About Author

S.G. Blaise

S.G. Blaise

S.G. was born in a faraway land of castles, monarchies and fallen dictatorships, aka Hungary. Hollywood movies were forbidden under Soviet oppression during her childhood, but her dad smuggled them in anyway, risking his life so that his children could experience the
magic and hope inherent in those stories.

She watched rebellions unfold in real time. Journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean for love.

She ended up in sunny California, where she is living her dream — writing stories and annoying family members.

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S.G. Blaise's Awards and Achievements

    S.G. Blaise has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Cygnus Grand Prize for Science Fiction

    The Last Lumenian: Sci Fi Fantasy and Action Adventure of the Rebel Princess named Lilla


S.G. Blaise Interview On 01, Apr 2024

"S.G. is a storyteller with a fascinating journey spanning from the shadow of Soviet oppression in Hungary to the sunlit shores of California. Born in a land of castles and fallen dictatorships, she grew up amidst forbidden Hollywood movies smuggled in by her daring father, igniting her passion for narrative and imagination. She now resides in sunny California, living her dream as a writer while charming and irritating her family with her tales."
Do you mind telling us a little bit about yourself (where you grew up, where you went to school, how many siblings you have)?

I grew up in Hungary, experiencing the second half of Soviet oppression first hand. My Dad rebelled against it in his own way—he smuggled in Hollywood movies that were forbidden, risking his life so that my brother and I could experience the magic inherent in those movies. I had a happy and adventurous childhood, at least in my imagination. As the years passed, I focused more on getting the education I needed for a day job that could support my writing habit.

What are some day jobs you held before you became a full-time writer?

After graduating college, I moved to America. Before I could get a job here I was expecting my son. I didn’t realize I could be a writer until 2012. Writing became my full time job.

When did you decide to become a writer and did your parents approve of this decision?

It was never really a question whether or not I would write sci-fi/fantasy stories. I was always fascinated by magic and space travel. But I think it all started when I had a nightmare at age ten. I was able to take control back and change the ending of the story. When I wrote it down, the nightmare morphed into something that could have been even called entertaining. The next day I read it to my class and they seemed to enjoy it. From that point on I was hooked.

What makes you get out of bed and write every day?

I find inspiration in everyday tasks that help me feel inspired to get up and write each day. My dreams themselves inspire me and have a way of influencing my writing as well. In fact, the primary inspiration for the Last Lumenian series came from a dream.

When did you come up with the idea for "The Last Lumenian"? Did you expect it to become 2020 New York Book Festival Winner?

It started out as a dream during a cross-country European road trip in 2012. As I was writing it down, in the middle of the night with the only illumination coming from my phone, that dream morphed into a story spanning multiple books. I spent over six years developing and rewriting the story until it was ready for publication.

When choosing careers for your characters, what are some things you consider?

When choosing the careers of the characters in my stories, I take into consideration the society, their backstory, and their role in the Seven Galaxies. The combination of the two helps establish what choices they would make in a specific situation and what work they would take part in.

What inspired your Last Lumenian series? What is the connecting link between all of these stories?

Right before we left for a European road trip in 2012, I experienced what felt like a mini mid-life crisis. I knew I was meant to do more, but I couldn’t figure out what. Then an amazing idea came to me, in the middle of the night, when we were in Austria. I wrote it down, with the only illumination coming from my phone. The inspiration for the Last Lumenian series came from that idea that night. The connecting force amongst the series is the Era War, and ensuring the Archgod of Chaos and Destruction does not win.

If you could switch lives with one of your characters for a day, whom would it be?

If I could switch lives with one of my characters for a day, it would be Lilla. I would love to experience what it is like to ride Fearghas on the beaches of Uhna. To wield such legendary magic abilities and meet other characters through her eyes. It would be amazing!

Which of your characters or books embodies you the most?

I would have to say that I share characteristics with all my characters. However, Lilla may embody some of the most with her distaste for seafood similar to myself.

Has there been any point in your life when writing seemed more like a chore than a joy? If so, how did you get over it? If not, do you think you'll ever experience this?

Writing has always been a pleasure for me to partake in. I love the way you can express your feelings and ideas down on paper, regardless of what they may be. If writing ever feels like it is becoming a chore, I would take a break and take part in an activity that keeps my creativity going without writing, like crafts and other fun projects.

Do you ever find yourself forgetting sometimes that your characters aren't real? If you could, which of your characters would you breathe life to?

I forget my characters are only characters sometimes because they mean so much to me and are a part of my everyday life. Thinking about how they would react to task we do and what they would do keeps me inspired to write more of their story. I would love to bring to life my main character, Lilla. Her willpower and force are so inspiring and I would love to meet her in real life.

Have you ever thought of writing a screenplay and making that into a movie? If so, what would the plot and characters be like?

Interestingly enough, I’ve recently been delving into the world of screenwriting! It has been such a thrilling experience to explore this form of writing style. I would love to develop the Last Lumenian into a screenplay.

Do you think that an author can be a bestseller if they don't have a passion for writing?

That’s an interesting question to ask! I think there does need to be a level of passion for writing for a book to become a bestseller. Readers can feel the passion through the author’s work and I feel like that plays a big role in best sellers. However, I’m sure there are best sellers from authors that don’t have a passion for writing. I believe the most prominent component of a best seller is the message behind the book and how it connects with its readers.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on the fifth book in the Last Lumenian series! I can’t wait to share this book with the readers.

When did you join AllAuthor and what are your opinions about the website so far?

I joined AllAuthor about three years ago. I would highly recommend the site to every author and writer out there.

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