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Raelynn Rose

Raelynn Rose

Author of many books

Raelynn Rose's Books

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$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
Belated Omega : An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance (Romegaverse Book 1)by Raelynn RosePublish: Aug 18, 2023Series: RomegaverseParanormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
They Love Me Knot: An Omegaverse Romance (Romegaverse)
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
They Love Me Knot: An Omegaverse Romance (Romegaverse)by Raelynn RosePublish: Sep 15, 2023Series: RomegaverseParanormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
Love, Knot War: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance (Romegaverse Book 3)
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Love, Knot War: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance (Romegaverse Book 3)by Raelynn RosePublish: Oct 20, 2023Series: RomegaverseParanormal Romance Romance
Knot All It Seems: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance (Romegaverse Book 4)
$4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Knot All It Seems: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance (Romegaverse Book 4)by Raelynn RosePublish: Nov 30, 2023Series: RomegaverseRomance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica Fantasy
$5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Say It: An Omegaverse Why Choose Enemies to Lovers Romance (Shadowverse Book 1)by Raelynn RosePublish: Apr 25, 2024Series: ShadowverseParanormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
Knot on Your Life: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance plus MPreg (Romegaverse Book 5)
$5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Knot on Your Life: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance plus MPreg (Romegaverse Book 5)by Raelynn RosePublish: Jan 19, 2024Series: RomegaverseParanormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica
Big Knot Energy (Shadowverse Book 2)
$5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Big Knot Energy (Shadowverse Book 2)by Raelynn RosePublish: Aug 06, 2024Series: ShadowverseParanormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Dark Romance & Erotica

Raelynn Rose's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Raelynn Rose not listed on AllAuthor.

Ask Raelynn Rose a Question

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    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
    • Congratulations, Raelynn Rose!

      I'd like to extend my warmest congratulations on the release of your new book, "Knot All It Seems: An Omegaverse Why Choose Romance"! It's exciting to see the fourth installment of the Romegaverse series hit the shelves.

      I'm particularly drawn to the premise of an Omegaverse Why Choose Romance, which promises a complex and intriguing narrative. How did you come up with this idea, and what inspired you to create the world of the Romegaverse?

      I'm also curious about the themes and character dynamics in "Knot All It Seems". Can you tell me more about the protagonist's journey and the relationships they form with the other characters?

      What do you hope readers will take away from "Knot All It Seems", and what's next for you in terms of writing projects?

      I wish you all the best with your book and look forward to hearing more about your future projects!

      Best regards,
      Lisa Deborah
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        • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
        • Ha ha, no alien or robot here! I'm a human writer, and I'm thrilled to be connecting with you about your new book, "Knot All It Seems"!

          To prove my humanity, I'll share that I'm a book lover who's passionate about supporting fellow writers and discovering new stories. Your Romegaverse series has definitely caught my attention, and I'm excited to learn more about your writing process and inspiration.

          Now, about that book... I'm still curious about the world of the Romegaverse and the themes you explore in "Knot All It Seems". Would you be willing to share more about your protagonist's journey and the character dynamics in the book?

          Looking forward to hearing back from you, Raelynn!
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