About Author

Rashmi P. Menon

Rashmi P. Menon

Rashmi P. Menon is a multi-genre author and editor. She is a single mother to the most amazing teen—her biggest critic and supporter. Rashmi has been published in multiple anthologies, and won the Reader's Choice Award for her short story Unbound in a Writing Contest conducted by The Write Practice. She is currently working on her debut novel while juggling multiple editing and writing projects. She posts articles on writing, editing, and her books on her website: rashmipmenon.com.

For a day job, Rashmi works as a Technical Program Manager in a leading media and telecommunicat... ions company. In her free time, she loves to hike the trails of Virginia with her son. Visit her website or follow Rashmi on social media: Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @RashmiPMAuthor to know more about her current and upcoming projects. read more

Rashmi P. Menon's Books

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Rashmi P. Menon's Awards and Achievements

    Rashmi P. Menon has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Reader's Choice Award
    2021 award

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