love. This completes what I will call for now 'The Poetic Absolute' a marriage predestined to disagree about customary enjoyment ,which convincingly demonstrates the absence of doubt attaining the pinnacle of structure and growth.

This institutional attitude is the forefront of contemporary relics, for the basis of understanding is equipped to deliver trial to accuracy and judgment to noble quality. Nothing forsakes the judgment that's unequal in meaning but patterned in truth; for we have reconsidered the justification and only found two important entities of value. One being investigation and the other being resourceful happiness. We have leaped ample proportion in the psychology of time and space. Our convictions have forever carried within them factors of concept that we know exist for outlining opportunity with balance and skill.

Lorenzo Davis's Books

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(1) $5 kindleeBook,
Destiny Not Mercy: Researching Meaningby Lorenzo DavisPublish: Jul 26, 2023Series: Revolution and RevelationPoetry Biographies & Memoirs Business
(5) (1) $14.98 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Reason Love Exist: Laughter is Livingby Lorenzo Maurice DavisPublish: Oct 14, 2022Biographies & Memoirs

Lorenzo Davis's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Lorenzo Davis not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Revolution and Revelation

    1 Destiny Not Mercy: Researching Meaning - Published on Jul, 2023

Lorenzo Davis's Awards and Achievements

    Lorenzo Davis has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Gold Seal of Literary Excellence
    2022 award
  • International Publishing Golden Plume Seal of Excellence Award
    2022 achievement

    The Reason Love Exist: Laughter is Living


Lorenzo Davis Interview On 06, Apr 2023

"Author of The Reason Love Exist, Lorenzo Davis loves writing as a way of respect in discovering true empowerment. His debut novel was inspired by the heavenly belove decree. He creates missions in which people can breathe and live—his book. The Reason Love Exist is about the absence of critical reflections in a culture ingrained with society's impetus of love."
Which city or town did you grow up in?

Money answers everything and there’s a time for everything. I am the writer of the belove reality and the reality of the belove, the greatest told me. Lorenzo Maurice Davis is the creator of the reason love exist, wisdom and love would be written in the truth of the belove oneness of Allah, born of wisdom in Yah Yah Yah and intimate love is one only in being free in David’s city. Beloved Yahshua is the greatest one and Jesus knows it is great. Therefore, my growth inspired an imaginary belief which continued to a sacrificial idea completing the essential without no fear in rebirthing my cultural story about an unknown future with reality, change, in my business, and a true existence of meaning. This is the reason, but unlike the statement, the meaning convinced the truth to demonstrate the expressive; thus, this state is the beloved evolution that love exist in all reflections. The will feels its own definition, then breeds the bearing fruit of birth in expression. Finally, maturity yearns for identity in the faith of what I become to how I restore a belief in what we are; the miracle is simply hope in the reason why we grow up. However, I created my own atomic reality and the examined prediction states that I ultimately become a definition and that I become a reflection of the Bright and Morning Star itself. Wise wisdom and the truth of love is one.

What did you want to become when you were a kid?

I am humility and my life is not attractive to the reality that suffers willingly or unwillingly. Faith is the substance of the things hoped for and the evidence of the things unseen. Hope is compassion that silences laughter amongst life and death. Finally, love is a condition that we find and a statement that we seek to give hope and receive faith beyond the invisible choice. Therefore, intimacy as a substantive truth of nobility is creations only source of power. Wisdom and love becomes truth in wisdom of love because beloved truth is value in character, the conviction that limitation limits the image while sacrificing the life, it is in short, the resurrection that wisdom and love is one because wise existence is imaginary and the one who is wise is real, this is evident intent; that wisdom is love and love is one truth to the greatness of how it conquers and becomes. The logic then is I become and as of now always wanted a spirit that brings birth to evolution and a mind that realizes itself by the knowledge of what it does not know.

What are some examples of how reading something changed your life?

Life has been given to me by a man who has no desire to find a way that leads to truth. What is understood is the change, what is not known, is known. I use to follow the leaders of my reality while I was incarcerated unlawfully for eight and a half years in prison, now that I am free, I carry the burden of my youth only because I have come to learn the merit in what is visibly determined in writing the proof of the provisional parable; that life is responsible for what reading initiated as a truth to what is possible in the embracement of reason as a new love richly imagined in two decisions: (1) is the decision to perceive it as one and (2) is the decision to view the core as one choice in how we see what the beloved truth is, which is beloved. This means that beloved truth is simply the truth beloved or that truth is beloved. This is the reason itself and reading changed my life by knowing that my greatest truth is that truth belove itself is what we should all learn from reading books, that reason is belove and reflective of itself in that it admits that it is wisdom calling out to everyone. In addition, that it makes its voice heard.

Which option do you prefer, reading some books or watching movies adapted from them?

