About Author

Steve Heiman

Steve Heiman
  • Genre:

    Humor Science Fiction Fantasy
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 2
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 16 August
  • Member Since: Jun 2021
  • Profile Views: 10,128
  • Followers: 102
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon,

Book three is coming!
Oops, Wrong Universe!
Due out summer 2023

I was lucky enough to have fled the big city life at the age of ten to enjoy a healthy country upbringing on a farm. Well, ok, it was my parents who moved, I just tagged along. My parents also got me reading at a young age, and as a bit of a loner, I read a lot of fiction at an early age.

After decades of dreaming about being a novelist, the Covid-19 Lockdown of 2020 became my golden opportunity to actually make it happen. A lifetime resident of the Northwest, I now live in Portland Or, and look fo... rward to a future life in the country with a dog and several cats while writing more zany escapades.

With Help, I Lost My Planet! complete and on the shelves, I am working on the third book of the Gripper series, Oops, Wrong Universe! as well as a new book set in a new world titled The Source of All Magic. Follow me on social media or join my newsletter for updates, sneak peaks and special content.

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Steve Heiman's Series in Order

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  • Jack Gripper Series

    1 Greetings, Planet Earth - Published on Jun, 2021

Steve Heiman Interview On 07, Oct 2021

"A lifetime resident of the Northwest, Steve Heiman is the author of Greetings, Planet Earth. The first adult book he read was The Hobbit at the age of 6 or 7. Boredom during the COVID Lockdown of 2020 motivated him to start writing his own book. Steve knows his art well and grabs his readers' attention with his creative writing style."
What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?

Even as a child I would stop to smell the flowers.

How did you find the courage to flee the big city life at the age of ten?

I was lucky with my choice of parents and they had the good sense to leave Los Angeles when I was young. I was a tag-a-long.

Which was the first book you read and how was it?

The first adult book I read that I remember is The Hobbit at the age of 6 or 7. It was, and is, fabulous! It was that or possibly Be Here Now by Ram Dass at the same age.

What finally motivated you to write your own book after decades of dreaming about writing a book?

Boredom during the COVID Lockdown of 2020 and the desire to be creative and bring a smile to others. On a deeper level, I have always felt books are the ultimate way to share a concept or story and that I have a lifetime of philosophical and creative thoughts I was inspired to share.

Your thoughts on conventional vs. self-publishing? What route did you choose and why?

I chose self-publishing for the following reasons. Allowed me to publish quickly when the market felt ripe for a book such as mine. It allowed me to retain full creative control, though I still had a professional designer and editor for the book. And finally, it retained a larger portion of the royalties for me. But this is something each writer needs to decide for themselves.

How long does it take you to write your first book?

Just under a year.

What was your experience writing and publishing your first book? What was it about, how long did it take to write and publish, and what were some of your best and worst experiences?

I was able to find two other writers in the sci-fi genre, as well as a handful of others, as alpha-readers during the writing process. I had a blast writing this book. There were times it was frustrating to be sure, but overall, it was both fun and certainly improved my writing skills. Still, looking back there are things I would have done differently. Not being able to change certain elements is the worst of the experience.

How much time did spend researching while writing your novel, Greetings, Planet Earth?

I didn't track this, but it did require a lot of research. Certainly more than a hundred hours.

How many books have you planned in the Jack Gripper series?

It is planned as a trilogy.

What is better, writing a blog or writing a book?

A book!

If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?

The Way I See It

How do you explain the reading experience?

I don't. It's different for everyone.

If you had to drop everything right now and write a novel, what would it be about?

The future of humanity and earth

Which is the next book you are working on? Give us an insight into it.

The second book of the trilogy, Help, I Lost My Planet! In the sequel, Jack must cross the galaxy and realize his full potential in order to save galactic culture, while Tanisha must rally the forces back home to keep earth and humanity from disaster.

How were you first introduced to AllAuthor? Do you have any feedback?

From another author. Nope, thanks for sharing literature!

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