Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?
I was born in San Francisco and attended Catholic school. I especially loved playing baseball.
What hobby do you miss most from your childhood? Why?
I miss baseball. At 80 years of age, I'm unable to play.
How did your childhood influence your current attitude towards work ethic?
My parents were too poor to give me an allowance. I started delivering newspapers at age 10 to earn money.
What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?
My dream was to become a professional baseball player, but I didn't grow big and strong enough.
Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?
My wife, Janelle, is the biggest supporter of my writing.
What sparked the idea for your book, In The Shadow of an Irish God?
I wrote "In the Shadow of an Irish God" to explore what might have happened to my spiritual life had I come under the influence of a thoughtful, intelligent mentor during my early teens -- someone who could help me get over my religious fear.
How do you view e-books? Do you see it as a stepping stone for new writers or as a detrimental move that will trap them among the great mass of other e-books?
I love ebooks. As a reader because they allow font changes. As a writer, I'm all in favor of my story in ebook form.
What are some things every writer should have in their room?
Helpful things in writer's room: a. reliable computer; b. quiet; c. access to coffee; d. good lighting; e. books
What is the best age to write your first book?
Best age to start writing: When a person feels ready. I started writing at 77. I wish I'd started earlier.
What percentage of your daily writing do you end up not using in published works?
Ten to fifteen percent of my writing is separate from manuscript work.
What is the sweetest fan-mail that you have ever received?
Best fan mail: A message from my long-lost nephew praising my work.
Who are some of the lesser known authors you would recommend people to read?
I don't know if she's lesser known, but Octavia Butler is one of the best I've read.
In what ways do you try to better understand the craft of writing?
Micro tension helps me understand how to write better. Make every paragraph, sentence, and word rock and roll.
What are your plans for the future as a writer? Are you working on anything new?
I'm writing a sequel to "In the Shadow of an Irish God," a story in which my characters grow even more vivid.
How long on an average does it take you to promote a book? How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?
I've been promoting my book for about two months., I'm still learning how to use AllAuthor.