About Author

Kevin Albin

Kevin Albin
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: France
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Mountain Guide
  • Born: July
  • Member Since: Jun 2020
  • Profile Views: 12,616
  • Followers: 139
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Pinterest,

Kevin Albin served 25 years with the police in the UK, working on a tactical firearms team and as a hostage negotiator. In 2002, he took a career change, and retrained as an International Mountain Leader working across the globe guiding on mountaineering trips and expeditions.

He has led many trips to the jungles of Borneo, his favourite destination, which have involved education and conservation.
In 2011, he won the Bronze in the Wanderlust Magazine World Guide Awards for his work..

It was whilst working on a corporate training day in London, when he pictured a s... tatue coming to life to give his clients the answer to the clue they were working on. Stonechild grew from there.

His hope is that his writing will continue to spread the word on conservation and the protection of all species.

Stonechild is now out as an audiobook and recently won the Silver in its genre in the BookFest Awards 2024.
Recent review from Literary Titan - "Stonechild isn’t just a book—it’s an experience that lingers in the mind long after the final chapter is done, leaving one eager to explore the messages woven throughout its narrative."
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Kevin Albin's Awards and Achievements

    Kevin Albin has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • BookFest Awards 2024


  • Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction



Kevin Albin Interview On 25, Jun 2021

"Kevin Albin has been an avid fan of Sherlock Holmes from an early age. He used to spend his summer holidays with his grandparents. He joined the police at the age of eighteen years and has served 25 years with the police in the UK. His debut novel, Stonechild, received great attention from adults as well as teenagers. He has always been sporty and active in outdoor pursuits such as mountaineering, water sports, and cycling."
Which is your favorite childhood memory?

I used to spend my summer holidays with my grandparents. My grandmother used to make this amazing, homemade strawberry jam that she would serve on a drop scone. My granddad, who had many jobs, was an inventor, usually of things that never worked. A lovely man who smoked a pipe, and often had small holes in the front of his shirts from the hot-ember pipe burns. He used to hide pennies around their house, which I frantically searched for with him telling me whether I was getting hot or cold in finding them. A lovely way to grow up.

Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?

I don’t remember the first story, but from an early age, I was, and still am, an avid fan of Sherlock Holmes. It’s what enthused me to join the police, to be a detective, and why he is in my novel, Stonechild.

What encouraged you to make a career change in 2002?

This isn’t meant as a criticism, but policing in the UK had been changed by various governmental policies, and I felt that we were no longer serving the public as we should be. I served for 25 years and had just five years left before my pension, but felt that I would sooner leave and try something else. I retrained to become a guide. It was a huge decision that I haven’t regretted.

How did your friends and family react to your first book?

I think in the beginning, they thought it was good, an achievement, something I has been working on for a couple of years so good to get it finished. That changed when they read it and many were really surprised with how good the book is, and they were genuinely very complimentary.

How has been your experience of serving 25 years with the police in the UK?

I joined the police at the age of eighteen years, and immediately found that I was a round peg in a round hole. I loved it. It’s true that it’s a very exciting job, often high Adrenaline and excitement, but it’s also helping people and keeping them safe, and I found that very rewarding. I learned a great deal about team work, leadership and coping with stress and I’ve carried those skills and experiences into everything that I do now.

What made you decide to retrain as an International Mountain Leader working across the globe?

I have always been sporty and active in outdoor pursuits such as mountaineering, water sports and cycling. I was having coffee one morning with my best friend, also a police officer, expressing that I was getting frustrated with work and that I might leave, and without being sure what I would do next. He casually commented that as I like the outdoors, why don’t I become a guide and look after people that way. It was a real light-bulb moment and within the week, I was signed up on my first training course.

Why did you choose the title, Stonechild for your first novel?

An interesting question, Mady. I first had ‘Molly and the Agalmata’. Molly is the main character and she tackles the secret organisation, the Agalmata. I suppose I was trying to capitalise on the Harry Potter titles. As the story grew, I saw a connection forming between Molly and the statues dating back to when she was a young child and toyed with Stonechild. There have been other books with the same title, so I wasn’t completely sure. I then read about Neil Stonechild who was a Saulteaux First Nations teenager who was last seen in a police car with two officers and later found dead from hypothermia. I’m not passing any judgement, I don’t know all the facts, but what a tragic loss of young live. So, I stuck with Stonechild and dedicated the book in his memory.

Who inspired the character of Molly Hargreaves in Stonechild?

When my wife fell pregnant with our son, we talked about names. We decided on Nathan if a boy, and Molly if a girl. Boy or girl, I intended to provide all the possible life-experiences that I could, and have done so with our son. Travel, outdoor activities, nature and conservation as well as learning and being curious. I love being a dad. Molly’s character in Stonechild is how I imagined our daughter might have been.

What is the most ideal ambiance for you to write in?

I can write pretty much anywhere, but I’m probably at my most creative at about four in the morning. So often I have woken with an idea or even been mulling over an idea all night, and then I have to get up to write it down. It has the added benefit of not disturbing anyone else in the house, and early morning is always a beautiful time of the day.

What are some habits that improved the quality of your life significantly?

