About Author

Susan M Griscom

Susan M Griscom
  • Genre:

    Supernatural Suspense Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Paranormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 23 February
  • Member Since: Mar 2017
  • Profile Views: 37,819
  • Followers: 38
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Join Author's Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest,

Susan Griscom is a Bestselling Author, Amazon top 100, and a Multi-Award winner, she writes paranormal and contemporary romance and is hooked on sexy romances. She's a huge fan of superheroes and bad boys confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers, and abilities beyond the norm mixed with steamy romance, of course.

She loves those days when she gets to sit around in her sweat pants, doing nothing but writing emotionally charged stories about love and romance.

She lives in Northern California in wine country and one of her favorite weekend excursions is wine tasting with the love of her life. Together, she and her romantic husband have five great superhero kids and eight mini-superhero grand kids, so far.

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Susan's Website: http://susangriscom.com
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/susan-griscom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SMGriscom
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SusanGriscom
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Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SusanGriscom

Susan M Griscom's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by Susan M Griscom not listed on AllAuthor.

Bewitched by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 6)
$5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Bewitched by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 6)by Susan GriscomPublish: Oct 27, 2020Series: Immortal Hearts of San FranciscoSupernatural Suspense Paranormal Romance Romance
The Pop Star and the Sheriff - A Christmas Charm: Sexy and Sweet Rock Star Holiday Romance
$0.99 kindleeBook,
The Pop Star and the Sheriff - A Christmas Charm: Sexy and Sweet Rock Star Holiday Romanceby Susan GriscomPublish: Nov 05, 2024Contemporary Romance Romance
Vampire's Touch: Immortal Keeper Vampire Paranormal Romance: Steamy Vampire Romance
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Vampire's Touch: Immortal Keeper Vampire Paranormal Romance: Steamy Vampire Romanceby Susan GriscomPublish: Oct 26, 2021Paranormal Romance Fantasy
Rocked by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 3)
$5.99 kindleeBook,
Rocked by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 3)by Susan GriscomPublish: Jul 27, 2016Series: Immortal Hearts of San FranciscoParanormal Romance

Susan M Griscom's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Susan M Griscom.
** Also, there might be other book series by Susan M Griscom not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Immortal Hearts of San Francisco

    1 Rocked by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 3) - Published on Jul, 20162 Bewitched by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 6) - Published on Oct, 2020

Susan M Griscom's Awards and Achievements

    Susan M Griscom has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Reader's Favorite Silver Medal Winner
    2017 award
  • Rone Award 1st runner up

    Rocked by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 3)

  • Reader's Favorite Silver Medal Winner
    2016 award
  • Rone Award 1st runner up
    2015 award

Susan M Griscom Interview On 12, Jul 2017

"California resident Susan lives joyfully with her romantic husband and is blessed with five great superhero kids & eight mini superhero grand kids. She is an astounding writer of romance and is herself in love with TV shows like Superheroes and charmed. Always imagining of becoming a housewife & a mother she was continuously creating her own stories in her head but never planned to write them and share. She snapped her craze of writing much later but as sooner as better. Her praised writer of romance is Vi Keeland with whom she will love to share the page to write another great story.Characters in her stories appears according to the reader's flavor but everything they do is what Susan wants them to do like she is the ruler of her own universe. She believes that spending money on marketing is worth when its helpful in spreading the product to the worldwide platform and that's exactly what she is attaining from us as she said."
What were some of your aims and aspirations growing up? What did your parents think when you decided you wanted to be a writer?

When I was growing up all I wanted to be was a mommy. Though I was continuously creating stories in my head, I never wrote them down. I never dreamed I could be a writer until much later in life.

What started your obsession with superheroes? Who is your favourite Marvel or DC superhero?

I fell in love with TV shows like, Heroes and Charmed. I'd always loved anything and everything paranormal. I guess I would have to say that Superman is my favorite superhero and always will be. Thor would be a strong second.

What are some fads in the erotic romance genre that annoy you? Inversely, what's one fad that you're totally on board with?

Fads come and go and I think that if an author can catch it in time and jump on, then great. My problem is, I don't catch them in time. I'm always watching to see and if one feels right, I might get on board.

What is your biggest regret as a writer?

Gaining weight. LOL I love what I do. I love creating stories and pouring my heart into my characters, but the time sitting has not been kind to my hips. When I broke my leg last year, it didn't help and it has taken me a while to get back in the right mind frame, so I am working on it.

Have you ever collaborated with other authors? Who is one author you would love to collaborate and write a book with?

I have not, but I would love to. It would be best to find one that wrote in a similar fashion as I do. I wouldn't mind co-authoring a book with Vi Keeland, though I don't really know her personally, but I have read her books and love them.

Do you think Grace's story (getting betrayed by your lover and best friend) from Broken Wide Open, is a common one? What were some emotions running through your head when you wrote this book?

I hope it's not common. Being cheated on two or three hours after the wedding ceremony would really suck. I felt bad for Grace. But I was cheering for her from the minute she walked in on the two. I put myself into her head and had her do what I would have done if I'd been in that situation.

Do you prefer going to the library/bookstore to purchase your books or do you just prefer to download books onto your kindle/computer/phone?

I like to download them. The only hard copy books I have are ones signed by authors that I get at conventions and author signings.

What inspires you? Inversely, what is one thing that always demotivates you?

I get inspired by TV shows, other books, life. Conversations with people. I tend to do a lot of people watching. Reading a bad review usually puts me off, but then at the same time, receiving an email from a fan who loved one of my books always brightens my mood.

What is the best thing about living in North California? If you had a chance to live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?

Where I live, I am about two hours from the ocean and one and a half hours from S. Lake Tahoe, surrounded by many wineries. I love to go wine tasting when time permits. If I could chose a place and move today, it would be anywhere by the ocean. I lived most of my young adult life in Southern California by the beach and would love to get back there. I would choose Bora Bora if I could, but I know that's just a fantasy, so most likely I would love to move back to San Diego where my daughter was born.

Have you ever met anyone like Brodie Beaumont in real life? What do you think it takes for a playboy like Brodie to fall in love and want to settle down?

Most guys that I'd met when I was single many moons ago that were remotely like Brodie Beaumont were unapproachable by me. I guess, if he finds the right girl then that should do it.

Is it harder to write from the point of view of the opposite sex? Is there anyone from the opposite sex whose opinions you ask while writing such a character?

I love writing in the male POV. I make my characters do and say what I want them to say, so it's fun to write them and I can write the most arrogant male or the most perfect male.

The idea of rockstars being vampires, like in your Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Series, is quite intriguing. What brought about this idea? And why San Francisco?

I live two hours from San Francisco and it is a great city. There are many facets to the city and a huge diversity of people. To me Rock Stars seem invincible and untouchable and usually gorgeous, or they seem to be when they are performing. So they seemed to be a great fit for the vampires to be like them.

What is the craziest thing you've ever done to get your book written and published?

Maybe I need to publish more and get crazy. I don't think I've done anything crazy in order to get my book published, so now you've given me incentive to get crazy. LOL

Do you have any funny stories from when you were a newbie author and still learning your way around?

Probably more than I like to think about. I remember thinking that when I uploaded my very first book onto Amazon and Createspace, that people would just automatically start buying it. I had no idea how to market or get discovered, or that I even needed to be discovered. I didn't realize that people weren't just going to buy my book because I wrote one if they didn't know who I was. That's just sad.

Lastly, how would you rate your experience with AllAuthor? Will you be recommending this platform to your author friends?

I think AllAuthor is great and I would certainly recommend them.

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