Rex ShadesEagle, as he is known by today, has lived an amazingly blessed and gifted life. From humble beginnings in NJ to his current home in CO, Rex has lived a very unconventional , often difficult, yet exhilarating life. He was an active on again off again, more on then off, drug addict from 12 to 39, Heroin being his drug of choice. He is a child abuse/molestation survivor, a gang rape survivor, a 27 yr addict with 8yrs clean, a sobriety mentor, a Spiritual Life Mentor, an Urban Shamen, a Psychanaout and Psychadelic Vision Quest Guide.
He resides, usually, at his organic farm, “Barefoot Heathen Omstead” with his Beautiful wife Reina, his daughter and all of their amazing dogs in Fort Garland, CO, where he can be found writing or Homesteading.
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