I can think of daily habits of eating correctly and taking regular exercise, but the habit of caring makes a significant impact on my life. I care about our world, the effect we have on each other, and on nature. This world is unique, as far as we know, and that is an exceptional gift that we must care for. It has become a daily habit to analyse where I am and what I am going to do that day, and to make sure it’s with those things in mind.

What was your reaction when you won the Bronze in the Wanderlust Magazine World Guide Awards?

I felt immensely proud, not just for me, but for my profession as well. That the awards exist, thanks to the support of Wanderlust Magazine, is a great accolade for people who guide and look after others, sometimes in difficult environments. I also saw it as a confirmation that the decision I had made to have a career change, retrain and qualify, had been the right decision for me. It was a memorable ceremony at the Royal Geographical Society in London with the awards being presented by the author, Bill Bryson.

Which has been your most memorable mountaineering expenditure?

There are so many facets to mountaineering: incredible views, challenges and hardship, individual and shared experiences, excitement and peace. I have been blessed with a real richness in my life through the outdoors. If I was pushed for one most memorable experience, I would make mention of a trip on Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, an amazing mountain to climb, and the local guides and porters are truly wonderful people. On this occasion, however, we had a client who fell ill on the summit with a cerebral oedema. In a combined and quick action, she was evacuated and a life was saved. I feel proud of our actions and sometimes reflect on how tragic that could have been.

Why is a trip to the jungles of Borneo your favorite?

My first expedition in Borneo was in 2003, working on behalf of the Royal Society on a tree planting, biodiversity project. We spent three months in the forest and planted 22,000 trees for scientific evaluation. During that time, I felt an intense connection with the forest, the wildlife and the local people. By chance, I was able to stay on for a second expedition where we mapped a little known area, and this too had a profound effect on me. Borneo is an enchanting place, sadly suffering, as with much of the world, with deforestation, animal abuse and environment loss for local people. However, there are some very dedicated people and organisations trying to make a difference. Biodiversity is hugely important for all life and Borneo has lots of it that needs to be protected.

What are your plans for the future as a writer? Are you working on anything new?

I started on the sequel to Stonechild, which is based in America, but as with the first book, I need to be there in order to do the research and to imagine, which of the statues might come to life. Travel is a little tricky at the moment with the pandemic. So, I’ve been writing articles for magazines and online publications. I also have an idea for a book on my experiences as a guide and some of the incidents I have dealt with and how they have influenced me in life. I could do with finding an agent or publisher for that project.

When did you first join AllAuthor and did you join as a free or pro-member first? What are your thoughts on this website?

I joined AllAuthor in 2020, upon publishing Stonechild, initially as a free member but very quickly upgraded to pro-member when I saw all the benefits. For the price, the facilities are amazing, especially the book mockups, which are very cleverly done. There’s also the personal touch in that it feels like a big family. Take this interview as an example. These questions aren’t some stock questions as used on some author interview sites. These have been researched and specific to me. I appreciate that level of engagement.

Ask Kevin Albin a Question

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      • Kevin Albin Kevin Albin 4 years ago
      • My dream goal would be to see some sort of turning point for us human beings. We have an amazing planet, stunning environments, a wonderful provider in Nature and incredible wildlife, and yet we seem to be hell bent in destroying it all. I've worked in many wonderful countries guiding on expeditions and conservation projects, trying to encourage people to see things differently. The reason for writing Stonechild was to reach out to more people. I would love to be able to really make an impact and see some change in us all.
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      • Kevin Albin Kevin Albin 4 years ago
      • It's that golden moment, and often the reason why someone reaches up to select that book from the shelf or to click on its cover in order to explore more. The cover of Stonechild is the statue of Achilles in Hyde Park, London. I spent two weeks in London doing researching my story and took over 500 photos, and this was one of them. As for the title, Stonechild, the main character, 15 year old Molly Hargreaves, has a connection with the statues from something in her past so I liked the sound of that. To add to that, and this may sound odd, but at the same time as choosing a title, I was reading about the tragic loss of life of Neil Stonechild, and maybe a little connection in his memory.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Kevin Albin Kevin Albin 4 years ago
      • I think the old saying of it's a marathon and not a sprint rings true here. I find that in creating characters, they can become part of your daily life, and so you can experience what they go through. Similarly, when it's not quite coming together, this can be stressful as well. I write eco-fiction, which is a way of using my writing to convince people that our planet is important. There is much injustice in the world today and sometimes that can become too much, and I find the need to step away from time to time. Surround yourself with good support would be my advice. Fellow writers are always good to share feelings and thoughts, and support them too.
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      • Kevin Albin Kevin Albin 4 years ago
      • Firstly, I'd clarify by saying I think we all have our own likes and dislikes, and not all writing appeals to all people. For me, writing that creates an emotion, writing that moves me into exploring more, to doing some further research, reading the sequel, sharing with others, that's good writing. There is, of course, the art of writing in the actual style and presentation, but I think most people will relate to that piece of writing that couldn't be put down or you just didn't want it to end.
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      • Kevin Albin Kevin Albin 4 years ago
      • I wish! As I mentioned before, I am hoping that my writing will reach out to others with regards to how we life our lives, and Stonechild is not just about conservation. There is an enormous difference in the impact one can have between those authors, often self-published doing their own promotions, which is where I am now, and those that have broken out into mainstream. That's where I'm aiming to be, so that I can perhaps make a difference.
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