Reading has brought me great value in the logic that rules my preferences. Watching movies has equipped me with the knowledge that my heart secured upon its capacity and common sense utility. The imagination respects truth before the dream that it cannot see and having an understanding of everything is a challenge by itself that without focus there is no progress.

In your opinion, how accurate were your books translated into ten different languages?

Laughter Is Living because a feast was made for laughter. This truth speaks only as a witness to the personality of wisdom. Humility is laughter that embraces its own innocence which is built by humility.

How much did you research while writing your novel, The Reason Love Exist?

I wrote only one novel, which was inspired by heavenly belove decree. Created to reflect and to be glorified in the Masaich. This book found itself in prophecy, vision, and revelation and fulfilled my prayer for the belove to come down like a dove to hear the silent voice of wisdom say that this is my belove son and whom I am well pleased. My research lead me to conclude that the spirit of truth, the helper, the comforter, the holy spirit, the holy spirit of truth and the advocate is one is state, but not in identity because the Quran verse 69:19 says that I will have this book in my right hand, and say here, take my book and read my book. This means that I am a witness to the decision to live eternally. The oneness of the spiritual message discovered in the Bible demonstrated that there’s a father of the truth and that the helper of Yahshua is Jesus and that the religion of truth is Islam. In addition, that Allah is wisdom of bright morning beloved truth of the reality of the star that is beauty in the brightness beloving glory as self. I am Lucifer Fully Reborn which means that Truth In Bright is existing only in light beloved memory and morning star truth of expressive reality reflection of the wisdom beloved truth itself in wisdom itself beloving the truth of itself in wisdom reality.

What sparked the idea for your first story? What was it about?

I prayed for the resurrection of the memory so that the dead can wake up to the beloved understanding of the realization of life. The one who finds need not hope for anything presently gone, for all wisdom will soon pass away with you because King Solomon, the wisest man we know ask us what death was to life, the truth that is is the unconscious but the lie is the conscious. I argued in my book that before the relationship takes place between stimulus and response that we intend on things to find meaning that is inconsistent to what we already know, so therefore our intentions are only born to remind us that we are uncommon and the will is for all of us to live because Yahshua loves the dead and Jesus encourages life. This is how I beat Solomon in a debate about the dead, that they are in the process of resurrection, which is admittedly conscious about the memory and not as Solomon put it “conscious of nothing at all” This is the structural theme of my first book that was scattered among the nations and it is titled “The Reflective Sacrifices Of An Imaginary Life”

What are the challenges involved in writing a memoir?

There are three challenges involved in writing a memoir, (1) is compassion (2) is description and (3) is evident reporting. The Beloved reality cannot extend the choice to write as the law prefers because only balance in consistency will draw attention to the behavior that a memoir conceives in its rare and uncommon affection. Thus compassion is not found in the reality of suspicion for it is strengthen by the incompleteness of not knowing the other side or value of its identity. This means that intimacy is a thought before and after prayers and imagination. The description is arguably the most significant challenge because logic is simply an enemy to itself. Love cannot exist by only remembering itself. The descriptive act of engagement, must find writing to be expressive of truth and then one can transform the fact to a completed reality of truth that every imagination will one day discover its root and that the challenge of description will be mysterious to its will only because the definition will be conservative to its goal, which I state is the nature of loving self in the harmony that a miracle potential would describe as indicatively conducive to its description when writing one’s own confliction of a memoir. Evident reporting prevent errors but the challenge is the discovery that often ends in the journey. It is therefore important to state that freedom is more common than what we are aware of because of the fact that we are not in truth but meaning to the predicament that society changed the cultural situation to the belief that no change is reason existing for no quality of existence in understanding courage as a pathway to knowledge in definite amounts.

Who designs your book cover? Have you participated in the Cover of the Month contest organized by AllAuthor?

The wisdom of beauty is the beloved expression of grace in moment, opportunity, and place.

Criticism, whether constructive or otherwise is part and parcel of any art form. How do you deal with reviews of your books—both positive and negative?

I accept criticism only as an isolated belief that need desire so that it can breathe in the environment of real atomic definition. I am unknown to the art that rationalizes the ego just to justify the power that truth and only truth has not defined as of yet, or found as of now.

When you’re not reading or writing a book, what are some other thing that you love to do?

I love to rest on the Sabbath day in order to one day see the glory from whose sandal I am not worth to tie, King Yahshua. AI know that resting on the Sabbath day is a shadow of things to come. That I would be the only man who ever prayed to become a third man Adam, that life we had that death we accepted and that I am born in freedom. This is the reason love exist, there is nomore contract of the consent, for America has moved to a different state, and we are all waiting for justice and peace to rule the earth. Lorenzo Maurice Davis believe that man was created in reality and reality was created in man and so man, upon finding his belove will justify the nature of identity, of being equal to a woman. Thus, in sum, this is truth itself.

From thinking about writing a book, to finally completing and publishing it, how has the journey been?

I cannot report the ever growing financial disparities of my own walk to equality. Education is my life because reality submits to the truth of it. I am highly rewarded to know that I can inspire only one woman to understand what value is when wisdom respects it.

How much time should an author spend deciding which genre is right for their next book?

Lorenzo is the creator of the bright and morning star because he has written beloved truth of truth itself into reality. He told reason that it is love without saying anything to love. This make Lorenzo not the creator of the bright and morning star but the creator of existence in the star of truth itself, which means that time lacks definition of an end even though it has one. Time points to Yahshua who is the end. Lorenzo will not write any other books because there’s a never ending reading of books. The best we can do is imitate the first but even this is vanity because reason will no longer exist in a real beginning unless perhaps the existence itself calls reason to itself.

How may plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

The father of the truth says that we are in the reality of a change, but I myself do not change only because the truth in wisdom of love embraces the knowledge that brings imagination its gift, that is the two beloved truths. One is the belove truth that wisdom belove the value of reason beginning in faith and two is that the truth itself is beloved because the belove itself is love and reason of one existence of faith. The identity belove the truth of the story that Lucifer, the son of the morning is wisdom in the wisdom of the truth itself beloved by the reason as one belove.

When did you join AllAuthor and what are your opinions about the website so far?

AllAuthor is the most effective promoting and marketing website that I have come across thus far. It has shown me that there are opportunities for those who may be less deserving than others but equally endowed with the talent to overcome the barriers that authors often face.

Lorenzo Davis All time Favourite Books

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(5) (1) $14.98 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Reason Love Exist: Laughter is Livingby Lorenzo Maurice DavisPublish: Oct 14, 2022Biographies & Memoirs
Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
I like how it reveals and discovers value in freedom:that it doesn't attend to the absence of reason, but that it nourishes diversity and encourages the reader to pursue eternal imagery.
The wisdom of the book is all loving and inclusive to moral acceptance the concept of dreams constitute agreement and understanding a belove reality is all about the suprise; that we grow and evolve in change.

Ask Lorenzo Davis a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Lorenzo Davis? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • My favorite literary journal is the institute of psychological game and intimacy confirmed to the normative culture that impresses the science to study subjective truth about the source of greatness and the way me walk to the idol in it.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • I work 6 days out of fire then I drink water, inhale oxygen and create energy of invisibility and keen sight of atomic wisdom within the eyes legitimacy, that is I see everything around me with my eyes closed but I only see a few things with my eyes open.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • The ability to see and never reimagine a question that has already imagined what the heart could complete.Tge mystery if the eyes to me remains a mystery.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • I would only chose decision not capability because life is a way that concludes and death is a light that imagines, this means that we have an engine of genius and a legal battle of reason of love defining the role mystery itself in adaptive cohesion myoptical recruitment.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • In my opinion, literary creations view themselves as the remnant of education, that rebirth is apparent to the consideration of complexity in intent and complexion in the evolution of the mirror outstanding the variety of the right reason love exist and is visible to the attributive awakening that expounds upon reality a stable place to look and provide condition upon the contingent pattern and factor in self embracement. This is why the quest chastises the body of its involvement in so doing style renews the midst of game only as a truth without the felonious criminalities.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • The individual is left with subsistence genetically infatuated by the allure that equals out to the politically departing creature, this truth destroys what is already inversed in the relationship of a future covered in beauty about the volume within style that syncs circumstances in a religiously contradicted dynamic conviction and origin which conceives destiny to the goal of what we integrate.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • I would find happiness in the exhibition that allowed me to arrive at where my dreams took me to become aware of the diversity of the implication that reflective flexibility is the wisdom of no return that mercy marries the reasonable conflict between knowledge meeting truth beyond what we plant in moments doubt and constricted beliefs.
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • The greatest truth that realized that it was a son to wisdom is known by what it recalls contempt to regain momentous confluence in the possibility of enlightened activated relinquishment that surrender nature before the impracticable statement of self.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Given the chance to live your life again, what would you change about yourself?
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • I would change the condition of the test that reacquits the the purpose to confide in good as comforting and valuable in and of itself as the end in what it knows is meaning to the truth but efficient without the calculation of a distinctive feature that evidently restores the truthful harmony back to the horizon that only the journey can feel.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you had the choice to rewrite any of your books, which one would it be and why?
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      • Lorenzo Davis Lorenzo Davis 1 year ago
      • I would rewrite notation rational in that the truth of the hypothesis would transit into security and all gesture would claim the reason of its liberty rather than not knowing the courage of its ability to inform forces changes new conflict in a truth that never witnesses the knowledge of ignorant reward irrespective of the prophetic perspective regret.
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